Ron Wagner + 733 November 25, 2023 China has a hard road ahead, and many competitors. India now has a larger population which is growing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meredith Poor + 900 MP November 27, 2023 First comment on this video: The concept of 'retirement' tends to be different in different countries, as well as different occupations. 'First Responders' in the US tend to retire well before age 60, due to the physical demands of the job and the health effects of physical exertion. In comparison, those creating 'intellectual property' tend to remain in some degree of income generating activity well into their 70's, if not later. A lot of books are being written by 'retirees', some of which achieve commercial success. Similarly, a lot of people augment their pensions carrying out roles as 'adjunct professors', software developers, corporate board members, music or math tutors, and so forth. This is 'retirement' for many in the US that have university educations, 40 year career histories, and so forth. Other forms of 'post retirement' work include delivery drivers, food service, retail greeters or clerks, child care, and other jobs that aren't far from minimum wage and are focused on 'survival'. Many of these are found in the US, but they're also found in Europe, China, and various parts of Asia. An elderly worker in China is far more likely to be doing something like this. This has follow-on effects in the respective economies. Someone providing database development services in the US at age 70 is still contributing to significant employer productivity and is also in a position to maintain a single family residence, assist grandchildren financially, consume recreation and travel services, and so forth. Thus US GDP and per-capita incomes reflect a bit of a shift toward an 'older' workforce, meaning people that enter the workforce at age 23 (following university graduation) and exit the workforce at, say, 67 rather than 55, 60, 62, or 65. Some economies may be shifted toward the 'younger age', even to the point where children are working in agricultural and domestic jobs from age 10 onwards. China may very well be 'in the middle', with the more disadvantaged working a lot earlier in their lives than those who can afford to continue their education to Bachelors graduation. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meredith Poor + 900 MP November 27, 2023 Second: China is graduating roughly 60% of their young people with university degrees as of 2022. The commentator points out that this people expect to work in 'senior management'. This is not how things work in the US, but the situation in China is even more perverse. University graduates in the US go into 'tech' (software, chip design, electrical engineering, system administration), health care (physician, nurse, pharmacy, ICU tech), law (lawyer, politician, judge, legal assistant), transportation (pilot, maritime captain), and military (which may or may not be 'senior management'). Plenty of university graduates are needed on the 'shop floor' - robotics techs, geologists, petroleum engineers, chemical engineers, manufacturing engineers, civil engineers, and so forth. China certainly needs a lot of people in these roles, however what a lot of Chinese graduates are seeking is roles within the ranks of the CCP - essentially bureaucrats and public officials. A lot of this has to do with 'social rank', with those in CCP government roles holding the levers of power, while those that tend to work outside this sphere are to varying degrees subordinate. Many of the best educated flee, sometimes taking family money with them. These end up, if possible, in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, or the UK. Those within the CCP tend to 'look down' on their subordinates, regardless of their education or skills, regardless of whether those people are in the junior ranks of the CCP or are in technical roles in private businesses. This is evident from things like the 996 mentality - 9 in the morning to 9 at night 6 days a week. The reaction of many who resist this is to 'Lie Flat' or 'Let it Rot'. These dropouts have the full investment of their families and the state behind them, but they do absolutely nothing more than earn enough to eat, house themselves, and keep a cell phone subscription. These people are not interested in buying homes, getting married, having kids, or competing in the 'rat race'. The US, Japan, and the UK have terms like Hikikomori and NEET for people that are similar to this, but such people make up a far smaller percentage of the population in these countries. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TailingsPond + 1,020 GE November 27, 2023 37 minutes ago, Meredith Poor said: This has follow-on effects in the respective economies. Someone providing database development services in the US at age 70 is still contributing to significant employer productivity and is also in a position to maintain a single family residence, assist grandchildren financially, consume recreation and travel services, and so forth. Working that old takes away career opportunities for young people. You can't move up the ladder when the upper rungs never leave. