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Pt. 2 Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles - the crucial difference between a Media Interview and a Presentation?:  Conclusions

Pt. 2 Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles - the crucial difference between a Media Interview and a Presentation?:  Conclusions

The Presentation might now continue as follows (from Pt.1)  ... "The West's rush for EV's still requires inhumane conditions and poverty to persist  - e.g. in DRC mines, where the biggest cobalt reserves are currently found. The West's clean air comes at a high human cost. All this for EV car batteries, (also batteries for smartphones, tablets etc). 



There's another elephant in the room. EV's will require a vast infrastructure of electric charging points. Think of all those huge apartment blocks housing car owners. 

Both EV's and HV's need a large amount of initial energy. EV's need it continuously to feed the huge infrastructure of charging points. The demand will keep growing as well. HV's need it to produce the hydrogen fuel itself, but the vehicle fuelling infrastructure is already present with networks of petrol stations. Natural Gas and LNG are still vital for generating the energy of EV's and HV's. (Renewables are too inconsistent and paltry; subsidised by high energy bills - which penalises the poor, not the rich - create more emissions in their manufacture, construction, maintenance and dismantling than they re-pay, and in the case of solar panels are full of toxic waste that cannot be disposed of)."Green is not as green as it appears to be. On top of which environmentalists are very quiet on the carnage being meted out to flying creatures. 

Hydrogen vehicle fuel is making ground. Germany has just launched its first hydrogen train. California and Hawaii are just two US states fully developing hydrogen fuel. NASA uses hydrogen fuel to launch space shuttles.  

Natural Gas - LNG (and nuclear, where the waste is not "waste" but a resource that can be returned to) are abundant sources for generating the energy required to produce the Hydrogen. Mozambique is becoming a new supplier in Africa


So, the presentation might then come to its conclusion:

Hydrogen is a simple element; found throughout the universe. It doesn't come from exploiting human poverty. What are the HV emissions? Water."


Here's the point and the crucial difference between the Presentation and the Media Interview. 


In the Presentationwe tend to work towards our conclusions, showing the proof on the way.

In the Media Interview(especially TV, Radio and any broadcast) you might only have 15-30 seconds to give an answer, so always start with your conclusion. You can elaborate on the reasons if you then have some more time to use.


Contact: rogercrisp@gmx.co.uk / rogercrisp.com / Linkedin: Roger Crisp (Consultancy)

Media Advisor & Trainer / Speaker-Presenter on:

- Dealing effectively with the Media (TV, Radio, Press, Blog, Vlog)

- Climate Change - Energy

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Oh dear part two didn't get any better.

Ok cobalt, the fossil fuel industry has used alloys with this in for years. Now EV's are starting to but they are trying to source it from decent places, not like the fossil fuel industry has ever given a dam.

Yes EV charging points need to be built, especially for those that can't charge at home, but it's really not such a massive thing compared to projects done by the fossil fuel industry.

Hydrogen cars aren't going anywhere. For a start cleaning that air for the fuel cell is a nightmare. Bigger stuff maybe especially ships, renewables will supply that hydrogen quite cheaply.

How much FUD can you come up with on renewables, they are taking over. Fossil fuels gets subsidise, all those external costs like human health and normally the poor face the worse of the pollution. Solar panels full of toxic waste, what world are you living on? Actually even with costs getting below fossil fuels renewables employ more people giving more jobs. You know fossil fuel cooling towers kill massive amount of birds.

That's shows how out of date your information is, quote "NASA uses hydrogen fuel to launch space shuttles.", when the hell did the last space shuttle fly.

"and nuclear, where the waste is not "waste" but a resource that can be returned to" what? I used to be a nuclear operative working on a decommissioned reactor, masses of really shitty horrible waste from that.

You spout this sort of rubbish on any decent media outlet you will be a laughing stock, maybe it works on seeking alpha or infowars but really WTF.

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On 11/16/2018 at 4:02 PM, DA? said:

Oh dear part two didn't get any better.

Ok cobalt, the fossil fuel industry has used alloys with this in for years. Now EV's are starting to but they are trying to source it from decent places, not like the fossil fuel industry has ever given a dam.

Yes EV charging points need to be built, especially for those that can't charge at home, but it's really not such a massive thing compared to projects done by the fossil fuel industry.

Hydrogen cars aren't going anywhere. For a start cleaning that air for the fuel cell is a nightmare. Bigger stuff maybe especially ships, renewables will supply that hydrogen quite cheaply.

How much FUD can you come up with on renewables, they are taking over. Fossil fuels gets subsidise, all those external costs like human health and normally the poor face the worse of the pollution. Solar panels full of toxic waste, what world are you living on? Actually even with costs getting below fossil fuels renewables employ more people giving more jobs. You know fossil fuel cooling towers kill massive amount of birds.

That's shows how out of date your information is, quote "NASA uses hydrogen fuel to launch space shuttles.", when the hell did the last space shuttle fly.

"and nuclear, where the waste is not "waste" but a resource that can be returned to" what? I used to be a nuclear operative working on a decommissioned reactor, masses of really shitty horrible waste from that.

You spout this sort of rubbish on any decent media outlet you will be a laughing stock, maybe it works on seeking alpha or infowars but really WTF.

Your commenting is exceptionally harsh and, quite frankly,inappropriate for this forum.  I suggest you remove the posting.

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6 hours ago, Jan van Eck said:

Your commenting is exceptionally harsh and, quite frankly,inappropriate for this forum.  I suggest you remove the posting.

My commenting is totally fair for this sort of trash, inappropriate for this form, does this facts and reality are inappropriate for you? A suggest you grow a spine.

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I want to see actual prices of hydrogen and hydrogen vehicles. I am a proponent of CNG and LNG natural gas vehicles. I see no good reason to take natural gas and turn it into hydrogen which IMHO would be far more expensive. The technology exists to home fuel with compressed natural gas, that means eliminating the retailer. If you want to use a retailer you can do that also. Hydrogen is slightly cleaner but cost must be a foremost consideration or it will never be chosen as a mainstream fuel.

Cost of hydrogen fuel https://cafcp.org/content/cost-refill

Cost of CNG gasoline equivalent. Actual prices. Much cheaper at home. http://www.cngprices.com/station_map.php Any ICE engine can be converted to CNG for a couple of thousand dollars or so. 

How fuel cells work.  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/cars/advice/does-fuel-cell-work-should-buy-hydrogen-car/ 

Hyundai Nexo starts at $55,000 goes from 0 to 60 in 9.5 seconds Will soon be available in California only. https://www.caranddriver.com/hyundai/nexo

Natural gas fuel cells would use far less expensive fuel! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline_gallon_equivalent

Edited by ronwagn

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