Energy Tech, Science, and Research

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  1. If you will notice, high rates are obtained not by exploration wells, but by production wells. case in point. Eland, CrownPoint, Whitebark. even Transglobe drills...

  2. Video of battery electric prototype Ford F-150 towing over one million pounds of trains and cargo.

  3. Just feel it’s worth mentioning how much these guys did for us, as we hold the piece of tech in our hands or type...

  4. Hey everyone,      I have something here that I believe is a beautiful example of a person applying pure scientific reasoning. A retired geologist by the...

  5. This is a remarkable article.  2 big thumbs up. Please don't get turned off by the fairly pedantic beginning of the article.  I assure you...

  6. Carbon nanotube films created at Rice University enable method to recycle waste heat The ever-more-humble carbon nanotube may be just the device to make solar panels –...

  7. This is a 'premium' article on Quartz, so one only gets a 'free look' for a limited time period.

  8. The transition to a 100 percent renewable U.S. power grid would need investment of up to $4.5 trillion over the next 10 to 20...

  9. Sounds like good news for both the Oil & Gas industry and for the Environment.  Win - Win. Scientists Figure Out New Way to Remove...

  10. Tesla stock worth just $10 in worst case: Morgan Stanley

  11. Trade tensions risk throwing the global economy’s transition to greener energy into disarray and could hurt energy companies’ preparations toward it, BP Chairman Helge...

  12. Thought this was pretty interesting. Scientists Dissolve Crude Oil in Water to Study Its Composition Researchers from MIPT, Skoltech, the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of...

  13. Bitcoin leaves a carbon footprint as large as Las Vegas, study finds   A new study found that the cryptocurrency Bitcoin requires a lot of electricity,...

  14. While cleaning leaked oil engine oil from the garage floor it occurred to me that this waste might be a useful catalyst for heavy...

  15. Researchers from ETH Zurich have developed a novel technology that produces liquid hydrocarbon fuels exclusively from sunlight and air. For the first time worldwide...

  16. Fracking with CO2 instead of water could be more efficient - study That could be a win-win.

  17. Principles of Dynamic Heterogeneous Catalysis: Surface Resonance and Turnover Frequency Response This is computer simulations so it may not mean much. If there is any...

  18. from here: "“I don’t like coal either, but I think nuclear power is an existential threat," said Gunter, who has been protesting nuclear power since before the...

  19. Construction to Begin on Plastics-to-Fuel Plant California-based Brightmark Energy will today break ground on its $260 million plastics-to-fuel plant in the northeast Indiana town of...


  21. Evolving battery technology will alter demand for raw materials Ahead of the S&P Global Platts Global Metals Awards in London, on May 16, The Barrel presents...

  22. An Indiana integrated gasification combined cycle plant (IGCC) to be converted for ammonia production will receive funding from OGCI Climate Investments for an adjacent...

  23. NASA backs development of cryogenic hydrogen system to power all-electric aircraft

  24. The Peculiar Blindness of Experts Credentialed authorities are comically bad at predicting the future. But reliable forecasting is possible. DAVID EPSTEIN JUNE 2019 ISSUE

  25. Enhanced oil recovery improved by nanoparticle-induced crude swelling Most EOR methods use surfactants as injection fluids in traditional core-flooding operations. However, a new micromodel improves...

  26. New material for hydrogen fuel tanks: "The cost of manufacturing our material is so low, and the energy density it can store is so much...

  27. Elon Musk to Tesla Employees: It's 'Hardcore' Belt-Tightening Time Tesla CEO Elon Musk and new Chief Financial Officer Zach Kirkhorn will personally review all expenses...

  28. Evolving battery technology will alter demand for raw materials Interesting.

  29. Researchers develop viable, environmentally friendly alternative to Styrofoam       Washington State University researchers have developed an environmentally-friendly, plant-based material that for the first time works better...

  30. Industry-ready process makes plastics chemical from plant sugars Developing renewable, plant-based alternatives for petroleum-derived chemicals is a major piece of the effort to transition away...

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