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meredith Poor + 900 MP November 27, 2023 Third: China from the 1980's to the 2000's had kind of a free-for-all entrepreneurial spirit and people could exploit opportunities. Foreigners could come in, fund businesses, work out contracts, and engage Chinese businesses with massive orders, such as iPhones, appliances, apparel, and so forth. There were, in many cases, quality issues, including some that were deadly, but China was 'outward facing' and functioned reasonably competently in global markets. The CCP has gotten progressively more draconian since Xi Jinping has taken over. There are a multitude of errors in various dimensions, too numerous to list. The basic issue, however, is that the CPP, and in particular the party leaders, have focused more and more power on themselves. The more power they grab for themselves, the less is available to those in the other ranks of society. For a 20-something with a university degree, 'what is allowed' now is a fraction of what they would have been able to do largely unobstructed in the 1990's. Everywhere someone turns, they are tripped up either with rules, party apparatchiks, or problems with debt or foreign investment. Foreigners are being run off. Trading partners are being either frustrated or threatened. Resources are being focused more on the military and on 'social order' (policing) with pervasive surveillance. 'Suddenly' China has decided they want to 'play nice' with the US, as Chinese capital leaks out through every available orifice. There is, perhaps, a belief that the US can 'save' those in power in China. While Xi is being nice to Biden and others in the G20, his ships are still terrorizing the Philippines and other 'nobodies'. The West is collectively looking at the behavior of China toward those that are the 'weakest', in particular the most indebted, such as Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and so forth. The assumption for many is that whatever happens to these is how China would treat 'everyone else' if they could afford to. Business relationships with China are not likely to improve until the overall foreign relations philosophy changes course. Similarly, 'hostage diplomacy' means that foreigners are going to be locked up when China is mad at some country (Canada, for example). No one is going to set foot in the country under such circumstances. The lifeblood of China is likely to continue draining away as long as this culture remains pervasive. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meredith Poor + 900 MP November 27, 2023 10 minutes ago, TailingsPond said: Working that old takes away career opportunities for young people. You can't move up the ladder when the upper rungs never leave. Keeping in mind that the US fertility rate is 'below replacement' and has been since 1972, and that in the tech sector in particular there are still severe labor shortages, this is not much of a concern. The US needs 'all hands on deck'. US unemployment is, at present, near record lows. The US is having to build factories for work repatriated from overseas (particularly including China), rebuild a lot of its armaments and munitions, build out renewables infrastructure, and so forth. The present political hostility to immigration has reduced the flow of both legal and 'undocumented' workers, leaving to severe shortages in food service, agriculture, and the building trades. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites + 2,196 November 28, 2023 On 11/26/2023 at 8:33 PM, Meredith Poor said: Keeping in mind that the US fertility rate is 'below replacement' and has been since 1972, and that in the tech sector in particular there are still severe labor shortages, this is not much of a concern. The US needs 'all hands on deck'. US unemployment is, at present, near record lows. The US is having to build factories for work repatriated from overseas (particularly including China), rebuild a lot of its armaments and munitions, build out renewables infrastructure, and so forth. The present political hostility to immigration has reduced the flow of both legal and 'undocumented' workers, leaving to severe shortages in food service, agriculture, and the building trades. Are you delusional, ignorant, or a blatant liar? Immigration, LEGAL immigration is IDENTICAL in 2022 as the last ~20 years. It only slowed in 2020/21 for obvious reasons... As for illegal immigration it has not SLOWED, it has SPED UP. Now is the increase of 2022/23 due to Covid in 2020/21? Probably. Unemployment record lows... what garbage, rather FEWER per capita are actually working and LOOKING for work. The "shortage" of workers is because of moronic government policy which PAYS people MORE to sit on their ass doing NOTHING than working low end jobs. It should be the OPPOSITE, but hey, I think nearly all the handouts should be eliminated by and large. Far as I am concerned, if you need medicaid to pay for your childs birth the child should be taken from you and put up for adoption free and clear Clearly you are abusing the child as you cannot afford to raise the child. But in our upside down world we now pay people to do the WRONG thing can call it "progress". 