"The First Casualty of War Is the Truth – The Current Western Propaganda for Ukraine Is Epic in Scale "
'Question All Of It' - The Current Western Propaganda For Ukraine Is Epic In Scale https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/02/26/the-first-casualty-of-war-is-the-truth-the-current-western-propaganda-for-ukraine-is-epic-in-scale/ https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/question-all-it-current-western-propaganda-ukraine-epic-scale The First Casualty of War Is the Truth – The...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"The Global Digital ID Prison" by James Corbett of CorbettReport.com
Do you get the feeling digital id is being hyped by every government, corporation, financial institution and globalist-connected NGO as "the way of the...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"The Pentagon Bio-weapons" by Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, a Bulgarian Investigative Journalist
EXCERPT: …These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"The REAL Anthony Fauci" - James Corbett interviews Robert F Kennedy, Jr. - - (Bonus - "How his Father was assassinated")
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a long-time American environmental lawyer successfully winning many major cases against corrupt Federal agencies and corporations. Kennedy has...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"Troika Of Tyranny"- US Vows Tough Approach To Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba
The United States imposed new sanctions Thursday on Venezuela and Cuba and promised additional penalties against Nicaragua as the Trump administration laid out a...- PavelP Replied
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"Ukraine War Meant To Stop US World Domination, Russia's Top Diplomat Says" - Zero Hedge
PRELUDE: There are no moral "White Knights" who rule any Nation with an advocacy for a peaceful foreign policy and the protection of civil...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System" by Whitney Webb
This alliance, called the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero...is essentially a creative way of marketing “corporatism,” the definition of fascism infamously supplied by Italian...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"US Retaliates Against Hungary For Obstructing 15% Global Minimum Tax" - Zero Hedge (New World Order emerging)
In response to Hungary's obstruction of the European Union's adoption of a 15% global minimum tax on corporate income, the Biden administration on Friday...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"We are witnessing right now the Chinafication of Europe…the social credit score" state these Courageous European Union Parliment Members
These outspoken Members of the European Parliment are heroes in my book… Here is a 2 1/2 minute video snippet.We are witnessing right now the...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"We Failed" -- Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing Official COVID Narratives Without Questioning Them
Now, a newspaper in Denmark has publicly apologized for reporting government narratives surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic without questioning them. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/we-failed-danish-newspaper-apologizes-publishing-official-covid-19-narratives-without "We Failed": Danish Newspaper Apologizes For...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"We're All Dutch Farmers Now" by James Corbett (...the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Enslavement)
Some TOPICS in article: Carbon taxes. The Great Global Warming Swindle itself. the stupid, artificial left/right split and other wedges the climate change scam...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"What's Happening in Ukraine? - Questions For Corbett" - The Corbett Report -- ...well worth watching....
Today on Questions For Corbett, Thomas writes in to ask James about the unfolding events in Ukraine. James gives his answer as things stood...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"What’s In Store For Europe In 2023?" By the CIA (aka RFE/RL as a ruse to deceive readers)
When one starts reading the OilPrice posted article, it becomes evident that bias and agenda are at play in the message of the article,...- Tom Nolan Replied
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"While You Were Distracted By Will Smith, The International Elitists Met At The World Government Summit" - ZERO HEDGE article by Derrick Broze
Economist Dr. Pills Malmgren says, “What underpins the World Order is the financial system… We are about to abandon the current system of money...- Tom Nolan Replied
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“Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid” - Recent Mini-Documentary
Just released today (Sunday May 17, 2020), the third of a series by The Corbett Report. The visuals are fantastic. Hear Bill Gates tell...- corbett report
- bill gates
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- Tom Nolan Replied
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“COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity” 33 minutes by Corbett Report
Released on September 11, 2020 – This 33 minute Corbett Report video is one that everyone should see. Transcript and references in show notes.- Tom Nolan Replied
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“New US Sanctions on Iran Threat to Petrodollar”
Presented without comment, for your consideration, here is an article from Iran Front Page: New US Sanctions on Iran Threat to Petrodollar US President Trump’s decision...- iran
- petrodollar
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- Tom Kirkman Replied
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(Un)expected: Trump Says Saudi Prince May be Behind Khashoggi Death
U.S. President Donald Trump, in his toughest comments yet, said Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince bore ultimate responsibility for the operation that led to Jamal...- trump
- saudi arabia
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- rainman Replied
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(Un)expectedly: UK Court Sets Assange U.S. Extradition Hearing For February 2020
The full extradition hearing to decide whether Wikileaks founder Julian Assange should be sent to the United States to face accusations including spying charges...- rainman Replied
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*****5 STARS - "Open Letter" by Top Immunologist - Blasts Global Covid Propaganda & Policies - (many languages offered)
Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists, has written...- Tom Nolan Replied
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#FireFauci Should be the Rallying Cry for a Generation
This article neatly summarizes a number of the points that I have recently mentioned or alluded to. By Tom Luongo of Gold Goats 'N Guns Beginning...- Tom Kirkman Replied
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$20B in Oil & Gas Investments Up for Grabs in Libya--Any Takers?
So Libya's got $20 billion in oil and gas projects for investment over the next three years, and is hoping to lure in foreign...- Seleskya Replied
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$3 trillion in cuts for 2019 US budget
President Trump rolled out a White House budget that includes deep cuts to some federal agencies. It includes proposals to cut deficits by more than $3 trillion over...- JohnAtronis Replied
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$4 trillion climate plan that aims to tax carbon, return funds to American people
$4 trillion climate plan that aims to tax carbon, return funds to American people Democratic presidential candidate John Delaney became the latest 2020 candidate to...- ceo_energemsier Replied
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1 Million U.S. Jobs!
So, I suppose everyone saw the news from Ali Baba's Jack Ma that he won't be able to bring 1 million news jobs to...- Dan Warnick Replied
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1. Democrat calls for boycott EU Ambassador Sondland's hotels 2. Sondland then agrees to testify 3. Sondland testifes in private hearing says no quid-pro-quo. 4. Then Dem calls for protesters outside Hotels 5. So Sondland changes his testimony
6. Democrats forced to hold public hearings 7. Amb Sondland testifies at public hearing contradicting himself time and again. 8. Republican brings up the...- Jabbar Replied
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10 Chinese in top 20 longest metro systems. 1 is from US (New York).
And Washington DC metro is at 21st place. Just another information about future Chinese domination of this planet. (for all of those that follow Ministry of...- Marcin2 Replied
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10 Rockets hit US Air Base in Iraq
CNN Breaking News US base attacked in Iraq 🇮🇶 Al Assad Air Base attacked and reports of more locations being hit. Is this the start?- James Regan Replied
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100 lawmakers call to designate climate change a security threat
A group of more than 100 bipartisan lawmakers in the U.S. House urged President Donald Trump to reconsider the omission of climate change from his...- Meanwhile Replied
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12 Quotes That Signal Democrats Are Primed To Impeach Trump
By the end of this week, we should have a lot more clarity on what is about to happen. But at this point, all...