1. Russia currently supplies about 40% of the EU's gas supplies - just ahead of Norway, which is not in the EU but takes part...

  2. https://www.theepochtimes.com/neb-gives-trans-mountain-pipeline-expansion-its-endorsement_2812136.html https://www.theepochtimes.com/a-look-at-16-new-recommendations-for-ottawa-on-the-trans-mountain-pipeline_2812130.html

  3. I'm a trader trying to get a handle on the correlation between oil and gas prices. It seems to me that any uncommonly extreme...

  4. I have  a small amount of natural gas and i am loosing 20% since my purchase price should i sell or hold on to...

  5. There are many Natural gas exporting companies and many more who are planning to export it in large volumes. It seems that natural gas...

  6. A Keystone-Like Pipeline Opens Fierce Battle Over New York’s ‘Energy Future’ is there a bit of common sense left or is it Cuomism (Cuomonism?) all...

  7. Two minute Video and also Bloomberg article about Tellurian stock being shorted. Will there be a Short Squeeze on this LNG company? Bloomberg article published Tuesday...

  8. I think this issue is going to become a bit more heated in the wake of the poisoning of the ex-spy in Salisbury ......

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvN1I_1KAFE&t=469s Models all aligned.   "Fabulous, impressive, gigantic... divergence."  

  10. Interesting take on how Trump's attempts to push natural gas exports deals--most notably with China--might not work out the way they are intended if...

  11. If I remember right, few years ago Argentina was importing gas from Bolivia. Operating FLNG only in summer is not very cost-effective - hope they...

  12. ZeroHedge usually writes very good original content about oil & gas, when they are not being just a news aggregator and reposting original content...

  13. Production at Egypt's giant Zohr field (operated by Eni) increased six-fold since January. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/Egypts-Giant-Zohr-Gas-Field-Boosts-Production-Six-fold.html Will Egypt become a NatGas exporter soon? 

  14. Приветствую Вас дамы и господа[url=https://ukrjizn.com/]![/url] Если Вы ищите качественный источник информации о событиях Украины на каждый день, тогда Вы обратились по адресу. Мы считаемся...

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