1. Maersk's, the largest shipping company in the world, COO has apparently said "we will have to abandon fossil fuels", by 2050. Weaning their massive...

  2. Crude Exporters Navigate Gulf Coast Terminal Constraints   U.S. crude exports out of the Gulf Coast averaged more than 2.4 MMb/d in the first four months...

  3. In a letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, Maine's senators say the risks of environmental and economic damage outweigh any potential benefits. Last week, the...

  4. Britain is tightening controls on firms hoping to carry out hydraulic fracking in parts of the country by adding a financial health check to the application...

  5. A hit happened in the North Sea (pun intended) How large of impact to EU oil will this be?  https://www.news.ro/externe/opt-raniti-in-fiordul-norvegian-hjeltefjord-in-urma-unei-coliziuni-intre-petrolierul-maltez-sola-ts-si-fregata-norvegiana-knm-helge-ingstad-care-se-intorcea-de-la-exercitiul-nato-trident-juncture-1922400508002018111518653529 https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/365000-Bpd-Shut-In-After-Tanker-Collides-With-Norwegian-Warship.html  Interesting to see how much of...

  6. Chevron Fires Warning To Oil, Gas Independents Speaking at Offshore Europe, John O’Brien, deepwater focus manager at Chevron, explained how a change in attitude and...

  7. Aramco looking at expanding in the US given the recent tax cuts and oil industry support from the Trump Administration.  

  8. I was watching some TEDx Talks videos and came across this title from 2015:  Making Safe Nuclear Power from Thorium I remember Jan talking briefly on...

  9. Rocket thrusters are firing for Malaysia to firmly being a net oil importing country. Note that the RAPID project is nowhere near Malaysia's East Coast...

  10. Unexpected article.  But this pretty much fits in with my *hope* for $70 Brent in 2019. Malaysia to boost revenue in 2019 on higher oil...

  11. Good news for the longer term downstream oil & gas sector for Peninsular Malaysia and for Saudi Arabia. Here. For Malaysian lurkers, note my distinct lack...

  12. Malaysia political shift may impact Petronas' management: WoodMac As the article above mentions, I fully expect some changes to be made to PETRONAS - Malaysia's...

  13. I'm starting to feel like a kid just before Christmas.  Petronas is generally fiscally conservative.  Last I checked, they budgeted for oil at $66...

  14. The court case between Petronas and Sarawak is heating up.  I've made dozens of comments and posts about this over on LinkedIn in the...

  15. $23B deal.The offer values Andeavor at about $152.27 a share-- about 24 percent premium over Friday’s closing price. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-30/marathon-to-buy-andeavor-in-23-3-billion-u-s-oil-refining-deal

  16. Marcellus (PA) – update through April 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed...

  17. Marine plastic pollution costs the world up to $2.5bn a year, researchers find Okay, I'm sure the figure is disputable as is every figure but...

  18. I am wondering over the upcoming Maritime Act of 2020. Are the proposed regulations to reduce the sulphur emissions on all sea going vessels still on...

  19. The Oct. 7, '19 edition of Barron's has an interesting article entitled, "A Sea Change Is Coming To Global Shipping Fuel." A direct quote...

  20. These reporters and analysts are complete jokes.  A brazen article entitled, Oil Prices Jump 28% But Analysts Warn More Carnage Still To Come .  The insinuation...

  21. The erratic price trajectory in oil markets in recent decades can largely be explained by demand and supply curves. Although price movements are of...

  22. Mass Offshore Oil-Servicer Busts Imperil $30 Billion of Debt       Bloomberg) -- Offshore oil servicers are going bust at the fastest pace in three years as...

  23. An oil refinery near Tehran, Iranian capital, caught fire last night and judging by the videos circulating on the internet, it appears to be...

  24. It's widely known that the current Saudi Energy minister ABS (MBSs brother) has a very short temper and can be an antagonist.  This is...

  25. In addition to U.S. participation Russia wants the sanctions dropped.  Hopefully Trump doesn't fall for this ploy.  First let's talk some rough estimates.  Today Russia,...

  26. If MBS didn't plan to kill Khashoggi and it was a good plan that went arye, WHY DID HIS AGENTS BRING BONE SAWS ? Saudi...

  27. Notley says Alberta will buy rail cars to move oil, wants Ottawa to chip in Where are the protesters blocking rail tracks is what I'd...

  28. How would you like to be the leasing company expecting to receive continuing lease payments on these machines, just sitting there parked in the...

  29. Oil just tumbled into a bear market. Here's why Trump's trade war is to blame. President Donald Trump's trade disputes with key international trade partners have claimed...