1. Highly watched rig count comes out tomorrow at 1pm EST. 

  2. Sinopec is going to keep trading with Iran and the United States, regardless of the US/China trade war, or the US sanctions on Iran,...

  3.  Statoil, the Norwegian state oil giant will invest $6 billions in development of Arctic oil projects. Name of oil field is Castberg and it's...

  4.   Reuters : Sinopec, CNPC skip Iran oil purchases for May to avoid U.S. sanctions China Petrochemical Corp (Sinopec Group) and China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), the...

  5. Mass Offshore Oil-Servicer Busts Imperil $30 Billion of Debt       Bloomberg) -- Offshore oil servicers are going bust at the fastest pace in three years as...

  6. https://www.ft.com/content/bd8187d8-db64-11e7-a039-c64b1c09b482

  7. The brazen attack on the Israel-connected tanker near Oman coast has the potential to open up a new conflict in addition to the catalogue...

  8. Canada’s Enbridge is asking oil shippers to sign at least eight-year contracts to move crude on its Mainline pipeline network, as it proposes to...

  9. NNPC said that its Escravos-Lagos is back up and functioning again after explosion last week.  Still unclear whether the power plants are up yet.  

  10. Karma has come home to roost for PDVSA, and for Venezuela's seizure-happy Socialist government.  What goes around, comes around. Turnabout is fair play. Here's an Oil...

  11. Amin Nasser, Saudi Aramco Chief Executive Officer, says the global oil and gas industry needs to invest more than $20 trillion over the next...

  12. Oil, gas rigs up 11 this week, +12 for oil, and -1  for gas. Most notably, Permian added 18 rigs this week. Not good news...

  13. Cook Inlet independent develops new drilling to reach oil   BlueCrest Energy is drilling from the bottom up to reach oil offshore in Cook Inlet. Benjamin Johnson,...

  14. Those on the area of the route of travel should make an effort to watch this beast. https://cowboystatedaily.com/2021/06/15/big-boy-4014-will-leave-cheyenne-in-august-return-in-september/ https://www.up.com/heritage/steam/schedule/index.htm It is impressive!  

  15. OPEC+ Gambles US Shale's Golden Age Is Done     (Bloomberg) -- For years, OPEC ignored the rise of the U.S. shale industry and came to regret...

  16. Oil price that has been rising for the past few weeks, judging by the above chart, shows signs of becoming static – finally. Neither the...

  17. Anyone know anything about this? Iranian news agency says they're not giving French Total the South Pars oil development now ... but the explanation...

  18. Iraq’s Oil Minister Thamer Ghadhban said on Tuesday that the shortfall in oil supply caused by new U.S. sanctions on Iran had yet to...

  19. Will they or won't they? http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2018/02/01/trans-mountain-pipeline-is-going-to-get-built-despite-b-c-s-attempts-trudeau-says_a_23350383/  

  20. Many see the US as mostly apathetic to the plight of the renewable energy industry. 

  21. The Saudi state-owned oil producer is planning to become a publicly listed company and has appointed five new board members. Among them is Lynn...

  22. China's tariffs into effect today. World didn't stop turning as far as I can tell. Per Houston Chronicle, "Last year the United States exported 832,000...

  23. While I'm certain that Oil and Gas producers would be favorable of this, I have to scratch my head over how this state can...

  24. The bulls might be on center stage right now, but really, the oil price predictions are fraught with wild variations. Saxo Bank is now...

  25. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  26. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  27. Pulau Bukom (Singapur)  is the largest wholly owned Shell refinery in the world in terms of crude distillation capacity. Seventeen men have been arrested...

  28. Some 600,000,000 barrels of crude oil is stored in USA for emergency situations. Looks bad for electric cars

  29. For years, Cuba has received large quantities oil from Venezuela. But with the government in Caracas in turmoil and President Nicolas Maduro under increasing...

  30. Very interesting article from safehaven.com on the correlation between gold and oil prices. I encourage everyone to read it and would love to hear...