1. Exxon has a few Joint ventures with ARAMCO including a refinery in Saudi Arabia. 

  2. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-21/saudi-oil-minister-says-timing-of-aramco-ipo-isn-t-critical The timing of the Aramco IPO isn't critical, says oil minister, and will be delayed past 2019. Please post your best shocked faces here.

  3. Hoo boy.  This Saudi Aramco IPO zombie nighmare has turned into a vampire story.  With money being sucked out of bloated, fabulously wealthy Saudi families...

  4. Saudis Take Iran's Oil Market Share Saudi Arabia ramped up oil production last month by the most this year, largely filling the gap created by...

  5. The Saudi excuse is the defense system was looking the other way. EVEN THOUGH THE U.S. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DETERMINED THAT THE PREVIOUS ATTACK ON...

  6. "Budget needs are forcing Saudi Arabia to push for oil prices of at least $70 per barrel this year, industry sources say, even though...

  7. As if Saudi Arabia wasn't already doing the lion's share of the production cutting so that other members can skate by without fully complying...

  8. Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates overstate their oil capacities, Iran’s state news agency IRNA reported on...

  9. Rumors abound as to where and when Saudi's IPO will be listed.

  10. In addition to U.S. participation Russia wants the sanctions dropped.  Hopefully Trump doesn't fall for this ploy.  First let's talk some rough estimates.  Today Russia,...

  11. I'm shocked.   SHOCKED I tell you! Nobody saw this surprise news coming at all ... Saudis Said Willing to Meet All Orders From Ex-Iran Oil Buyers Saudi Arabia...

  12. Saudis Begin Curbing Oil Output Ahead of OPEC+ Start Date     Bloomberg) -- Saudi Aramco began reducing oil production earlier this week ahead of the May...

  13. So we are supposed to believe Saudi Arabia will be getting production back up quickly when they are out trying to buy oil already...

  14. There are millions of barrels floating offshore China in Asia without a home. Saudis had no option. Do you think Saudis clients were going to...

  15. Saudi Arabia expects oil revenue to jump about 80 percent by 2023 to help the kingdom record its first budget surplus in a decade

  16. WSJ reporting that Saudi Aramco is looking to buy stakes in us shale.... hey, if you can't beat 'em... join 'em!

  17. Saudis dumping 40mm to 50mm bbls oil on U.S. market. Bring the troops home. Bring the Navy home. Close the bases.   Wish MbS good luck . .   have...

  18. Saudis Expect Oil Revenue to Increase 80% by 2023 I can't help wondering if someone woke up thinking "Let's produce some news" or all that...

  19. So, no need for me to launch into my ad nauseum comments about how I expect oil prices to recover shortly, that $80 oil [Brent]...

  20. Perry has it right.  This action by Mohammed bin Salman is in violation of antitrust law,  World Trade Organization by-laws and just unfair.  This...

  21. https://www.reuters.com/article/saudi-asia-oil-prices/update-1-saudi-aramco-plans-to-change-asia-crude-oil-price-formula-adopt-dme-oman-sources-idUSL4N1U021C?rpc=401& can someone dumb this down for me?

  22. More smoke and mirrors .   Saudis produced 9.8 mm before OPEC deal fell apart. Saudis say they are going to produce 12.3 in April.  That is a joke.   Saudis say they will cut 4...

  23. The scheduled OPEC+ meeting was cancelled at the eleventh hour and by coincidence, the Saudi crown prince gave a rare interview on Tuesday to...

  24. The Aramco earning call was a farce.  "We"re very comfortable with $30 oil"  or "We can last year's and pay our dividend with $25...

  25. Oil industry is cutting production around the world now.  They have to , the storage is filling up. Which company has more storage around the...

  26. "Saudi Arabia is running low on its most prized grade of crude, people familiar with the matter said, a development that could push oil...

  27. If this article true this could be the First step for Trump to reduce presence in the Mideast. Think Trump tired of spending billions in...

  28. Exxon’s Permian Production to Yield $64B for New Mexico   ExxonMobil Corp.’s development of its Permian Basin resources could yield $64 billion for the state of...

  29. Just another excuse for the majors to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.  Would not be an arm's length transaction. Can't use transfer pricing thru...

  30. Sberbank Group has become the main owner of Antipinsky Oil Refinery as it received ownership rights to stocks of Vikay (owner of 80% of...