Declassified 15 pages – Top U.S. Officials Wanted to Blow Up and Kill Americans in False Flag Event – Operation Northwoods – (easy read)
Recognize that socialism, communism and globalism, (per their manifestos) are deliberately spread through the infiltration of ideas and norms in a society – not...- Tom Nolan Replied
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Falling down the rabbit hole The elusive reality of the global energy crisis according to Russian Kommersant
Quote Formally, in 2021, an energy crisis occurred in the world. On the other hand, no one has died from this crisis so far, which means...- Tomasz Replied
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Putin Forever: Russians Given Money As Vote That Could Extend Putin's Rule Draws To A Close
Russia gave families financial windfalls on Wednesday on the final day of a vote on constitutional changes that could allow Vladimir Putin to stay...- CarlHainze Replied
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"We are witnessing right now the Chinafication of Europe…the social credit score" state these Courageous European Union Parliment Members
These outspoken Members of the European Parliment are heroes in my book… Here is a 2 1/2 minute video snippet.We are witnessing right now the...- Tom Nolan Replied
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Communist China Declared War on the US Long Ago Part 1 of the 2-part series: The CCP's War on America
https://www.theepochtimes.com/communist-china-declared-war-on-the-us-long-ago_4124451.html?utm_source=hot_topics_rec&utm_medium=frnt_top Communist China Declared War on the US Long Ago Part 1 of the 2-part series: The CCP's War on America Stu Cvrk November 29, 2021 Updated: November 29,...- ronwagn Replied
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"False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda — Part 2: 9/11" by the Corbett Report
The spectacular, catalyzing terror attack of 9/11 was not allowed to happen. It was made to happen. But why? Who, other than the devout...- Tom Nolan Replied
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DEATH OF THE SOVIET UNION: The borders drawn in the 1920s are serving Russia well in the 2020s
By Clare Nuttall in Glasgow December 17, 2021 https://www.intellinews.com/death-of-the-soviet-union-the-borders-drawn-in-the-1920s-are-serving-russia-well-in-the-2020s-230468/?source=russia Quote Some of the borders drawn up in the 1920s when the newly formed Soviet Union was divided into...- Tomasz Replied
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Pipeline vs Train vs Ship to Transport Crude Oil.
(shared via facebook) Pipeline vs Train vs Ship to Transport Crude Oil. 1 Train has 100 cars, 2 engines and weighs 27,240,000 lbs. 1 Train transports 3,000,000...- frankfurter Replied
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"2021: Year of the Apocalypse" by James Corbett
This is the great apokalyptein that we are living through: the uncovering of our true selves. What we are being offered is a chance...- Tom Nolan Replied
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The Davos Meeting...World Economic Forum’s Annual January Meeting 2022 Deferred
Nations with their Build Back Better and Climate Change Agendas, set their plans according to the Davos meetings of the World Economic Forum where...- Tom Nolan Replied
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Looming European Gas Crisis in Winter and North African Factor - a must read by Cyril Widdershoven
Cyril Widdershoven analyses the impact on the beleagured gas importers in Europe due to the brewing political crisis involving Algera, Morocco and Spain, something...- hemanthaa@mail.com Replied
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MONOPOLY – Who owns the world?
MONOPOLY – Who owns the world? reveals what entities do own and control all the Big Corporations and Media conglomerates. Think about this when...- Tom Nolan Replied
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Paul Klebnikov Godfather of Kremlin - best book about gangster capitalism in Russia in 90s
Russia of gangster capitalism of the 90s, or why the Russians support Putin collectively. Quote Paul Klebnikov (Russian: Павел Юрьевич Хлебников; August 6, 1964 – July 9, 2004) was...- Tomasz Replied
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Delta variant in European Union
If you are interested I think this is a very good real-live study about excess deaths in European Union according to newest available statistic...- Tomasz Replied
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President Biden’s Nuclear Option Against OPEC+ - Waste of Time
President Biden’s Nuclear Option Against OPEC+ - Wasting of Time - Legal Assertions. No Implications on International Law - Opec + does not equal...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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Deutsche Bank Bucks Bullish Oil Predictions
Deutsche Bank agrees to pay $130 million in latest major US penalty To resolve an investigation into a foreign bribery scheme, the German lender entered...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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Is anything ever sold at break-even ? There is a 100% markup on lipstick but Kuwait can't break-even.
Kuwait an important oil producer with 90% of the economy dependent oil products has recently seen a downgraded rating to A+. According to recent 'big...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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2019 - Attack on Saudi Oil Facilities.
I am quite surprised at the reaction and geopolitics of the 2019 attack on Saudi Facilities. The oil industry needs to revisit the 2019...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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The new sheriff in town the IP man of oil
There's a new oil sheriff in town called the IP man of oil. The IP man of oil customizes your behavioral preferences to oil,...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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China and the U.S. Can’t Break Their Oil Market Codependency In this dangerous game
China and the U.S. Can’t Break Their Oil Market Codependency In this dangerous game: This is an article that caught my eye.- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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Is the US government and the democrats overly reliant on China?
Is the US government and the democrats overly reliant on China. Instead of traditional allies such as the European Union/UK/Nato/Indo-Pacific and the Gulf States...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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"UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System" by Whitney Webb
This alliance, called the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero...is essentially a creative way of marketing “corporatism,” the definition of fascism infamously supplied by Italian...- Tom Nolan Replied
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Ignorance of Tradition: Traditional Arab allies of the US — Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates — are not invited.
The Biden government, a first time government, relies on non-traditional allies while going against long standing traditional allies. The administration ignores the fact that...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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The Norwegian Play
The Norwegians have been enjoying the increase in oil-price. Much of the activism stems from the Norwegian left forcing the increase in oil price...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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"The REAL Anthony Fauci" - James Corbett interviews Robert F Kennedy, Jr. - - (Bonus - "How his Father was assassinated")
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a long-time American environmental lawyer successfully winning many major cases against corrupt Federal agencies and corporations. Kennedy has...- Tom Nolan Replied
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The Climate Swindle in a Nutshell - "Welcome to the New Economy" by James Corbett
Learn all the nitty-gritty details of the $130 trillion climate finance swindle in this extremely well-referenced article by James Corbett. James Corbett produced those...- Tom Nolan Replied
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US intel warns China could dominate advanced technologies By NOMAAN MERCHANT October 22, 2021
https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-joe-biden-technology-business-china-52acbd35f77084771ddeabbb2bfd0789 US intel warns China could dominate advanced technologies By NOMAAN MERCHANTOctober 22, 2021 Associated Press One of the main reasons we should not give up advanced technology...- domination
- china
- (and 3 more)
- ronwagn Replied
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The Truth about Chinese and Indian Engineering
We routinely hear about the lack of American engineers and engineering students versus the Chinese and Indians. Read this:https://www.machinedesign.com/community/editorial-comment/article/21829922/the-myth-of-chinese-and-indian-engineers- Douglas Buckland Replied
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The Strait of Hormuz and other Global Choke Points of Oceanic Shipping
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOd634GEyp0 The Strait of Hormuz and other Global Choke Points of Oceanic Shipping Blocking any of these choke points would have many impacts but the Strait...- ronwagn Replied
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Is China Rising or Falling? Has it Enraged the World and Lost its Way? How is their Economy Doing?
https://tfiglobalnews.com/2021/09/09/from-toshiba-to-oki-japan-is-pulling-out-its-electronics-giants-out-of-china-at-breakneck-speed/ Our press doesn't seem to be following foreign affairs much anymore. We need to seek out the truth for ourselves.- ronwagn Replied
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