1. The sky is falling.  The sky has always been falling.  Ignore that acorn behind the curtain. < sigh > Amusing the attempt to link the China Flu...

  2. Oopsie.... Cambridge academic caught on plane with £100,000 in a box of chocolates jailed over £2.8m green energy scam A Cambridge academic who stole £1m from...

  3. Robust economies have promoted subsidy-dependent, low power density, and intermittently electricity from renewables, but billions in the world are accessing affordable, scalable, reliable electricity...

  4. Scenario 1 is that existing silicon solar cells and wind power costs decline in a predictable progression, leading to solar panels costing roughly 1...

  5. Energy demand projections suggest we'll need to add tremendous amounts of renewable generation capacity to meet the coming increase. Some say it won't be...

  6. Anyone reading the original post in OilPrice realizes it's a quote from an article in Forbes. "In the United States alone, the full decarbonization of...

  7. The U.S. is betting big on gas. China is betting big on solar. This story pains a picture of a new axis: pro-gas, pro-U.S....

  8. https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25934560-100-can-massive-solar-power-expansion-regenerate-the-uss-iconic-prairies/?utm_source=onesignal&utm_medium=push&utm_campaign=2023-09-12-Solar-farms-to-   Can massive solar power expansion regenerate the US’s iconic prairies? Renewable energy development is transforming the US countryside. It could be a chance to restore...

  9. Canada warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, report says "While both human activities and natural variations in the climate have contributed...

  10. Three Canadian companies that make solar panels are suing the Trump administration over the 30-percent tariffs the president imposed last month on their products. In...

  11. A paper on the performance of wind power in Denmark produced last year by Gordon Hughes, a professor of economics at the University of Edinburgh,...

  12. https://electrek.co/2019/06/06/automakers-again-petition-us-ca-govts-to-close-emissions-pandoras-box-that-they-opened/

  13. According to this Research, The Predicted Carbon Feedback Loop of a Warmer Arctic Climate Releasing Stored Carbon in the Permafrost leading to a Warmer...

  14. Now that's what I call an incentive to go renewable.

  15. https://www.science.org/doi/pdf/10.1126/science.abh4049 Starch + fatty acids (vegetable oils) + phenols (flavorings and odorants) + sugars (glucose, sucrose, etc.) = plant based food (cereals, fruits, and starchy...

  16. Solar power may be getting cheaper to produce, but does that mean it's cheaper to buy? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-03/california-utilities-want-wealthy-defectors-to-pay-up-for-power In a nutshell: power companies bought solar power under long-term...

  17. Solar power may be getting cheaper to produce, but does that mean it's cheaper to buy? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-03/california-utilities-want-wealthy-defectors-to-pay-up-for-power In a nutshell: power companies bought solar power under long-term...

  18. BlackRock’s Plan for an Additional $4 Trillion in Climate Investment By Charles Kennedy - Nov 28, 2023, 11:30 AM CST https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/BlackRocks-Plan-for-an-Additional-4-Trillion-in-Climate-Investment.html https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/blackrocks-plan-additional-4-trillion-climate-investment The world’s biggest asset manager, BlackRock,...

  19. This is from an article in the UK's Telegraph. Regrettably, the article is behind a paywall but excerpts are below - its a warning...

  20. This LCOE so no subsidies! https://nawindpower.com/bnef-onshore-wind-is-cheapest-source-of-new-build-generation

  21. I'll just leave this here with the comment that this is what I consider genuinely good news for the planet and leave you to...

  22. Three decades after nuclear disaster, Chernobyl goes solar

  23. The large-scale solar farm right next to the disaster site in Chernobyl is almost completed. Apparently, it's just the start of a renaissance for the...

  24. The site of the largest nuclear disaster in modern history soon will be a home to upwards of 100 megawatts of solar power generation...

  25. Here is an interesting link regarding 'climate change' and the 'cherry picking' of data. Keep in mind that this was written on 9 May...

  26. Chile sets sights on 100% renewables by 2040. The country elected conservative businessman Sebsatián Piñera as president in December. According to Acera, Pinera's renewable...

  27. Chile has joined the ambitious green gang, planning to source 100% of its energy from renewable sources by 2040. It's impressive how fast they've...

  28. Chile tests floating solar power for clean energy and to reduce water loss

  29. World's largest floating solar installation (Southern China) giant solar Panda panel farm (Northern China), installs enough solar panel to cover football pitch every hour...

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