1. not just El petro, but Iran and turkey too   http://iran-daily.com/News/212827.html

  2. Russia is trying to appease its customers and looks to solve the problem of polluted oil supplies. Russia is thinking about pumping-out of poor...

  3. It might not seem like big numbers, but Russia increased its oil production in March from 10.95 million bpd to 10.97 million bpd--the first...

  4. It might not seem like big numbers, but Russia increased its oil production in March from 10.95 million bpd to 10.97 million bpd--the first...

  5. Trying to get a handle on gains and losses in oil market share to China ... See numbers for Jan show Russia and Angola...

  6. Heck why not, let's just crank up the global political pressure cooker to see what explodes first... November looks set to be the exact...

  7.  Russia and Saudi Arabia are pushing OPEC and its allies to raise oil output steeply from July to meet growing demand and cover supply...

  8. "Saudi Arabia and Russia are discussing raising OPEC and non-OPEC oil output by around 1 million barrels per day (bpd), easing 17 months of...

  9. Russia's Catastrophic Oil and Gas Problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo6w5R6Uo8Y  How Putin's greed led him into the Ukraine war  and caused Europe to turn against him and his aggression....

  10. The upcoming OPEC meeting should be lively.  Pretty much expecting a virtual food fight between Saudi Arabia + Russia vs. the rest of OPEC...

  11. Russia has budgeted for $40 oil for 3 years (2017 - 2020) and has repeatedly indicated earlier this year that it would be happy...

  12. Unexpected news.  Posting article in full, because the Sputnik website seems to be having difficulties. Russia's Rosneft Oil Company Announces Termination of Its Activity in...

  13. Russia’s Rosneft quits Iran, $30B of potential joint investments Russia’s largest oil producer Rosneft has decided to quit Iran and the possibility of US$30 billion...

  14. China and Russia don't seem too interested in playing along with US sanctions on Venezuela, despite Maduro's suspect win. And Venezuela gave two US...

  15. Quote   The Bazhenov Formation or Bazhenov Shale is a stratum in the West Siberian basin. It was formed from sediment deposited in a deep-water sea in Tithonian–early Berriasian time. The sea covered more...

  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2HmW_ZLZD4 RUSSIAN Economy Collapsing - Oil & Gas Revenues Fall 65% & Russia Posts Net Loss of R1.7 Trillion A current and in depth assessment based on...

  17. During an interview after Wednesday's OPEC+ Technical Meeting Novak stated Russia is "comfortable" with $50 bbl oil going forward.  Is this the new benchmark...

  18. https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/oil/081418-far-east-russian-espo-blend-crude-premium-falls-to-one-year-low-on-weak-demand we were just talking about Saudi Arabia's oil production decline yesterday in a different thread. now it would appear that Russia is lowering prices...

  19. Russian pension funds are considering investments in Aramco, and so are Chinese companies. Won't that be the best shareholder lineup EVER?

  20.   Lukoill is largest russian private oil producer ruled by tandem Vagit Alekperov (CEO) and Leonid Fedun (vice-president). It produces more than 1 milion barrels per...

  21. According to Reuters agency, Russia should not unleash an oil price war against the United States but rather stick with output cuts even at...

  22. Russian expansion on Arctic, in last few years, is showing increase line. With three oil fields which has on cold Arctic, Russia is producing...

  23. Quote   The head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, Alexander Kozlov, estimated the security of Russia with oil reserves at 59 years, and...

  24. https://jamestown.org/program/russian-oil-rivals-fighting-hard-to-extract-best-deal-from-new-pipeline-law/?fbclid=IwAR1Mzfrc8yWEzY56OE7AmJWUSQQXq4_19gf823OAkF8_cVD_hwHnKVNWIXM Russian Oil Rivals Fighting Hard to Extract Best Deal From New Pipeline Law Five months after the Druzhba pipeline contamination fiasco—in which chlorides-heavy petroleum from...

  25. russia oil production

    Quote   Russia and Saudi Arabia have approved a production cut of 2.5 mb/d each from an agreed level of 11mb/d. However, there is some uncertainty...

  26. Russian Oil to Parts of Europe Suspended (Bloomberg) -- Russian oil flows to parts of Europe were halted after customers complained of unusual impurities in...

  27. Transneft pipeline caught fire today in Russia after a leak caused by pressure loss. 7500 sq meters of fire at last report.

  28. The virus created the demand destruction.  Saudis just added to the chaos.  MBS taking a "scorched earth" strategy.   You can be assured the Royal Family has...

  29. I put this article in oil because it's part of a long term trend in oil consumption as RVs are typically not very economical. ...