1. I receive regular oil & gas updates via WhatsApp from one of my LinkedIn connections, Randall Mohammed. Randall wrote this yesterday, and so far, neither of...

  2. Tough with $22 brent Their pipeline  is vulnerable to attack  for 100's of miles.  Why would someone want to invest in such a risky asset,...

  3. The Saudis are now stepping up their refining experiment in Egypt, with data for November and December showing they've sent 1 billion barrels of...

  4. Oil price that showed a downward trend up until Thursday, this week, stated going up at a modest pace on Friday with a brief...

  5. Q1 production growth only 300,000 bbls.  IEA sticking with  1.2 mm bbls/day avg for 2019 based on 2nd half 1.6 mm bbls avg ?...

  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2018-10-05/saudi-crown-prince-to-trump-we-ve-replaced-all-iran-s-lost-oil Well well well, looks like OPEC disproved analyst expectations that they wouldn't be able to increase output. They met the 1 million barrel output goal...

  7. Saudi Crude Exports to US Plummet     (Bloomberg) -- After flooding the U.S. with crude earlier this year, Saudi Arabia has all but cut off the...

  8. . . . LOWER PRICES ONLY 3 to 6 MONTHS AWAY .. .. when Investors understand Saudis never cut .  .  .  Non-OPEC SUPPLY GROWING 2.26...

  9. https://qz.com/1284239/70-of-saudi-arabias-electricity-is-used-for-air-conditioning/ 70% of Saudi electricity usage goes toward air conditioning, and 100% of electricity is generated from fossil fuels. 

  10. In a mild rebuke against the predictions about the OPEC+ decisions, Prince AbdulAziz bin Salman, the Saudi Energy Minister, once again reiterated his famous...

  11. Saudi oil minister said on Tuesday it was too soon to say if OPEC and its allies would cut production as the terms of...

  12. Saudi energy minister says world does not need any more oil in coming months   Supply risks abound from Iran to Venezuela to Libya and the...

  13. Saudi expects wider 2020 budget deficit of $50 billion - finance minister   https://www.reuters.com/article/us-saudi-economy-budget/saudi-expects-wider-2020-budget-deficit-of-50-billion-finance-minister-idUSKBN1XA2EO?il=0

  14. Or so says Finance Minister Al-Jadaan. I can safely say he and I do not live in the same reality.

  15. "Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund is taking a $400 million stake in Endeavor, one of Hollywood’s biggest talent and event managers, as part of...

  16. I don't believe that the Saudis should be allowed to import and refine their on oil in the United States while attempting to bankrupt...

  17. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-08/saudi-oil-minister-hints-aramco-ipo-could-be-delayed-until-2019 If you could only see my super sarcastic mock surprised face right now. I don't want to say I told you so. Wait. Yes...

  18. US Bolton said, " almost" certain Iran behind attacks. US says Iran " likely" behind attacks on tankers Kirkman post on this blog discusses how Shell can survive at $30...

  19. The available data show that the volume of net oil exports that Saudi Arabia has delivered to importing counties has been below their 2005...

  20. Oil industry is cutting production around the world now.  They have to , the storage is filling up. Which company has more storage around the...

  21. The oil exports from Saudi Arabi have fallen from 7.307 to 7.235 mbd, according to the monthly data provided by the OPEC. This is...

  22. Saudi Arabia is under constant attack by Houthi rebels from Yemen and they come in the form of explosive-laden drones and missiles. The level...

  23. According to Goldman analyst it's closer to 4.3mm.  He's correct. (1) Saudis say they are not targeting U.S. shale. That's a LIE (2) Russian Oil Minister says...

  24. Saudi Arabia’s oil output may edge up in June, sources familiar with the kingdom’s policy said, but the extra crude may be used for...

  25. So, is this the beginning of an upward price on oil?  The market showed lower production occurring from Saudi Arabia and oil is up...

  26. The Saudi one trick pony (which has been firmly dependent on easy oil revenues) will have the pony bucking and kicking and throwing a mule-digging-in-its-heels-tantrum, as the...

  27. I have a thought question for the readership. Responses are requested. The headline from CNBC reads "Saudi Arabia cuts oil production in July". Does that...

  28. Saudi Arabia's oil production jumped by nearly 500,000 barrels per day in June, so what can we expect in July?

  29. Saudi raises Arab Light prices. I think the general thought was that they were going to lower prices? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-05/saudi-arabia-unexpectedly-lifts-key-oil-price-for-asian-buyers