1. (Bloomberg) -- From Russia to Saudi Arabia, Iran to Venezuela, the list of crude oil supplies being curtailed or disrupted around the world is...

  2. Olabode Johnson, President of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria dies suddenly after headache. He was opposing the privatisation of...

  3. Whats your toughts about crude oil?

  4. Independent’ Oil, Gas Operators Drive American Energy Development By Wide Margin     Independent oil and natural gas producers are dominating the United States energy markets, according...

  5. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/us-rebrands-fossil-fuels-as-molecules-of-freedom It's not an Onion story, there's a link to the press release. Ingenious! Statoil ain't got nothing on the DoE when it comes to...

  6. Colorado Petroleum Council Responds To Broomfield City Moratorium   Broomfield City Council in Bloomfield, Colo., approved a six-month moratorium on new natural gas and oil development...

  7. Presented for your consideration, without my usual endless comments. Natural gas and oil industry is a solid, long-term investment There has never been a better time...

  8. Exxon Shareholders Reject Resolutions On Climate, Separating CEO, Chairman Well, I suppose it's time for activists to start gluing themselves to, um, shareholders?

  9. I'm at a loss to explain this interactive infographic.      From here: https://littlesis.org/maps/4070-americans-for-carbon-dividends?Americans_for_Carbon_Dividends Hover your mouse over the various arrows to see the interconnections. Extracted from here: Big Oil...

  10. Will a New Washington State Law Hurt Bakken Crude Oil Producers? Refineries in Washington state have been reliable buyers of Bakken-sourced crude oil during the...

  11. California congressional Dems protest BLM’s leasing plans   California congressional Dems protest BLM’s leasing plans Thirty-four Democrats on California’s congressional delegation, including Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala...

  12. Yes. "Molecules of U.S. freedom" is a thing now. Let freedom ring! https://www.energy.gov/articles/department-energy-authorizes-additional-lng-exports-freeport-lng "With the U.S. in another year of record-setting natural gas production, I am pleased...

  13. This is the technical analysis. I prefer fundamentals  Chart readers will tell you the charts reflect investor sentiment

  14. What happens to US tight oil output if the long term Brent oil price in 2017$ is $70/bo? To investigate this I adjusted my usual...

  15. Oil-rich South Sudan is struggling to increase production of crude several months after the end of its civil war, and the political upheaval in...

  16. Although my Dad lives in the States and I live in Malaysia, I talk to him by Skype every week. Dad is in his...

  17. Here's what I posted yesterday morning (Friday around 6am) in a huff over on Linkedin (different audience than here, about half of my connections...

  18. Court blocks BC anti-Trans Mountain bill The British Columbia Court of Appeal has ruled against provincial legislation that could have blocked expansion of the federally...

  19. The first cracks appear. Anyone want to take a bet as to the end of this blockade against qatar? https://archive.shine.cn/world/Saudi-letter-for-Qatar/shdaily.shtml  

  20. "As long as we are using fossil fuels we should be using our fossil fuels." This is the new, startling position of Canada's Green...

  21. In the last 2 weeks massive nationwide (except Caracas for political motivations) gasoline shortages and lines at pump stations have been seen in Venezuela...

  22. We do not need their oil.  Focus on economic war China has waged on U.S. The US Must wakeup to the threat that China presents....

  23. This should be interesting oil contract negotiations, in a country renown for its lack of corruption and transparency. Nigeria and Royal Dutch Shell begin contract...

  24. You would think IRAQ, IRAN, LIBYA, others that have great oil wealth in the ground (for now) would look at the beautiful cities, resorts...

  25. Pay attention to the levels of extreme voter dissatisfaction which resulted in Trump getting elected in the U.S. a couple years ago, and the...

  26. This has to be taken very serious. It's now or never. This is not amateur gamesmanship.  The ramifications of the outcome are unimaginable. The US Administrations...

  27. Large oil and gas companies are commanding a greater role in high-impact exploration, but a lack of depth in the quality of global drilling...

  28. Recommended reading, as it covers both pros and cons without the usual hyperbolic hysterics from either camp.  2 thumbs up to the author. 👍 👍 Is the...

  29. This CNBC interview with former Trump advisor Bannon presents the case.  Speaker Pelosi and  Senator Schumer need to quit the games, get on the program...

  30. Offshore Faces Its ‘Prove It’ Moment Offshore E&P, particularly in deep water, is not for the faint of heart. Project costs range from the tens of millions...