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meredith Poor + 900 MP November 28, 2023 9 hours ago, said: Are you delusional, ignorant, or a blatant liar? Immigration, LEGAL immigration is IDENTICAL in 2022 as the last ~20 years. It only slowed in 2020/21 for obvious reasons... As for illegal immigration it has not SLOWED, it has SPED UP. Now is the increase of 2022/23 due to Covid in 2020/21? Probably. Unemployment record lows... what garbage, rather FEWER per capita are actually working and LOOKING for work. The "shortage" of workers is because of moronic government policy which PAYS people MORE to sit on their ass doing NOTHING than working low end jobs. It should be the OPPOSITE, but hey, I think nearly all the handouts should be eliminated by and large. Far as I am concerned, if you need medicaid to pay for your childs birth the child should be taken from you and put up for adoption free and clear Clearly you are abusing the child as you cannot afford to raise the child. But in our upside down world we now pay people to do the WRONG thing can call it "progress". I hear stuff like this all the time from people around me. I ask them 'How many people in the US do you consider to be absolutely worthless?'. I'd be interested in hearing your response. South Korea is a very strict traditionalist society. A lot of Korea is Christian as a result of disillusionment with Buddhism or other religious orders common before Westerners showed up. This sounds like the kind of place you would be comfortable. Their fertility rate is below .7, meaning that Korea is having about 1/3rd as many babies as is necessary to replace the population. Other 'traditionalist' societies such as China and Japan are in the same boat. So - no 'handouts'. If people can't vote at the ballot box, they vote with their feet. If they can't vote with their feet, they vote with their gonads. Such societies are on the fast track to extinction. Take kids away from people that 'cant afford to have them', and pretty soon there are no kids. Those who 'have all the answers' and second-guess everyone else end up living with the consequences. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites + 2,196 November 28, 2023 7 hours ago, Meredith Poor said: I hear stuff like this all the time from people around me. I ask them 'How many people in the US do you consider to be absolutely worthless?'. I'd be interested in hearing your response. South Korea is a very strict traditionalist society. A lot of Korea is Christian as a result of disillusionment with Buddhism or other religious orders common before Westerners showed up. This sounds like the kind of place you would be comfortable. Their fertility rate is below .7, meaning that Korea is having about 1/3rd as many babies as is necessary to replace the population. Other 'traditionalist' societies such as China and Japan are in the same boat. So - no 'handouts'. If people can't vote at the ballot box, they vote with their feet. If they can't vote with their feet, they vote with their gonads. Such societies are on the fast track to extinction. Take kids away from people that 'cant afford to have them', and pretty soon there are no kids. Those who 'have all the answers' and second-guess everyone else end up living with the consequences. Worthless? Those who do not work, demanding services from those who do work and who do not have children are worthless to society, but have worth to their families ONLY. Parasites. Vast difference between family and society at large. You cannot build society with parasites. I'll let you figure out percentages which for some reason you seem fixated upon. PS: Vast majority of people I have served at the Union Gospel Mission in Downtown Seattle could all be working if the government wasn't busy giving them handouts of housing, food, drugs(yes drugs why most are ON the streets to begin with) every damned day of the week. All of a sudden all those "illegal" immigrants jobs in meat packing plants are filled by guys not drugged out being given handouts. All those AG jobs are filled. All those telemarketer jobs are filled. If Indian's and Central American's have no problem doing those jobs then so can all the bums on the street. Tell them, if you want food/housing, you will work. PERIOD. China has ~1 Million street sweepers for instance... They do not actually DO anything of real importance, but they do work for their food/housing giving