1. The wailing and gnashing of teeth from the anti-oil industry should be amusing. And time for a happy dance party to celebrate what looks to...

  2. According to news media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal and Reuters, a U.S. federal judge decided to move against CITGO and give...

  3. Refreshingly candid and clear-headed anaysis, in my opinion.  Many here will likely disagree, apparently for the sole reason that I liked this article.  No, I...

  4. Last week, the UN Security Council unanimously voted in favor of the resolution to introduce new sanctions against North Korea for its continuing ballistic...

  5. The price of Brent crude oil will average $75 per barrel next year, according to the latest forecast from oil and gas analysts at...

  6. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Indias-Oil-Imports-From-Venezuela-Plunge-To-Lowest-Since-2012.html And this is what happens, my friends, when you get so far into debt. You're beholden to your creditors. Venezuela pumps at the mercy...

  7. He said he had trouble finding enough supply of Hydroxychloroquine for the trial.  He asks that people not hoard the drug. There are sick people...

  8. We all know that big oil and the militancy in the Niger Delta have destroyed this place for local communities, but I hadn't heard...

  9. North Dakota oil output totals 1.39 million b/d in March, up 4% on month: state Highlights March oil output not a record, but not far below Favorable...

  10. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-conocophillips-pdvsa-citgo/conoco-aims-to-seize-oil-cargoes-near-citgos-aruba-terminal-idUSKCN1IG30J?rpc=401& this story mentions Citgo's Aruba refinery has been down since 2012 for maintenance (described here as a major overhaul). To the best of my knowledge,...

  11. Eagle Ford - update through February 2019 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  12. The next phase has been announced of a world-first project to see autonomous robots working on offshore oil and gas installations.   The landmark development is...

  13. Hindustan Petroleum's assessment sounds about right to me. My hope for 2019 is an average of $70 oil [Brent] and $65 [WTI].  My hope for 2018 was an...

  14. How do I gain approval to undertake oil and gas operations?

  15.   Cushing inventory down to  37 million barrels. Lowest it's been since 2015 as I understand it. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=W_EPC0_SAX_YCUOK_MBBL&f=W (exclusing SPR)  

  16. Saudi Arabia is planning to pump a record amount of crude in July, embarking on one of its biggest-ever export surges to cool down...

  17. This article   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Big-Profits-Are-No-Longer-The-Top-Priority-For-Oil-Investors.html   contains the bigges bullshit ever. I am a huge investor in gas and oil and I don’t give a shit about new energy....

  18. Barclays Bank fossil fuel funding protests to spread worldwide I'm taking bets when this will spread to other banks as well.

  19. Oil prices steadied on Tuesday, depressed by record Saudi production but supported by expectations that oil exporters would agree to cut output at an...

  20. Testimony to the vitality of your crude reserves ... Shell, BP and most recently PetroChina are signing major LIbyan crude contracts regardless of the...

  21. Oil & gas production data challenge Anyone who has worked with oil & gas data knows that a huge amount of production data is available...

  22. Greenpeace protest closes part of Houston Ship Channel   A portion of the Houston Ship Channel closed early Thursday morning local time because of Greenpeace activists...

  23. Italian Eni SpA succeeded in producing gas from the Mediterranean's largest gas field Zohr.  Nobody believed they would do it but  pumping began this...

  24. It’s seems to be the case that the lag price between Brent and WTI is growing shorter. Traditionally Brent carried a premium because it...

  25. Saudi oil minister said on Tuesday it was too soon to say if OPEC and its allies would cut production as the terms of...

  26. Should be interesting whichever way you want to look at a cut it’s all contradiction. Up Down with WTI, USD, Gold, Oil Majors Shares,...

  27. WCS not looking pretty these days.   check out the comparison with WTI  

  28. !#~[X X X%VIDEOs!]* Indian XXX Porn Video Orginal Full Hot Sex Videos watch ➤ ➤ ➤ click here to link (full video link) ➤►download (full video...

  29. SEC dropped a two-year-old accounting probe into Exxon Mobil Corp.’s valuation of its reserves and whether Exxon Mobil's accounting practices were transparent about climate change risk. The...

  30. Title pretty much sums up my outlook for the rest of this year. Saudi Arabia is getting greedy again, and says it is comfortable with...