

Papua New Guinea makes progress on country’s first offshore oil and gas development

Mineral Resources Development Company Limited (“MRDC”) and Twinza Oil Limited (“Twinza”) have obtained all internal approvals and executed a series of binding agreements for MRDC to take an up to 50% Participating Interest in the Pasca A Development Project. Additionally, the companies agreed to cooperate in the acquisition and development of other oil and gas assets in Papua New Guinea. View the full article

ExxonMobil CEO vows to be “forceful advocate” of shareholder rights following activist investor lawsuit

Chief Executive Officer Darren Woods vowed to “safeguard” annual meetings from activists that launch “serial attacks” on Exxon and the oil industry. Exxon is pursuing legal action against Arjuna Capital even though the investor dropped a proposal that would have urged the driller to curb greenhouse gas emissions. View the full article