them some sense of self worth. Giving people Food/housing/$$$ for free demeans people and destroys them. Responsibility BUILDS them up. I can tell you do not have children as if you did, you would UNDERSTAND this basic reality of child rearing. Unless you are just clueless in life of course. You then jump to S, Korea... WTF does "traditionalist" have to do with anything? Apparently you do not know the term... And WTF is a traditionalist Atheist? +70% of their population are Atheist. ~20% of S. Korea is Christian and who knows how many of them actually are Christian... last I checked... ooo ooo maybe it is 25% now. Uh, try a map. Do you have ANY idea how TINY S. Korea is? 50Million people in an area the size of Western Washington or West Virginia and is MORE mountainous than both W. Virginia and W. Washington... They import +75% of their food. They import 100% of their energy requirements. They have zero natural resources. One submarine off their coast and they all starve to death within 1 year. Their population needs to DRASTICALLY decrease. Of course they are not having children. They aren't STUPID lemmings, they can't afford kids, food, housing, clothing costs are out of this world expensive in S. Korea. And no, they aren't going extinct. A 50% reduction of population is not extinct, it is called .... ==> Get a clue genius: R-E-A-L-I-T-Y The real question is WHY you demand an ever INCREASING population? WHY??? Do you need more slaves for your lavish life and benefits when you die as you never saved any money to begin with? Why should the USA increase in population? Why should China, S. Korea, Japan, Taiwan who cannot feed themselves keep their insanely high populations? Are you insane? One hiccup in global supply chain and they all go into mass starvation overnight. I-N-S-A-N-E 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meredith Poor + 900 MP November 29, 2023 3 hours ago, said: I'll let you figure out percentages which for some reason you seem fixated upon. That was the question I was asking. I'm not surprised at all that you get evasive when asked to provide specifics. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meredith Poor + 900 MP November 29, 2023 3 hours ago, said: They import +75% of their food. They import 100% of their energy requirements. Was this true at the end of WW II when nearly everyone in the country lived by subsistence farming? Are these imports necessary only because S. Korea is industrialized and urbanized? What would happen if that population 'returned to the land' and started eking out their existence on family-sized plots? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meredith Poor + 900 MP November 29, 2023 3 hours ago, said: The real question is WHY you demand an ever INCREASING population? WHY??? Show me where I demanded anything. It does seem to me that any society that is not pretty close to 'replacement' is dysfunctional in some form. A fertility rate of 1.75 is 'close enough' to 2.1 to be long term sustainable. However, 1.3, 1.0, or .7 is so far below replacement that it suggests that people have given up on what have traditionally been family values in most cultures. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polyphia + 87 LT November 29, 2023 1 hour ago, Meredith Poor said: That was the question I was asking. I'm not surprised at all that you get evasive when asked to provide specifics. He does this on every thread to which he posts. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TailingsPond + 1,020 GE November 29, 2023 5 hours ago, said: The real question is WHY you demand an ever INCREASING population? WHY??? Capitalism collapses without continuous growth. If you cut the numbers of consumers in half industry would collapse. Even your "worthless people" play a roll because they consume goods. FYI you are a sociopath if you think of some people as "[worthless parasites.]" 1 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP November 29, 2023 5 hours ago, TailingsPond said: Capitalism collapses without continuous growth. If you cut the numbers of consumers in half industry would collapse. Even your "worthless people" play a roll because they consume goods. FYI you are a sociopath if you think of some people as "[worthless parasites.]" I bet he would include the disabled in that as well! 