1. Britain's support for Arctic oil and gas incompatible with climate goals - MPs Well, you can't have everyone happy all the time, can you?

  2. Or week, that is. Or is it really? Tesla shareholders can go ahead with lawsuit over its Solar City acquisition, per a court ruling on...

  3. The world of energy is changing and new records keep being set. Britain generated more electricity from renewables and nuclear power last year than...

  4. Just one marijuana cigarette creates over 10 pounds of carbon dioxide pollution, while entire kilogram produces a staggering 4600 kg of CO2 emissions to...

  5.  The latest episode of “South Park” attempts to make up for its past of denying the reality of global warming. Haven't watched but sounds...

  6. A gold-hungry bug opens door for more efficient biofuels Okay, just how cool is this?

  7. Aviation and Richard Branson continue in their quest: Delta refinery to use feedstock from waste plastic Delta refinery to use feedstock from waste plastic November 19, 2018 Delta...

  8. Representative Craig Kelly from NSW Australia speaking out against Net Zero by 2050 agenda in a simple but well-articulated cost/benefit analysis.  13 minute video https://www.bitchute.com/video/U9CvejaDGR21/

  9. or so says this: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/elon-musk-made-less-than-the-typical-tesla-employee-in-2017-2018-04-26  "According to Tesla, Musk made $49,920 in salary in 2017 with no other compensation, and Musk refused to accept the salary...

  10. Not a joke. Hair is a renewable resource, people!

  11. Canadian Solar Inc could go private following a trend of other major solar manufacturers. What does this privatization mean for these companies? 

  12. Energy demand projections suggest we'll need to add tremendous amounts of renewable generation capacity to meet the coming increase. Some say it won't be...

  13. U.S. wind and solar energy hit a key benchmark last month: Report Ben Adler ·Senior Editor Tue, May 10, 2022, 1:17 PM·3 min read https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-wind-and-solar-energy-hit-a-key-benchmark-last-month-report-181750400.html   The United States electricity...

  14. For the people that think we live in a fantasy bubble.

  15. https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/introducing-energy-storage-as-an-appliance-orison-seed-funding "The energy monitor costs $300 and the battery system costs $2,200 for 1.8 kilowatts/2.2 kilowatt-hours. That translates to a far less favorable system price...

  16. EXCERPT - The diabolical way EU electricity costs are computed, allegedly to encourage inefficient solar and wind and discourage conventional sources, is that, as...

  17. Without national targets and commitments, it's wishful thinking not policy. More than 50 leading European and multinational corporations argues that the 27% target is too...

  18. This puts Tesla in the same category as clowns, fruitcake, reality TV, and spam. Tesla Q1 results expected tomorrow after market close. They are...

  19. Landowners warned as most solar panels 'underperform' financially

  20. The large-scale solar farm right next to the disaster site in Chernobyl is almost completed. Apparently, it's just the start of a renaissance for the...

  21. $TSLA down to $300 even, even as Tesla reports a smaller loss per share and great revenue than analysts had expected. It was up...

  22. Malaysia is the latest Asian country after China and Philippines to reject rich countries' trash after becoming a dumping ground for plastic waste.   https://www.reuters.com/article/us-malaysia-waste-idUSKCN1SY0M7?utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Content&utm_content=5cecf8d6c3070b0001dcd590&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter 

  23. Solar still thriving with Trump tariffs. http://dailycaller.com/2018/09/24/solar-projects-surge-after-trump-tariffs/

  24. Australia new solar capacity addition hits record at 1.05 GW thanks in large part to sky-high electricity costs in the country. Who needs subsidies?? Higher...

  25. Maybe... but it's still one of the world's biggest polluters with 10,151 metric tons of C02 emissions. That's double that of the US. 

  26. https://www.wired.com/story/companies-expect-climate-change-to-cost-them-one-trillion-dollars-in-5-years/ Well, that's what planning ahead is for. It's not like climate change started last year, after all, and the weather was constant until then.

  27. Interesting. Ex Royal Navy Nuclear Engineer develops Aluminium  - Air battery. UK Govt pumps in 100K in development grant.  If this is a runner the...

  28. Increased use of renewable energy is better at reducing greenhouse gases than adding carbon capture and storage to existing power plants I'm sure we're all...

  29. At the current rate, the wind industry is on course to add 30GW of new capacity in next three years, thereby taking the cumulative...

  30. This is a link to Kryten a series 4000 mechanoid programed to tell the truth, from the future, although he does look a bit...

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