1. Extinction Rebellion Funded by Rich Trust-Funders and Special Interests

  2. "China’s war against smog is lifting prices for energy all over the world, according to analysts at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and the International Energy Agency." http://fortune.com/2017/12/13/natural-gas-clean-air-china/  

  3. Fire from ice: Research advances into unlocking methane hydrate   A research well drilled last winter into the Prudhoe Bay oil field could be a key...

  4. Not like anyone would notice. Many parts of Nigeria are without power on a regular basis.  https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-nigeria-electricity/nigerian-power-grid-shut-down-goes-unnoticed-in-parts-of-country-idUKKBN1ES19J?rpc=401& What is Nigeria's problem with dealing with its failing...

  5. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/Gas-Flaring-Running-Rampant-In-The-Permian.html  Flaring is at record highs in Texas. Oil producers have no real limits to their waste of Texas' natural gas. The entire state government...

  6. Reference article on natural gas flaring in Texas. My calculations is that this is about 50 mlillion tonnes,converted to metric. If there are no...

  7. It is a terrible waste of American resources to continue to allow flaring. The same applies worldwide. Environmentalists should focus on this, but it...

  8. Orders for floating LNG vessels hot up Smart, I'd say, despite looming oversupply (okay, I couldn't help the "looming" part).

  9. LNG Players Weigh Ship Storage Gambit (Bloomberg) -- With so much cheap liquefied natural gas around, traders are again looking at tankers to store the...

  10. Natural gas price for 15-17 March 2021. Forecast . #NGAS https://wavesmarkets.blogspot.com/2021/03/natural-gas-price-for-15-17-march-2021.html

  11. https://ngtnews.com/utrc-licenses-angp-to-produce-conformable-adsorbent-natural-gas-tank UTRC Licenses ANGP to Produce Conformable Adsorbent Natural Gas Tank

  12. https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/05/investing/chesapeake-energy-debt-going-concern-natural-gas/index.html?utm_term=link&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twbusiness&utm_content=2019-11-05T22%3A29%3A05r Will Chesapeake go bankrupt? How would this affect the natural gas industry? What about the smaller companies? Why aren't truckers switching to natural gas...

  13. Fueling fracturing with natural gas: Redefining wellsite power for oilfield services On Aug. 24, 2017, Hurricane Harvey was barreling toward the middle of the Texas...

  14. Freezing temps in US means we're burning more fuel at home and not sending as much to Mexico. 

  15. A beautiful potential solution to the emissions problem at oil and gas fields, of the sort where you reduce your electricity consumption, which both...

  16. Gas Demand Set to Keep Rising   Global demand for natural gas is set to rise by more than 10 percent over the next five years,...

  17. Oil Producers Are Burning Enough 'Waste' Gas to Power Every Home in Texas That's... a lot of homes, right?

  18. Just read how Iraq could save $2.5 billion from reducing gad flaring in four years. On a global scale the savings should be huge....

  19. Looks like a disaster unfolding just North of Boston.  Huge numbers of house fires apparently as gas lines over-pressure, blow gas past safety systems,...

  20. A bit of good news.  Yes, I know it's not actually BIG good news, but these days, ANY good news is better that the...

  21. "The United States should help the natural gas industry push back against opposition by environmental groups to pipeline projects by adopting new regulations or...

  22. This is great news.  Should help cut down on the crazy high levels of flaring gas in North Dakota Gas pipeline, processing plant proposed in...

  23. That's a surprise: the small gas-fired power plants that private equity companies have been investing in heavily in recent years are failing to return...

  24. Northeast struggles due to insufficient gas pipeline infrastructure Loath of repeating something that has been said a hundred times already on this forum I'll just...

  25. It is a challenging situation when it comes to face to face with Climate Change. 

  26. Groundbreaking gas-to-gasoline plant   Turkmenistan inaugurated on Friday what is billed as the world's first gas-to-gasoline plant, set to turn some of the country's vast gas...

  27. There's new research saying that gas is among the least sustainable fuels for electricity generation. Shale gas in particular ranks seventh out of nine...

  28. Which state is paying high price for gasoline?

  29. Russian gas giant Gazprom plans to invest $3.2 billion this year in the TurkStream pipeline project and another $1.65 billion in Nord Stream 2. Interest...

  30. After 11 months Gazprom is just 19% below 2021. Meaning that the net profit increases as prices are higher as in 2021. All those action...

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