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meredith Poor + 900 MP November 29, 2023 17 hours ago, said: Worthless? Those who do not work, demanding services from those who do work and who do not have children are worthless to society, but have worth to their families ONLY. Parasites. Vast difference between family and society at large. You cannot build society with parasites. I'll let you figure out percentages which for some reason you seem fixated upon. PS: Vast majority of people I have served at the Union Gospel Mission in Downtown Seattle could all be working if the government wasn't busy giving them handouts of housing, food, drugs(yes drugs why most are ON the streets to begin with) every damned day of the week. All of a sudden all those "illegal" immigrants jobs in meat packing plants are filled by guys not drugged out being given handouts. All those AG jobs are filled. All those telemarketer jobs are filled. If Indian's and Central American's have no problem doing those jobs then so can all the bums on the street. Tell them, if you want food/housing, you will work. PERIOD. China has ~1 Million street sweepers for instance... They do not actually DO anything of real importance, but they do work for their food/housing giving them some sense of self worth. Giving people Food/housing/$$$ for free demeans people and destroys them. Responsibility BUILDS them up. I can tell you do not have children as if you did, you would UNDERSTAND this basic reality of child rearing. Unless you are just clueless in life of course. You then jump to S, Korea... WTF does "traditionalist" have to do with anything? Apparently you do not know the term... And WTF is a traditionalist Atheist? +70% of their population are Atheist. ~20% of S. Korea is Christian and who knows how many of them actually are Christian... last I checked... ooo ooo maybe it is 25% now. Uh, try a map. Do you have ANY idea how TINY S. Korea is? 50Million people in an area the size of Western Washington or West Virginia and is MORE mountainous than both W. Virginia and W. Washington... They import +75% of their food. They import 100% of their energy requirements. They have zero natural resources. One submarine off their coast and they all starve to death within 1 year. Their population needs to DRASTICALLY decrease. Of course they are not having children. They aren't STUPID lemmings, they can't afford kids, food, housing, clothing costs are out of this world expensive in S. Korea. And no, they aren't going extinct. A 50% reduction of population is not extinct, it is called .... ==> Get a clue genius: R-E-A-L-I-T-Y The real question is WHY you demand an ever INCREASING population? WHY??? Do you need more slaves for your lavish life and benefits when you die as you never saved any money to begin with? Why should the USA increase in population? Why should China, S. Korea, Japan, Taiwan who cannot feed themselves keep their insanely high populations? Are you insane? One hiccup in global supply chain and they all go into mass starvation overnight. I-N-S-A-N-E Keyword search 'epigenetics' if you aren't already familiar with it. If you are, consider the following question: What are the epigenetic effects of cigarette smoke, alcohol consumption, urban pollution including leaded gasoline and diesel fumes, and physical and emotional trauma exposures on the children and grandchildren of those who smoked and drank and lived in polluted cities? Are there toxic exposures that have only become evident in the last 20 years (PFAS, for example) that have been around since most of us were born? To what degree does this have anything to do with the people struggling with drug use and unemployability? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP November 29, 2023 26 minutes ago, Meredith Poor said: Keyword search 'epigenetics' if you aren't already familiar with it. If you are, consider the following question: What are the epigenetic effects of cigarette smoke, alcohol consumption, urban pollution including leaded gasoline and diesel fumes, and physical and emotional trauma exposures on the children and grandchildren of those who smoked and drank and lived in polluted cities? Are there toxic exposures that have only become evident in the last 20 years (PFAS, for example) that have been around since most of us were born? To what degree does this have anything to do with the people struggling with drug use and unemployability? As TailingsPond said youre trying to reason with a sociopath! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites + 2,196 November 29, 2023 17 hours ago, Meredith Poor said: That was the question I was asking. I'm not surprised at all that you get evasive when asked to provide specifics. Its called seeing if YOU are honest or not in a discussion and willing to put 10seconds into being HONEST and looking for yourself if you deem a question worthy of being asked. You proved YOU are not being honest. If you were honest you could look up number of people 18 and younger, 65 and older who are dependents, ~40% for the two groups... took me less than half a minute to look it up.. See, its called being an adult instead of a child... Subtract from population and then look at number of people working(165million or ~50% of population). That would be the number of parasites(10%). 