1. https://www.capitalfm.co.ke/business/2018/06/taxpayers-pay-extra-sh4-4b-revised-oil-pipeline-settlement/ Kenya settled with the oil pipeline contractor, who sued it for yeas of delays. Taxpayers to pick up the tab.

  2. From Wikipedia: Kerogen is solid, insoluble organic matter in sedimentary rocks. Comprising an estimated 10^16 tons of carbon, it is the most abundant source...

  3. Key Industry Projects to Watch Around the Globe in 2019 Oil and gas industry experts make sure to keep a close watch on upstream, midstream,...

  4. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-31/keystone-xl-oil-pipeline-gets-go-ahead-with-tc-energy-decision

  5. TransCanada Corp. has enough customer interest to go forward with the Keystone XL oil pipeline, if the company decides to build it. The Calgary-based company...

  6. The embattled Keystone XL oil pipeline faces yet another delay after a federal judge ordered the Trump administration to conduct a new environmental review...

  7. The U.S. State Department issued an environmental assessment of a revised route for the Keystone XL crude pipeline that concluded it would not harm...

  8. Some meaty reading to sink your teeth into. Yes, I think all of these topics in the title to this thread are related.  As well...

  9. This amusing item was on the BBC site. The police in Scotland did well in stopping the car without injury to anyone or even...

  10. This is about U.S. Shale Oil.  Penned by @Mike Shellman  I recommend reading it, kicking the tires a bit, and mulling over the points made. ...

  11. Well, it looks like the Courts have just handed a rebuke toboth the City of Vancouver and the Squamish First Nations,demolishing their lawsuit to...

  12. I think The Kingdom’s strategy is very simple: Less oil prices + Gain more clients + Happy clients = Tackle U.S. Shale  

  13.  Exports of Kirkuk’s oil will stay at current levels, Iraq’s oil minister told reporters on Wednesday. Minister Thamer Ghadhban said that exports through the Kurdistan...

  14. I'm not endorsing or promoting Knoema, but I do find their oil price trends / data analysis interesting. Crude Oil Price Forecast: 2018, 2019 and Long...

  15. The Oil & Gas industry has been a very important part of the economy for my home state (Colorado) along with the economy of...

  16. Koch Brothers crying about the 25-cent gas tax, saying it would unfairly burden Trump states. Isn't a gas tax a tax on ... well,...

  17. Can't let go of the consumption puzzle ,sorry guys, just trying to understand some data ;). Assume the following formula: Consumption = Production - Exports...

  18. nothing to worry about here, right? I guess the country has frequent cabinet reshuffles http://www.publicfinanceinternational.org/news/2017/12/kuwait-appoints-new-ministers-cabinet-changes  

  19. Just a week after its energy minister said the cut agreement can be extended yet again, now the Kuwaiti petroleum company is saying they...

  20. Better late than never, they say. No one will be left behind in the diversification drive it seems. For now, Kuwait is thinking real...

  21. Kuwait is boosting its production capacity from 3.15 to 4.75 million bpd by 2040. Sounds very ambitious in light of green forecasts... Or are...

  22. Kuwait's taken a loan of $1.1 billion to explore its shale reserves. My first thought was "Wherever are they hiding these shale reserves?" but...

  23. La pérdida del el gas

  24. Perhaps best moment of American Idol's latest season auditions (after a two-year pause), and perhaps a secret advertisement for the oil industry: Katy Perry: What do...

  25. Putin posturing in Venezuela promise of 6 Billion USD of Oil and Gold, Russia slowly positioning itself to take over where the USA have...

  26. This legal suit has the potential to disrupt U.S. oil operations due to disgruntled landowners. Landowners group sues North Dakota over 'pore space' law A landowners group...

  27. Does the large Oil and gas reserves found in egypt eradicate poverty of the nation?

  28. The biggest refiner on the East Coast, with liabilities of about $10 billion, just filed for bankrupting, citing costly Bush-era EPA regulations and dwindling...

  29. Analysts predict another crude oil draw, which would make five draws in five weeks. We're talking over 50 million bpd in total draws since...

  30. Colombia and Brazil oil exports rose despite pandemic   Just as Covid-19 affected each Latin American country differently, so too is the outlook of each country's...