1. Russia dispelled the myth today that it may join OPEC. Nope. Nada. Not gonna happen. Did anybody really think Russia would tie itself down...

  2. A bit of a head scratcher.  Anyone wish to offer up theories?  This is a bit unexpected. Iranian Tanker Makes Drastic Course Reversal As It...

  3. In support of petroleum and the industry.    https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/05/opinion/fossil-fuel-oil-climate-change.html "The First Step Is Admitting You Have a Problem What my time working on a North Dakota oil patch...

  4. So, no need for me to launch into my ad nauseum comments about how I expect oil prices to recover shortly, that $80 oil [Brent]...

  5. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  6. Since I have been trapped by investing in OIL trade, I care about oil trend as much as what should I cook my daily...

  7. EPA penalties were significantly less this last fiscal year, partially under Trump administration. To be fair, part of it was under Obama and part...

  8. Exxon Mobil says it signed a preliminary deal to build a multibillion-dollar petrochemical complex and invest in a liquefied natural gas terminal in China, despite trade...

  9. Top Oil Traders See 2020 Prices Stuck in the $50s   (Bloomberg) -- As the oil industry’s top executives gathered in London for one of the...

  10. More US sanctions for Russia as geopolitical tensions rise but oil flows stronger than ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_yG4ey9Jw4

  11. What is most important factor for oil rate???

  12. Total’s CEO names his top risk for oil markets – and it’s not what you think Setting aside the clickbait headline, I think the Middle East...

  13. Engineers convert old oil rigs into wave energy sites I applaud everything that reduces waste of any sort.  Well done, Eni.

  14. I was a little young, but all my family worked in either production or downstream. In the early 80's, the price per bbl was trading...

  15. La pérdida del el gas

  16. The wailing and gnashing of teeth from the anti-oil industry should be amusing. And time for a happy dance party to celebrate what looks to...

  17. Last week, the UN Security Council unanimously voted in favor of the resolution to introduce new sanctions against North Korea for its continuing ballistic...

  18. Once oil prices recover a bit to more sustainable levels, I'm guessing that some investors will be hesitant to invest in fracking operations that...

  19. Barkindo is planning to have dinner with U.S. shale company executives on Monday in Houston.  I'm less excited about the news of this, and more...

  20. After a three-year delay caused by political paralysis in January Lebanon re-launched first licensing round for exploration and production rights in five blocks (1,...

  21. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/joe-dancy-8069637_bakken-ugcPost-6573709566205321216-kGz0 How many refineries can handle this light API-43?

  22. Permian – update through June 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions...

  23. In Britain, Europe’s biggest gas market, gas for immediate delivery rose 35% to 92p per therm, its highest level for four years. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-12/u-k-gas-surges-after-explosion-in-austria-tightens-supply

  24. Former executives from oil Royal Dutch Shell and Eni are to be tried on charges of aggravated international  corruption for their role in a...

  25. UAE energy minister says doesn't see requirement for earlier than scheduled OPEC+ meeting After the gains on Friday, oil is giving a decent amount back today with...

  26. Schlumberger Posts $10B Loss in 2019       was $2.5 billion, a 14 percent sequential decline due to customer budget exhaustion and cash flow constraints. In its North...

  27. What is blue gas dear mates? Have you came across this word?

  28. I'll say it again for dang near the thousandth time in the past 12 months or so ... I expect an average of $70 Oil...

  29. Rumors abound as to where and when Saudi's IPO will be listed.

  30. Oil & gas production data challenge Anyone who has worked with oil & gas data knows that a huge amount of production data is available...