10% of 330+M = 33Milion sitting their ass perfectly able to work who are unwilling to do so. All those jobs you say American's are unwilling to do... Add in number of undocumented workers(mostly illegal aliens), so actual number of jobs is closer to 180Million or so if one assumes ~15Million illegals who are working and who get married, have kids who are now citizens. That still leaves a 2:1 margin. If you wish to say number is higher at 30million illegals working... well, I doubt it as construction industry and AG do not employ that many workers to begin with and the previous 15 Million is also absurdly high There, typed up in less than 2 minutes what YOU, if you were honest, could have done if you wanted to "prove" something... but you can't. And no, there is not 10% of the population who is sick(other than drugged out<<my cousins and probably yours too>> Now, lets see if you are honest, off my lunch break... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites + 2,196 November 29, 2023 3 hours ago, Meredith Poor said: Keyword search 'epigenetics' if you aren't already familiar with it. If you are, consider the following question: What are the epigenetic effects of cigarette smoke, alcohol consumption, urban pollution including leaded gasoline and diesel fumes, and physical and emotional trauma exposures on the children and grandchildren of those who smoked and drank and lived in polluted cities? Are there toxic exposures that have only become evident in the last 20 years (PFAS, for example) that have been around since most of us were born? To what degree does this have anything to do with the people struggling with drug use and unemployability? I have worked with people who were wheel chair bound, ALL my life. Those who have ~60IQ's, and who can barely speak, ALL my life in the AG industry, those who are in the hospital about as often as at work, ALL my life, yet still manage to WORK. People who do not want to be parasites, have self worth, want to work, will do so and those who are LAZY LOSERS will pretend they sneezed and cannot work and look for every government handout possible, they are loud and proud of their supposed decrepitude... until they actually want something and ALL OF A SUDDEN, are perfectly healthy... You really need to get out more and actually meet people. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites + 2,196 November 29, 2023 17 hours ago, Meredith Poor said: Was this true at the end of WW II when nearly everyone in the country lived by subsistence farming? Are these imports necessary only because S. Korea is industrialized and urbanized? What would happen if that population 'returned to the land' and started eking out their existence on family-sized plots? ... IS your mind so warped you cannot conceive of a population NOT going "back to the land" with those you are arguing with? AKA Build absurd statement strawman 101 by lazy folks? Uh news flash there is no "land" to "go back to" that is not ALREADY being actively farmed in S. Korea. Or maybe, just maybe the Koreans are NOT STUPID and see raising children in concrete jungles as not good. Or more accurately, see life as pointless in a concrete jungle "urbanized" city as it does not allow one to have any lifelong goals outside of yourself as you cannot pursue what you wish even if you do only look inwards at yourself without children. You may have paid attention to people saying the American Dream is dead? Hrmm WHY is that? You will note WHO the people are who are saying the American Dream is dead also do not have children by and large who SHOULD be the most financially stable, but who are not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites + 2,196 November 29, 2023 17 hours ago, Meredith Poor said: Show me where I demanded anything. It does seem to me that any society that is not pretty close to 'replacement' is dysfunctional in some form. A fertility rate of 1.75 is 'close enough' to 2.1 to be long term sustainable. However, 1.3, 1.0, or .7 is so far below replacement that it suggests that people have given up on what have traditionally been family values in most cultures. Where you said it? By implication. Dysfunctional... Why Yes they are as they have to live like wage slaves just to sustain their own existence. They see no hope for the future and therefore do not have children. It is called: get this, SELF correctlng. The Lemmings have overbred for the area in which they live. WHY? Us human lemmings need space away from other humans, regardless of what urbanites without children tell everyone. Family Values... What are family values and WHY are they necessary and what does that have to do with family size? Last I checked, morality has nothing to do with number of people present. