1. Quote Zhao concluded that the pool would have stopped producing oil by 2016 without CO2 injection, but that “enhanced oil recovery could extend the pool’s...

  2. Forget Russia, European energy security begins at home It's refreshing to see a sane argument in an overwhelmingly insane environment, so I thought I'd share.

  3. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/A-Very-Predictable-Global-Energy-Crisis.html A Very Predictable Global Energy Crisis By Irina Slav - Oct 06, 2021, 7:00 PM CDT When gas prices in Europe started rising faster and faster last month...

  4. https://mailchi.mp/hq/september-2019-newsletter?e=63a8041dbc

  5. https://weather.com/science/news/2019-05-07-mysterious-methane-fire-breathing-mountain Mysterious Methane Fueling Fire-Breathing Mountain in Turkey Discovered in Dozens of Locations Worldwide

  6. Why does natural gas smell like Rotten eggs? Which is the Best gas company to buy a quality gas?

  7. Topic: commercial containers for lng in the developing market of today how a common user can have access to technology for use of LNG as a....

  8. https://ngtnews.com/utrc-licenses-angp-to-produce-conformable-adsorbent-natural-gas-tank

  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adsorbed_natural_gas http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/ang-technology-to-collect-boil-off-gas-on-lng-ships-0524#more-112010 https://cenergysolutions.com/ang-cylinders/ https://cenergysolutions.com/conformable-ang-tank/ https://cenergysolutions.com/ang-home-fueling/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261996000153 https://www.automotive-fleet.com/132899/adsorbent-natural-gas-tanks-applied-to-first-fleet-truck https://www.truckinginfo.com/130790/carbon-adsorption-to-reduce-cng-costs   Adsorbent natural gas tanks use special materials such as carbon to absorb large amounts of natural gas without using high pressure tanks. They can...

  10. http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/ang-technology-to-collect-boil-off-gas-on-lng-ships-0524#more-112010 https://cenergysolutions.com/ang-cylinders/ https://cenergysolutions.com/conformable-ang-tank/ https://cenergysolutions.com/ang-home-fueling/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261996000153 https://www.automotive-fleet.com/132899/adsorbent-natural-gas-tanks-applied-to-first-fleet-truck https://www.truckinginfo.com/130790/carbon-adsorption-to-reduce-cng-costs Adsorbent natural gas takes use special materials such as carbon to absorb large amounts of natural gas without using high pressure tanks. They can...

  11. Nigeria is the only member country in the OPEC that imports petrol and is currently the largest importer of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) in...

  12. Hi everybody  How do you see future of LNG price by the introduction of new gas exploration program in MOROCCO and NORTH AFRICA and if...

  13. Amazing the hurdles and resistance to Alaska's longstanding dream of building a natural gas pipeline.  Here is a headline from 1954: Fairbanks has had a...

  14. Algeria has the world's third-largest shale gas reserves, which was news to me but there it is. They want to start pumping that gas...

  15. FERC has granted certificate approval to the 2nd-largest nat gas expansionsion project in the US Northeast, the mountaineer xpress. Also receiving approval was the Gulf Xpress. The...

  16. https://www.mpg.de/18403646/0309-terr-all-organisms-produce-methane-153410-x Quote   As the researchers have now been able to show using the bacterium Bacillus subtilis, there is a close connection between metabolic activity and extent...

  17. June heat wave revealed key capacity concerns: Cal-ISO CEO     A June heat wave showed that the California Independent System Operator is struggling to meet load...

  18. Zero Hedge featured this article by Irina Slav and included a VIDEO.  EXCERPT:  Turkmenistan's president has ordered the government to find a way to extinguish...

  19. https://www.wsj.com/articles/americas-power-grid-is-increasingly-unreliable-11645196772 America’s Power Grid Is Increasingly Unreliable Behind a rising number of outages are new stresses on the system caused by aging power lines, a changing...

  20. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/24/dan-brouillette-american-gains-to-reduce-pollution-offset-by-china-in-one-month/ Department of Energy (DOE) Deputy Secretary Dan Brouillette told Breitbart News Daily that Chinese pollution has “offset” American “gains” to reduce pollution in “one month.”

  21. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/IEA-Head-LNG-Regulation-Helped-Europe-Save-8B-On-Russian-Gas-Imports.html IEA Head: LNG, Regulation Helped Europe Save $8B On Russian Gas Imports By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jun 07, 2019, 4:00 PM CDT

  22. This year, US shale gas producers have significantly reduced LNG supplies to Europe and are currently sending record volumes of LNG to Asia. Not that...

  23. Houston mayor takes heat from activists for backing LNG project LNG is evil and it's time we all accepted it.

  24. https://community.oilprice.com/forum/65-nat-gas-lng/?do=add Excellent visual presentations and video at the above link. It is very easy to look at and impressive. Please take a look at the...

  25. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/23/opinion/appalachian-trail-pipeline.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage   Will the Appalachian Trail Stop an $8 Billion Pipeline? It’s up to the U.S. Supreme Court.

  26. Al-Falih in an interview with TASS. Not sure how exactly this will happen. I mean, Qatar and stuff.

  27. Saudi Aramco eyes multi-billion-dollar U.S. gas acquisitions: CEO Good luck beating Qatar, Australia, and the U.S. itself. To mention but just three.

  28. https://www.fool.ca/2017/12/12/attention-contrarian-investors-are-natural-gas-companies-about-to-soar/

  29. Do you think there are more electric or natural gas vehicles in the world? Why is the mainstream media so uninformed or are they...

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