1. Our leisurely lifestyles are based on infrastructures that did not exist prior to the 1900’s and they could not exist without the chemicals and...

  2.    EIA STEO is rather a conservative projection.  But this time they changed their oil numbers  quite a lot. For example Non=OPEC production  July August 2016  57,95     ...

  3. Looks like Oxy may pull off the deal with Anadarko. Chevron has four days to revise it's proposal. https://www.worldoil.com/news/2019/5/6/anadarko-board-determines-revised-proposal-from-occidental-constitutes-a-superior-proposal?fbclid=IwAR0_3wBZKMTG6OUvLmstnrAz9JCkerkM6rQbZNQ0-tEFoja4N7sFLqHytCI

  4. Media rumor now is that Kazakhstan's state-run oil company, KMG, is gunning for an IPO after delisting its upstream unit in London ... 

  5. https://californiaglobe.com/fr/california-adding-5-temporary-natural-gas-power-plants-to-help-alleviate-energy-shortage/ Not mentioned is the loss of hydroelectric power due to all the major reservoirs being near empty. The increased power needs for electric vehicles,...

  6. Libya, Kirkuk, Syria...watch those headlines today!!

  7. Who is making all the profit in the difference between the wholesale gasoline price and the retail price. Some states are getting good prices,...

  8. Great feature on oilprice.com, which is what brought me to this forum in the first place... The real-time oil prices make my life easier....

  9. From time to time someone complains about the input costs for things like offshore wind turbines, square-mile-sized solar farms, etc. GE's 12Mw turbine has...

  10. Anyone has any idea when the last time oil prices was in the range of $35 to $45 a barrel? Newby on board.

  11. Husky Energy said today its Q1 production was 300,400 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d), down from 320,000 boe/d in Q4 2017 and 334,000...

  12. I have genuine question to those familiar with dark arts of oil refining: If we mix equal parts of heavy oil (say 20 deg API)...

  13. Since I have been trapped by investing in OIL trade, I care about oil trend as much as what should I cook my daily...

  14. There is this large refinery on the South Coast of Newfoundland, Canada, at a town called Come-by-Chance, able to process 135,000 bbl/day of heavy...

  15. LMAO. Oil bad. Oil REEEEEAALLYY BAD !   5 minute video of Maddow discussing her book on Colbert.  The rabid, frothing tin foil and Maddow conspiracy theories are...

  16. The latest from oil in Africa: Madagascar will hold a licensing round next year. And I thought all they had were lemurs and fascinating...

  17. Nicolas Maduro has asked OPEC to support one of its founding members Venezuela against the U.S. sanctions on the Latin American country’s oil industry...

  18. Maduro says he is going to find another buyer for its crude oil if US imposes a full oil embargo on it. Which buyers...

  19. Nicolas Maduro has had state oil firm PDVSA buy foreign oil worth US$440 million and sell it at below-market prices on friendly credit terms to...

  20. https://lta.reuters.com/article/idLTAL2N1SV1LX?rpc=401& Maduro said that blaming him for Venezuela’s economic meltdown was a “stupid simplification.” And he pledged to boost oil production and open dialogue with business...

  21. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro's "days are numbered" after deadly clashes over humanitarian aid. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-47348293  

  22. Maersk's, the largest shipping company in the world, COO has apparently said "we will have to abandon fossil fuels", by 2050. Weaning their massive...

  23. Crude Exporters Navigate Gulf Coast Terminal Constraints   U.S. crude exports out of the Gulf Coast averaged more than 2.4 MMb/d in the first four months...

  24. In a letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, Maine's senators say the risks of environmental and economic damage outweigh any potential benefits. Last week, the...

  25. Britain is tightening controls on firms hoping to carry out hydraulic fracking in parts of the country by adding a financial health check to the application...

  26. A hit happened in the North Sea (pun intended) How large of impact to EU oil will this be?  https://www.news.ro/externe/opt-raniti-in-fiordul-norvegian-hjeltefjord-in-urma-unei-coliziuni-intre-petrolierul-maltez-sola-ts-si-fregata-norvegiana-knm-helge-ingstad-care-se-intorcea-de-la-exercitiul-nato-trident-juncture-1922400508002018111518653529 https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/365000-Bpd-Shut-In-After-Tanker-Collides-With-Norwegian-Warship.html  Interesting to see how much of...

  27. Chevron Fires Warning To Oil, Gas Independents Speaking at Offshore Europe, John O’Brien, deepwater focus manager at Chevron, explained how a change in attitude and...

  28. Aramco looking at expanding in the US given the recent tax cuts and oil industry support from the Trump Administration.  

  29. I was watching some TEDx Talks videos and came across this title from 2015:  Making Safe Nuclear Power from Thorium I remember Jan talking briefly on...