1. https://www.argusmedia.com/en/news/1917848-opec-output-slips-to-fiveyear-low Here is what I am most fascinated by. So I read Twilight in the Desert and followed Matt Simmons religiously back in the early...

  2. OPEC"s MMOR for November shows production lowest in six months. While Nigeria really upped its production by 95,800 barrels per day, Saudi, UAE, Angola,...

  3. OPEC has reportedly reached an agreement to extend prodction cut to end-2018. Not sure yet whether libya/nigeria will be included. NOPEC/OPEC meeting is still...

  4. OPEC has reportedly reached an agreement to extend production cut to end-2018. Not sure yet whether libya/nigeria will be included. NOPEC/OPEC meeting is still...

  5. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/OPECh-Ministers-Keep-Mum-On-Oil-Production-Plans.html OPEC really can keep secrets, I guess. Usually they let something slip out (purposefully I'm sure). The fact that nothing has leaked yet about...

  6. OPEC's MOMR, released today, has non-OPEC supplies increasing by 1.15 million bpd in 2018 (last MoMR had this estimated at 900,000 bpd). That's nearly...

  7. OECD inventories just 74 million barrels above 5-year average, OPEC says. Is this number believable?

  8. OPEC delivered a downbeat oil market outlook for the rest of 2019 on Friday as economic growth slows and highlighted challenges in 2020 as...

  9. The global oil stocks surplus is close to evaporating, OPEC said, citing healthy energy demand and its own supply cuts while revising up its...

  10. Iranian Oil Minister Zanganeh presented a very important and revealing attitude today. He accused Saudi Arabia and the UAE of beginning a war within...

  11. In today's episode of the long running soap opera called "OPEC and Frenemies", Saudi Arabia blurts out on behalf of the whole group, and...

  12. Saudi, Kuwait, UAE to meet before the OPEC June 22 meeting, Bloomberg reported. I guess this is Saudi dragging other OPEC members along for a...

  13. There they go again.  The commitment by OPEC+ to supposedly cut production is nothing but another effort by OPEC to spark a JawBone Rally. ...

  14. An alliance of crude producers led by Saudi Arabia is pushing OPEC and its allies to increase oil production starting in August, officials in...

  15. OPEC and allied oil producers are ready to hold an extraordinary meeting and will do what is needed if the current cut in oil...

  16. OPEC as well as its allies will probably achieve their goal of draining oversupply coming from the oil market as well as boosting prices...

  17. What we need to watch out for tomorrow is the OPEC wording. Neither OPEC nor Russia wants to disappoint the market, but so far...

  18. OPEC says trade disputes, geopolitics, rising non-OPEC supply make for challenging 2H19   OPEC on Thursday said it faces a challenging second half of 2019, with...

  19. OPEC+ decided in April to cut output by a record 9.7 million barrels per day, or about 10 per cent of global output, to...

  20. It is impossible to eliminate Iranian oil from the global market, OPEC Secretary-General Mohammad Barkindo was quoted as saying by Iranian oil ministry’s news...

  21. OPEC Secretary-General Mohammad Barkindo said on Wednesday that world oil consumption would hit 100 million barrels per day later this year, “much sooner” than...

  22. Kuwait and Iran are leading a faction in the cartel that are upset about an agreement struck between Saudi Arabia and Russia last week....

  23. OPEC's market share sinks - and no sign of wavering on supply cuts   (Reuters) - OPEC's share of the global oil market has sunk to...

  24. "I think OPEC will try to somehow moderate the current situation but it will be very difficult given their opposite sides and the huge...

  25. So I went to download OPEC's new Monthly report for November, only to discover I need to "register" by entering my name and email...

  26. Major OPEC producer Iraq would like to know how and where its oil will be used, as demand rises for Middle East cargoes to...

  27. Some Highlights Per S&P Global Platts Survey: Overall OPEC: UP 40,000 bpd to 33.08 million bpd Saudi Arabia: UP 350,000 bpd at 11.02 million bpd, an...

  28. Are U.A.E. and Kuwait negotiating to cut production by june 2018, if oil market improves?! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-11/u-a-e-kuwait-target-june-for-talks-on-halting-oil-output-cuts?utm_content=energy&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-energy    

  29. Oil production in November was on the lowest level since May this year... Iraq and Angola have the biggest drop. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-opec-oil/opec-oil-output-falls-in-november-to-lowest-since-may-idUSKBN1DY267?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=Social  

  30. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-opec-oil/opec-january-oil-output-rises-despite-venezuelan-decline-survey-idUKKBN1FK2IC?rpc=401& According to Reuter's survey, production increases in Saudi Arabia and Nigeria more than offset the failing production of Venezuela, resutling in an production increase...