1. Japanese utilities turn away from coal plans amid green energy boom Nothing but pressure works. Yeah, it's not very free-market, but it works.

  2. "Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, Masdar, and the Norwegian multinational energy company, Equinor, (formerly Statoil) have installed, and will soon begin testing, a new...

  3. Vectren announced this week it plans to slash the use of coal-generated electricity in its system from 78% to just 12% over the next...

  4.   Carmakers on course for $2-12bn fines for missing EU CO2 targets, warns Moody's To add to the billions they are spending on EVs.

  5. “Vehicles with lithium-ion batteries, also used in cellphones, are expected to give way over the next few years to cars and trucks made with...

  6. Three decades after nuclear disaster, Chernobyl goes solar

  7. renewableenergy

    The Power of Water: Fuel, Agriculture and Desalination.   Global Blue Oceans International, LLC

  8. data just released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), wind, solar, and hydropower provided 100% of the 1,328 MW in new US electrical...

  9. Note that the minimum order quantity is one shipping container, which may be a 20' or 40'. This isn't made clear.

  10. Anyone reading the original post in OilPrice realizes it's a quote from an article in Forbes. "In the United States alone, the full decarbonization of...

  11. Tesla, which lost its status as the nation’s leading rooftop solar company last year, is trying to get back in the game by slashing...

  12. Microsoft has announced the completion of its first renewable energy deal with the Karnataka state in  India. This agreement will provide Microsoft purchase 3...

  13. http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/demand-soars-for-clean-energy-fuels-zero-now-program-0507#more-111648 Demand Soars for Clean Energy Fuels ‘Zero Now’ Program   http://www.ngvglobal.org/ngv-statistics/ Welcome to the NGV Global Statistics Webpage. Data is the most recent available. Best endeavours are used...

  14. Dept. of Interior approves plans for $1 billion, 690-MW Gemini solar project with 1,400-MWh battery.  https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2020/05/dept-of-interior-approves-plans-for-690-mw-gemini-solar-project-with-1400-mwh-battery/

  15. Quick charging just got solved using current tech.  The only improvement required?  A battery built in heater and gigantic charging cables good for at...

  16. Looks like a cool scooter. Watch video. Can put seat/baskets on it. Never seen one and have no affiliation with this company. https://cooldab.com/products/a-new-skateboards?variant=17361672962118

  17. "According to reporting by Business Insider about these disruptive little vehicles, 'the lightweight, three-wheeled vehicle promises up to 1,000 miles of range, more than...

  18. Oil companies shifting from pure oil and gas player to diversified energy companies is a trend that started in Europe (Statoil, Shell, BP, Total)...

  19. Those who are still trying to claim that offshore wind is somehow cheaper than other forms of energy, notably coal, despite all the problems...

  20. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-11-26/arsenal-is-first-u-k-soccer-club-to-install-battery-at-stadium?utm_campaign=news&utm_medium=bd&utm_source=applenews I"m a footy fan, though despise Arsenal. Storage, to time shift when you purchase electricity and thereby pay less, is being profitable. Personally not...

  21. https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/introducing-energy-storage-as-an-appliance-orison-seed-funding "The energy monitor costs $300 and the battery system costs $2,200 for 1.8 kilowatts/2.2 kilowatt-hours. That translates to a far less favorable system price...

  22. EXCERPTS: By 2035, a charging station could demand as much power as a sports arena or small town.  National Grid expects by 2035, large...

  23. The extent of ideological brainwashing going on in Europe has come to a head. Norwegian lawmakers have nominated a 16 year old for the...

  24. Electricity provided by natural gas was 4.6% more than in June 2019. In comparison, total electrical generation by all renewable energy sources rose by...

  25.   Power-strapped North Korea is exploring two ambitious alternative energy sources, tidal power and coal-based synthetic fuels, that could greatly improve living standards and reduce...

  26. The US is dominant in the sectors of biomass, gas, geothermal, nuclear, ocean, oil and wind power generation projects. Brazil leads in the sectors...

  27. Huge win for California! 🤘 California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a measure requiring the state to produce all its electricity from renewable sources by...

  28. I thought this link had some interesting information for those considering EV's. https://www.edmunds.com/fuel-economy/the-true-cost-of-powering-an-electric-car.html

  29. Turkish firm has built a new kind of wind turbine that harness a wind power from vehicles driving by.  The device is capable of producing...

  30. Without national targets and commitments, it's wishful thinking not policy. More than 50 leading European and multinational corporations argues that the 27% target is too...

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