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites + 2,196 November 29, 2023 15 hours ago, TailingsPond said: Capitalism collapses without continuous growth. If you cut the numbers of consumers in half industry would collapse. Even your "worthless people" play a roll because they consume goods. FYI you are a sociopath if you think of some people as "[worthless parasites.]" Capitalism has nothing to do with growth. Capitalism did not die in the Great Depression. Industry does not collapse, it has a downturn, just as it always does when you build to much industry. Typical: Knew someone like you can't contemplate reality, society is different from family. Yes, societally some people ARE worthless. Not just worthless are negatives[why we lock people up in jail]. Family unit on the other hand, due to social interactions, love bonds, etc these people are not worthless. But, even family has limits and kicks these bums, who their family KNOW ARE NOT bed ridden sick and instead KNOW are just lazy selfish bums on drugs, addicted to video games, spending money, stealing money etc, onto the streets where the SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS should, without government assistance keeping them ignorant of said reality, very very hungry and they eventually decide to CHANGE and stop being lazy parasites 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TailingsPond + 1,020 GE November 29, 2023 (edited) 4 hours ago, said: Capitalism has nothing to do with growth. Capitalism did not die in the Great Depression. Industry does not collapse, it has a downturn, just as it always does when you build to much industry. It kind of did if you look at history. Socialist programs were created. Soup lines, make work projects ( e.g. FDR New Deal) etc. Capitalism failed and people were unemployed, broke, and hungry. Secondly, industry didn't fully recover until the government spent huge amount of money on war machines (WWII). It did not recover because capitalism healed itself. "Big government" doing massive interventions to feed and fund near everything is not capitalism, it's socialism. <-- direct intervention in supply and demand, price fixing. Clearly, capitalist market forces were no longer trusted. Edited November 30, 2023 by TailingsPond Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notsonice + 1,289 DM November 29, 2023 Does the Chinaman actual care about his own well-being????? or anyone else????? here is the heart of China's health............ 25.6% Share of adult population who smoke in China from 2000 to 2020 Characteristic Share of adult population 2020 25.6% 2019 25.7% 2018 25.7% CCP knows that you need a healthy population to keep their country from going down the tubes........that they need to clean up the air, however what are the chances most local party leaders are smokers and do not care??????? and smoking is a male dominated do not make healthy babies when you are a smoker now in the US 1.5% This means an estimated 28.3 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes.2 More than 16 million Americans live with a smoking-related disease. Current smoking has declined from 20.9% (nearly 21 of every 100 adults) in 2005 to 11.5% (nearly 12 of every 100 adults) in 2021.May 4, 2023 and the EU Daily smokers of cigarettes. In 2019, 18.4 % of people aged 15 years and over in the EU were daily smokers. Among the EU Member States, the share of daily smokers ranged from 6.4 % in Sweden and 9.9 % in Finland to 23.6 % in Greece and 28.7 % in Bulgaria (see Table 1).Sep 1, 2023 eastern Europeans really do not care about their own health.....Too much Russia influence ??????? Healthy people equals Healthy Country Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
surrept33 + 612 st November 30, 2023 Chinese migrants crossing into the US from Mexico in rising numbers Despite the distances involved and the difficulties of the journey, more than 24,000 Chinese citizens have been apprehended crossing into the US from Mexico in the past year. That is more than in the preceding 10 years combined, according to government data. In the polarising debate over immigration, it is a little-discussed wrinkle in the US system: American officials cannot force countries to take back their own citizens. For the most part, this is not an issue. But about a dozen countries are not terribly cooperative, and China is the worst offender. Of the 1.3 million people in American soil with final orders to be deported, about 100,000 are Chinese, according to an administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the internal data. The migrants are part of an exodus of citizens who have grown frustrated with harsh restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic and the direction of Xi Jinping’s authoritarian government. “The largest reason for me is the political environment,” Mark Xu, 35, a Chinese elementary and middle school English teacher, said in February as he waited to board a boat in Necoclí, Colombia, a beach town in the north. China was so stifling, he added, it had become “difficult to breathe”. He was among about 100 Chinese people setting off that morning to start the journey through the treacherous Darién Gap, the only land route to the US from South America. Xu said he learnt about the trek from YouTube and through Google searches, including “how to get outside of China” and “how to escape”. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites