1. From a recent article on this site: Battery Breakthrough Solves Major Electric Car Problemhttps://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Battery-Breakthrough-Solves-Major-Electric-Car-Problem.html I find this hard to believe. After all the millions of dollars...

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHMp9OUQgUg Hydrogen Fuel! Scientist James Tour Demonstrates Method For Free & Clean Green Energy Alternative Far less expensive source of hydrogen than wind or solar excess,...

  3. Apparently, this is a disaster waiting to happen. "The problem of solar panel disposal “will explode with full force in two or three decades and...

  4. A boom in garbage is almost always the result of two related phenomena: urbanization and income growth. Rural dwellers moving to the city shift...

  5. World's largest floating solar installation (Southern China) giant solar Panda panel farm (Northern China), installs enough solar panel to cover football pitch every hour...

  6. Was watching the news last night and saw a long discussion on the heat wave presently occurring in southern Europe and not one word...

  7. After 30 Years Of Trying, Mercedes-Benz Ends Hydrogen Car Development Because It’s Too Costly   Saw this item in a newsletter. It about sums up the...

  8. Imperial College London researchers have found that the ozone layer is still not healing in certain areas of the world. Studies have shown clear signs...

  9. Automotive supplier Bosch has agreed to pay a 90 million euros ($100.21 million) fine for lapses in supervisory duties which enabled carmakers to engage...

  10. https://reneweconomy.com.au/why-south-australia-energy-transition-is-seen-as-model-of-success-around-the-world-83079/?utm_source=RE+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=898d9983ad-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_12_05_03_42&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_46a1943223-898d9983ad-15634933&fbclid=IwAR351mdpE6eAI1B6X42E_i4Oh9INoSgE4xyjDjKW3TWdSn_iamnhV0_tQug An interesting article from Renew Economy on how South Australia has integrated a considerable amount of renewable generated electricity into the grid, improved reliability and...

  11. The proliferation of renewable energy in the European Union in 2017 did not stop the majority of member states from increasing their carbon footprint....

  12. After getting a huge project out of the way I can now comment on a submission I sighted a couple of weeks back on...

  13. The large-scale solar farm right next to the disaster site in Chernobyl is almost completed. Apparently, it's just the start of a renaissance for the...

  14. A 100-meter high air purification tower in Xian in Shaanxi province helped reduce smog levels in the city, bringing a noticeable improvement in air quality....

  15. Is compressed air solution to the storage problem in renewable energy? https://phys.org/news/2018-10-solar-energy-compressed-air.html

  16. News flash: batteries do not *generate* electricity. Did California actually think this through?  Removing / retiring natural gas plants for generating electricity and creating a huge...

  17. The Australian Energy Market Operator it expects South Australia to reach 73 per cent renewable energy by 2020/21. Study of AEMO predict that South...

  18. Apparently, solar and wind industries are donating more money to Republicans than to Democrats, a marked shift from a group typically aligned with the...

  19. https://www.rechargenews.com/transition/a-wake-up-call-on-green-hydrogen-the-amount-of-wind-and-solar-needed-is-immense/2-1-776481 A wake-up call on green hydrogen: the amount of wind and solar needed is immense ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have an abundance of energy sources including vast amounts...

  20. A reasonable read. that finally recognizes the TRUTHS!  ALL OF THEM!! https://cgmf.org/blog-entry/435/REPORT-|-Never-Again-How-to-prevent-another-major-Texas-electricity-failure.html A short excerpt, that honestly contradicts those that blame renewables... "...ERCOT’s assessment anticipated only 963...

  21. https://www.pnnl.gov/news-media/path-renewable-fuel-just-got-easier Quote Now, a research team at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed a system that does just that. PNNL’s electrocatalytic oxidation...

  22. This is a great article from the world of Aviation.  It's about innovation, marketing vs realities, and The Laws of Physics, which provide the...

  23. According to Reuters, U.S. has refused to sign an agreement on challenges in the Arctic due to discrepancies over climate change wording, diplomats said...

  24. Oslo Airport wants to set a new standard in sustainable aviation. Last year, it launched a new green terminal that was certificated as the...

  25. According to scientists climate change played a hand in the deadly floods in the U.S. upper Midwest that have damaged crops and drowned livestock....

  26. https://electrek.co/2020/04/29/harley-davidson-stock-soars-30-this-week-company-recommits-to-electric-motorcycles/ "It’s no secret that Harley-Davidson has been in a tough financial spot for the last few years. And the figures from Harley-Davidson’s first-quarter earning’s...

  27. The German utility is launching a pilot project for the conversion of electricity into something it calls "green methane." I'm not exactly sure what the...

  28. Another day, another study. Let's see how it goes. Germany can't pull the cart all the way alone, I'm guessing.

  29. Years after they first appeared in North Korea, increasingly cheap and available solar panels are giving a boost to consumer consumption and industry as...

  30. Trump wanted to undermine the Paris agreement with the US withdrawal but his move is eroding US influence in the world and helping China...

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