1. Vale's shares are down nearly 17% Monday as the company continues to deal with the aftermath of a dam breach over the weekend that...

  2. Vanadium, a metal usede in batteries, is waiting for its "Elon Musk moment", that is, a businessperson of the magnitude of Musk to promote...

  3. "Vanadium has soared more than 130 percent in the past year, outperforming better-known battery components like cobalt, lithium and nickel.  What’s driving prices is tightening...

  4. Vistra CEO is all over the news lately, giving a bunch of interviews after the company shut down its coal-fired plant in Texas and...

  5. China-watching is a growing thing among people interested in where the world's economy is going and aluminium-watching, apparently, can help paint the picture, according...

  6. Glencore's woes in the DRC, Freeport's troubles in Indonesia and the higher taxes and royalties are prompting some analysts to warn of impending doom...

  7. If you're portfolio includes big mining stocks in Africa this year, I would take a serious look at the weight of projects in key...

  8. An Electrifying Improvement in Copper Conductivity https://www.pnnl.gov/news-media/electrifying-improvement-copper-conductivity CNT Wire - Superwire https://www.boronite.com/cnt-wire.html   The former improves conductivity of copper wire at higher temperatures. The latter replaces some or all...

  9. Another quarter, another loss for the mining sector but going forward, opinions seem to differ rather dramatically. Some see a recovery around the corner...

  10. http://www.mining.com/baby-girl-survival-rates-india-fall-gold-prices-go-study/ Disturbing.

  11. I keep thinking that now is the time to get back into gold, but I also think that almost nothing can move it these...

  12. Wood mac has joined Morgan Stanley in forecasting a lithium and cobalt oversupply beginning as early as next year. Miners must be adding production...

  13. A methane explosion killed 12 Poles and one Czech at an eastern Czech coal mine, the OKD mining company said on Friday, in the...

  14. Zimbabwe has changed its empowerment law to limit majority ownership by state entities to only diamond and platinum mines and not the entire mining...

  15. Zimbabwe says it has the reserves to produce a fifth of the world's lithium. Takers? They just got rid of Mugabe finally and I'm...

  16. Привет товарищи[url=https://ukrjizn.com/]![/url] Если Вы хотите найти качественный источник новостей о событиях Украины на каждый день, тогда Вы обратились корректно. Мы считаемся ТОПовым(ой) новостной интернет...

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