1. https://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/ups-to-add-more-than-6000-vehicles-to-its-natural-gas-fleet-1010#more-112848   UPS To Add More than 6,000 Vehicles to its Natural Gas Fleet October 10, 2019 | USA: Atlanta GA | Source: Agility Fuel Systems and UPS

  2. http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/operail-and-digas-to-construct-first-lng-freight-locomotive-in-the-baltics-1105 Operail and DiGas to Construct First LNG Freight Locomotive in the Baltics

  3. http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/canada-issues-updated-ngv-roadmap-for-medium-and-hd-transportation-sector-0607   Canada Issues Updated NGV Roadmap for Medium and HD Transportation Sector June 7, 2019 | Canada: Ottawa ON | Source: Canadian Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance

  4. German gas industry targets 5 GW of power-to-gas capacity in five years     * Technology turns surplus green power into hydrogen * Berlin to publish hydrogen strategy...

  5. PennEast Appealing Wacky 3rd Circuit Decision to Supreme Court https://naturalgasnow.org/penneast-appealing-wacky-3rd-circuit-decision-to-supreme-court/

  6. Cove Point Celebrates Sending Our Marcellus Shale Gas Across the Globe https://naturalgasnow.org/cove-point-sending-our-marcellus-shale-gas-across-the-globe/

  7. Climate Change Consensus Shifts in Wind, But Gas Is Still the Right Move https://naturalgasnow.org/climate-change-consensus-shifts-in-wind-but-gas-is-still-the-right-move/

  8. Shale Gas News – November 9, 2019 https://naturalgasnow.org/shale-gas-news-november-9-2019/

  9. https://komonews.com/weather/scotts-weather-blog/uw-weather-prof-blob-part-2-is-dying   https://alaskapacificblob.wordpress.com/2019/09/17/has-the-blob-returned/

  10. https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/05/investing/chesapeake-energy-debt-going-concern-natural-gas/index.html?utm_term=link&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twbusiness&utm_content=2019-11-05T22%3A29%3A05r Will Chesapeake go bankrupt? How would this affect the natural gas industry? What about the smaller companies? Why aren't truckers switching to natural gas...

  11. https://af.reuters.com/article/energyOilNews/idAFL5N27A5NP All forms of natural gas have a marketing problem because there is more profit in liquid fuels. Leadership is needed, the consumer stands to...

  12. This week's update on our glorious shale revolution as we hit 4,000 posts!! https://mailchi.mp/0ffe31bf68d5/weekly-update-from-naturalgasnow-1017521?e=8ff9f03c42

  13. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/24/dan-brouillette-american-gains-to-reduce-pollution-offset-by-china-in-one-month/ Department of Energy (DOE) Deputy Secretary Dan Brouillette told Breitbart News Daily that Chinese pollution has “offset” American “gains” to reduce pollution in “one month.”

  14. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/energy/article/Building-LNG-powered-ships-newest-industry-along-14062299.php#photo-17781111 Building LNG-powered ships newest industry along U.S./Mexico border

  15. https://www.usgs.gov/news/usgs-estimates-214-trillion-cubic-feet-natural-gas-appalachian-basin-formations USGS Estimates 214 trillion Cubic Feet of Natural Gas in Appalachian Basin Formations

  16. What happend with gas

  17. https://www.naturalgasworld.com/new-permian-pipe-in-service-kinder-morgan-73351?#signin NEW PERMIAN PIPE IN SERVICE: KINDER MORGAN

  18. Extinction Rebellion Funded by Rich Trust-Funders and Special Interests

  19. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Unlit-Gas-Flares-Cause-Worst-Methane-Leaks.html Unlit Gas Flares Cause Worst Methane Leaks By Irina Slav - Sep 26, 2019, 9:30 AM CDT

  20. Gulf Coast Express Pipeline Placed in Service Ahead of Schedule Tuesday, September 24, 2019 4:10 pm EDT   EmailPrintRSS HOUSTON--Kinder Morgan, Inc. (NYSE: KMI) today announced that the...

  21.    John J. Interval challenges Democrat Presidential candidates on their reckless “ban fracking” positions using some key facts and a lot of common sense. https://naturalgasnow.org/ban-fracking-what-in-the-world-are-democrats-thinking/

  22. Bloomberg 9/22 - Tellurian Signs $7.5 Billion Pact With Petronet for U.S. LNG (Tom Nolan’s comment…  I hold some skepticism on the monetary viability of...

  23. https://mailchi.mp/hq/september-2019-newsletter?e=63a8041dbc

  24. https://www.relinc.com/advanced-materials/conformable-natural-gas-tank/

  25. http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/canadian-funds-support-development-of-westport-conformable-cng-storage-technology-0905 Canadian Funds Support Development of Westport Conformable CNG Storage Technology

  26. https://video.foxbusiness.com/v/6087040733001/#sp=show-clips John Hofmeister, former president of Shell Oil, explains why we should stop flaring and start using natural gas onsite and for transportation. He has come...

  27. Block oil & gas pipelines.  Go ahead.  No really, I actually mean it.   Business pain seems to be the only way for stupid politicians to...

  28. What will be the outcome of the natural prices if bankruptcies continue to rise.

  29. This is an article I wrote for the Australian edition of the British magazine The Spectator Its on the site now as energy notes. For...

  30. https://news.yahoo.com/equinor-gazprom-lose-european-gas-135133769.html Equinor, Gazprom lose European gas market share as LNG surges IMHO natural gas will become an even more low price commodity as more producing countries...

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