1. https://lngprime.com/europe/dnv-12-lng-powered-ships-ordered-in-august/27954/

  2. Interview posted on Natural Gas Intelligence.  This particular interview promotes mostly American-centric viewpoints for LNG, which is unfortunate.  The LNG world does not revolve...

  3. And it could be a big one but there's a big if, of course: if there are no new LNG project, there will be...

  4. So says IHS Markit. Let's see what happens to demand.

  5. http://www.ngvjournal.com/s1-news/c7-lng-h2-blends/lng-the-fundamental-binary-decarbonization-choice-facing-owners/ The best fuel choice for choice for ships is natural gas as LNG or a blend. It is cleaner, less expensive, and abundant worldwide....

  6. In terms of market disruption potential, LNG is the new shale oil, says Reuters' John Kemp. Buzzwords aside, he's definitely right, even with the...

  7. Magnolia LNG sale falls through to company with ties to Lafayette, new buyer steps up   The Australian parent company behind the Magnolia LNG project near...

  8. Just need an overview on LPG Price Trend 2019 for Asia Pacific region.

  9. Imperial Oil says its much-delayed $16.1-billion project to build a natural gas pipeline across the Northwest Territories from the coast of the Beaufort Sea...

  10. I absolutely believe that the text below on the oilprice.com portal is one of the most important news on the global gas market recently. If...

  11. How can we measure CNG? 

  12. Angela Merkel has intervened in a row over a gas pipeline due to run from Russia to Germany, telling Vladimir Putin he cannot exclude Ukraine...

  13. Methane-consuming bacteria could be the future of fuel   Known for their ability to remove methane from the environment and convert it into a usable fuel,...

  14. If you're having a hard time getting to sleep, this book should help. Reading this, it's obvious why the world has so much natural...

  15. Two gas stations duking it out in a small town by going tit for tat with price cuts. Will the lower oil prices of...

  16. http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/four-micro-lng-plants-may-boost-sustainable-mobility-in-italy-0605 Four Micro-LNG Plants May Boost Sustainable Mobility in Italy June 5, 2018 | USA: Houston TX and Italy: San Donato Milanese Snam S.p.A., a European leader in the...

  17. Perhaps gold prospecting.  I mean, they both involve digging underground.  Can't be all that different, right? 

  18. In case you haven't noticed, on Monday September 13th, Natural Gas prices shot up AGAIN!  Up about 6% depending upon the timestamp.  https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/natural-gas High Natural...

  19. EU natural gas prices soared to €115 per megawatt-hour, the highest since a record €116.02 reached on October 5th amid growing tensions between the...

  20. At market open on Monday Nov 16th, Natural Gas futures plummet more than 6%,  LIVE GRAPH INTERACTIVE  https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/natural-gas Natural Gas Price Fundamental Weekly Forecast –...

  21. https://www.montana.edu/news/23884/montana-state-scientists-publish-evidence-for-new-groups-of-methane-producing-organisms Nothing in the above news article discusses the effects of injecting CO2 into depleted oil reservoirs. This discovery adds credibility to the idea that...

  22. "LNG exports have been the fastest growing source of U.S. natural gas demand since the country started ramping up exports in 2016, and is...

  23. Sound Energy Considers Selling Moroccan Assets after Failed Gas Test

  24. Why peoples like Short cuts during their work , why we can't apply the safety procedures at 100% level, it's true that there is...

  25. https://www.timesleader.com/news/1520944/nacero-to-build-6b-natural-gas-to-gasoline-plant-in-luzerne-county  Nacero to build $6B natural gas to gasoline plant in Luzerne County October 29, 2021  

  26. Nat gas industry has hit rock bottom when will the industry rebound. What leading indicators tells the industry is in a rebound. If country...

  27. NatGas  European gas prices tumble European natural gas prices have plunged from their highs reached in the summer of 2022.  December 2023 futures are down 45% from  early December...

  28. study strengthens LNG investment case     SEA\LNG has released an independent study showing that LNG as a marine fuel delivers the best return on investment and...

  29. National Geographic at it again, continuing its uber leftist disdain for oil & gas, this time targeting Natural Gas - i.e. Methane. NatGeo apparently wants the...

  30. National Grid Says No New NYC Natural Gas Customers Without Williams Pipeline     National Grid Plc said on Friday it will not process new applications for...

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