1. Royal Dutch Shell, Eni, BP and Exxon Mobil were among winners of Egypt’s international tender for oil and gas exploration on Tuesday, with 12...

  2. Rumor has it that Russia may support Venezuela's Petro by using it in "international transactions". Russia has a huge interest here--but will they really start trading...

  3. California Legislative bill AB 345 has been killed, at least for 2019, but just the intent of the bill did a lot of damage...

  4. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/joe-dancy-8069637_bakken-ugcPost-6573709566205321216-kGz0 How many refineries can handle this light API-43?

  5. Former executives from oil Royal Dutch Shell and Eni are to be tried on charges of aggravated international  corruption for their role in a...

  6. Chinese and Russia are emboldened in 2020 as the Democrats and DeepState try to defeat Trump instead of putting U.S. first. Trump will be preoccupied ...

  7. I was a little young, but all my family worked in either production or downstream. In the early 80's, the price per bbl was trading...

  8.                      . .  

  9. During an interview after Wednesday's OPEC+ Technical Meeting Novak stated Russia is "comfortable" with $50 bbl oil going forward.  Is this the new benchmark...

  10. Nigerian fuel hawkers are turning in a good profit even without fuel shortages in the country. As they apparently get their goods from pipeline...

  11. Here's 2 items which I would like to bring to your attention, in combination. It seems the increasingly loud calls by stampeding oil bulls for $100+...

  12. Irina Slav's new article is about remote working: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/The-Oil-And-Gas-Industry-Is-Going-Remote.html But this is just the latest act of a long play. The industry did not have much...

  13. The Saudi one trick pony (which has been firmly dependent on easy oil revenues) will have the pony bucking and kicking and throwing a mule-digging-in-its-heels-tantrum, as the...

  14. Defendants include BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.  I see they have one of the largest smog problems in america, but when it comes...

  15. New weekly free energy podcast with star guests https://www.macrovoices.com/111-macro-voices-energy-week/564-energy-week-geopolitics-bull-bear-cases-and-price-outlook Ignore at your own risk:)

  16. As per Oil Price- Are we finally hearing and seeing a Peak in the Rhetoric. Years of that kind of spin are starting to wear...

  17. Why ural Brent price is blocked since November 18th ? Thanks for your help. 

  18. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/22/iran-faces-its-most-critical-moment-since-the-1979-revolution.html What would oil prices be like if Iran was able to maximize its potential production? Russia and OPEC would be in even more dire...

  19. Voters are split on whether the federal gas tax should be increased to pay for infrastructure improvements, according to a Quinnipiac University poll. According to...

  20. My usual disclaimer / preamble ... I am generally in favor of increasing oil & gas pipeline infrastructure anywhere in the world, regardless of...

  21. The AltaGas/Royal Vopak Ridley Island Propane Export Terminal in the Port of Prince Rupert, BC, is poised to receive and load its first Very...

  22. The oil-sands recovery technique patented by folks connected with Petroteq, incorporated in California, having Canadian engineers, and a backstop financier an oil dealer in...

  23. Iraqi oil production has surged by 400,000 BPD to reach 4.9MBPD in 2019 August compared to the average levels of 2018 of 4.5MBPD. Such...

  24. Here's where things return to normal and transcend political lines in the sand. All the governor of coastal states don't want Washington to open...

  25. La pérdida del el gas

  26. What is most important factor for oil rate???

  27. T.M. vows to end all plastic waste by 2042. It includes "plastics-free" aisles in supermarkets and tax on takeout containers.  Is this realistic?

  28. I haven't heard anything about Drilled Uncompleted wells in quite awhile. Does that mean they have all been completed and that production has been...

  29. The exponential rise of the US crude inventories is hardly a catalyst for the crude oil markets to recover the lost ground in the...

  30. Has the end of shale shutterings signalled tacit agreement that there are no new funds coming to expand shale production. Rig counts may have hit bottom,...