1. IS THIS WHY AFTER 20 YEARS THE U.S. IS STILL IN AFGHANISTAN ?  Will the U.S. expend $Trillions and sacrifice thousands of life's in Afghanistan...

  2. Now a whole aisle in a grocery store in Amsterdam is plastic-free. Trend or fad? https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/28/war-on-waste-plastic-free-shopping-aisle-opens-in-amsterdam-supermarket.html

  3. Aramco IPO on track for 2020-21, says Saudi crown prince I KNOW. Shocking.

  4. Heh heh, Babylon Bee is spot on again with their satire.   In Search Of A Cleaner Fuel, Bernie Sanders Experiments With Burning Giant Pile Of...

  5. All Renewables Hoax in Hawaii LNG would be the best bet for Hawaii if it wants to have clean air. Solar and Wind are eyesores...

  6. Iraq and Iran have agreed to swap up to 60,000 barrels per day of crude produced from Kirkuk for Iranian oil to be delivered...

  7. Canada set to approve hotly-debated pipeline expansion, Trudeau unlikely to benefit Yes, Trans Mountain is one of may favourite discussion topics here and yes, I'm...

  8. Anyone has any idea when the last time oil prices was in the range of $35 to $45 a barrel? Newby on board.

  9. What is the short-term, long-term goals in Oil and Gas Industry?

  10. This week a proposal by a constituent at the National Constituent Assembly created a polemic in the public opinion in Venezuela: create a National...

  11. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/kinder-morgans-trans-mountain-expansion-oil-pipeline-indigenous-op-ed and here I was hoping for mascara tips... l🤪

  12. Vlad doesn't look too happy. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-pollution/putin-backs-state-of-emergency-in-arctic-region-over-fuel-spill-in-river-idUSKBN23A2HL

  13. With all the bullishness raging on in oil now, especially after Libya's pipeline attack that took some 90,000 bpd offline for at least a...

  14. Here are the latest musings from Art Berman.  You may or may not agree with some of the views presentented here, but I definitely recommend taking...

  15. Monthly U.S. crude oil imports from OPEC fall to a 30-year low Monthly U.S. crude oil imports from OPEC fall to a 30-year low Source: U.S....

  16. California governor wants investigation of high gas prices     https://finance.yahoo.com/news/california-governor-wants-investigation-high-003909187.html

  17. I expect US drillers to now increase their drilling budgets nicely for Q1/2 2018. Makes sense if they scaled back drilling budgets when prices...

  18. Hello Gents, First post here, only found these forums a couple of days ago some really insightful posts from people with great knowledge. Looking at other point...

  19.   Nearly all the shut-in unconventional US wells will be back in production in September, according to a report from Rystad Energy. Based on early reports...

  20. My hope for 2018 was an average of $65 oil (Brent). My hope for 2019 is an average of $70 (Brent). These are my own hopes and NOT price...

  21. Do you think that oil and gas production will better after 2019? Why?

  22. New Mexico releases new oil and gas emissions rules, calls for hearing to put into law     https://www.currentargus.com/story/news/local/2020/10/16/new-mexico-releases-new-oil-and-gas-emissions-rules/3669176001/

  23. Hedges that many operators have taken out in search of stability are now eroding profits in the shale patch.  ''WPX Energy, for example, reported an...

  24. Going by how several economies are being run by oil and non-oil producing countries spending a huge chunk of their budget on importing oil...

  25. I call it harvest consumption.  The general public has no idea of the equipment that is mobilized during harvest.  Once a crop has dried...

  26. Colorado Petroleum Council Responds To Broomfield City Moratorium   Broomfield City Council in Bloomfield, Colo., approved a six-month moratorium on new natural gas and oil development...

  27. Hello Any small vertical producers having issues with "frac hits" to their older wells by other companies? I'm in Oklahoma and several friends of mine...

  28. Pozsar Was Right Again: Shipping Costs Soar 82,000% Amid Global Supply Chain Chaos After Ukraine by Tyler Durden Thursday, Jun 23, 2022 - 09:00 PM Several months...

  29. https://www.ft.com/content/b19c9228-545d-11e9-a3db-1fe89bedc16e  In light of Aramco declared as the world's most profitable company in the global economy, is anyone surprised? And what are your thoughts on...

  30. BACKSTORY from November 2017... Talk about Game of Thrones and the last Saudi Purge, get the 10 minute geopolitical video version here as told in...