1. Brazil`s state-owned oil company Petrobras has reported a net loss of R$446m ($136m) for last year compared with a loss of R$14.8bn a year...

  2. The gem of the national crown is up for privatisation yet again, I understand. Will they be able to pull it off, however, remains...

  3. Brazil’s state-run oil producer Petrobras agreed to pay $2.95 billion to settle U.S. class-action lawsuits over a massive corruption scandal that has damaged its...

  4. Petrobras on Track to Become Largest Oil Producer     Petrobras is on track to become the world’s largest oil producer among publicly listed companies by 2030. That’s...

  5. A growing need for more plastics and petrochemicals in the developing world will be the leading driver of oil demand, outpacing planes, trains and...

  6. This was unexpected.  Perhaps China is finally throwing in the towel and cutting its losses on the steaming pile of Socialist government that is...

  7. According to Reuters agency, PetroChina Co plans to drop Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) as a partner in a planned $10 billion oil refinery...

  8. What the heck?  Article is frustratingly short on details.  Perhaps a harbinger of their increasing trade war (on the losing side) with the U.S. ? A...

  9. There appears to be six different types of crude oils: 1) Paraffinic (light sweet with higher pour point), 2) Naphthenic (light sweet with lower pour point), 3) Paraffinic-Naphthenic (medium sweet) 4)...

  10.   Petroleum’s importance to humankind took a giant leap in the late 1800’s when it replaced coal as the primary fuel for the machines of...

  11. Can solar power or windmills make petrochemical products? I'll wait patiently for an enlightening response from the oil disliker crowd. Petroleum in real life: Soap and hand sanitizers Germ-fighting...

  12. The petroleum industry appears to be one of the biggest industries that has basically ignored some of the most important industry generic domain names out...

  13. As someone who can never ever tell these two companies apart, or rather which is whose state company, I found this article very interesting....

  14. Say, that $66 per barrel figure sounds kinda familiar.... to my endless whinging about my hoped for "suitable balance" oil price of $65 Anyway, seems...

  15. I lived 3 years in Sarawak, Malaysia.  Over the years I have repeatedly commented and reminded that Sarawak and Sabah are *not* "just states"...

  16. Some good news over here locally in Malaysia.  Petronas is going to rev up exploration activities, locally and internationally, and deepwater exploration is back...

  17. And here is a refreshing changeup from the usual rollercoaster oil news.  A view of longer term approach, rather than the short term ups...

  18. Holy sh*t my phone is exploding with messages since I posted this morning on LinkedIn.  Having trouble keeping up: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6418231960677814272 Direct link to article: Cover Story: How...

  19. Expecting upheaval, uprisings and open warfare soon in Middle East petrostates, where countries that derive 80% or so of their income from oil revenue...

  20. Looks like Petroteq, the very small company using technology developed by Canadian oilmen and financed by a somewhat opaque oil deal/distributor in Ukraine, has...

  21. It as appears as if Petroteq Energy ( the company that uses citrus based solvents to extract oil from the bitumen type of oil sands)...

  22. It looks like Petroteq, that oil-sands mining and extraction company using solvents instead of steam to separate the heavy oil from the sand material...

  23. Looks like our old chums at Petroteq have put a joint-venture operation in charge of running their extraction pilot plant in Utah.  The stock...

  24. Ok, this is just plain weird.  I'm sharing an Oil Price article here on the Oil Price community forum.  I'm a long time reader...

  25. Philadelphia Energy Solutions seeks to permanently shut oil refinery - sources   https://www.reuters.com/article/us-refinery-blast-philadelphia-exclusive/exclusive-philadelphia-energy-solutions-seeks-to-permanently-shut-oil-refinery-sources-idUSKCN1TR09E

  26. Philadelphia refinery fire extinguished; alkylation unit destroyed   The fire in the alkylation unit at Philadelphia Energy Solutions' refinery was extinguished Sunday, according to company spokeswoman...

  27. This could get messy.  This is not "hacktivism", this is criminal.  A $100,000 reward for illegal black-hat hacking of oil companies. Phineas Fisher Offers $100,000...

  28. is open house scheduled yet? Is the price negotiable? Why is 90 year old "single man" selling it? Too many questions on this one https://www.cbsnews.com/news/oil-tycoon-pickens-selling-texas-ranch-for-250-million/      

  29. Shale producers Pioneer Resources and Parsley Energy export most of their oil production.  They were able to garner a premium price on their oil...

  30. Within the last year Sheffield said the U.S. would be producing 14 to15 million barrels a year now if we had the pipelines. (also...