1. https://carnegieendowment.org/chinafinancialmarkets/77178 Now is the time to pressure China to change its hegemonic course or lose its trade partners. RCW   Beijing’s Three Options: Unemployment, Debt, or Wealth...

  2. Double hitter from ZeroHedge. The economy and subsequent energy demand in China is forcast to seriously decline. Not going to post long excerpts, just short snippets...

  3. China are in expansion in all fields. By the official data, China's economy grew by 6.9% in 2017. This fact are important if we know...

  4. Those old enough to remember know what China was 40 years ago. A painfully poor country that turned its back on the world and...

  5. WASHINGTON (Reuters)  - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that China’s treatment of Muslims, including the Uighurs, in western China was...

  6. McMaster is showing how the CCP has been viewing the world and its clear knowledge that the Chinese economy will turn sour and old...

  7. Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit North Korea for two days from Thursday, state media in both countries reported on Monday, making him the...

  8. Quote The move is also intended to claw back control of China's crude refining sector from private refiners to state-owned refineries. And it's reminiscent of...

  9. An excellent reminder and a pretty good timeline of what China did the last time in Tiananmen Square.  Not only in Beijing, but in...

  10. Must watch video from kirkman post. Side Note: U.S. FCC to vote on banning China Telecom from U.S. next week. just the start 再见,  "zài jiàn."   

  11. THAT'S  2  PARTIES   vs.   120 NATIONS The solidarity of 120 nations demanding thorough and transparent Investigation speaks volumes.  It's not just the U.S. it's not...

  12. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/tmac-resources-purchase-agreement-1.5576240 Chinese company makes agreement to buy Nunavut gold mine Should Canada allow this? Why or why not? Couldn't a Canadian consortium do the same thing?...

  13. Chinese defense minister says Tiananmen crackdown was justified Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe said on Sunday that the bloody crackdown on protesters around Beijing's Tiananmen...

  14. It's hard to believe China would storm Hong Kong to put down the protests given the repercussions it would have for its economy, unless...

  15. Of course, this is not my work below, but I found this post interesting enough that I am posting it on the oilprice forum.  Because...

  16. Geopolitical Rift Between Australia And China Reaches Boiling Point | OilPrice.com After interfering in Australian affairs, the CCP is angry that the Australian Government will...

  17. As the Corona Virus continues to impinge on world trade, in a variety of ways, I would like to ask for opinions regarding the...

  18. Co-owners Hunter Biden  and Chris Heinz established Rosemont Capital in 2008 while Joe Biden was VP and John Kerry was Secretary of State.  Over...

  19. Co-owners Hunter Biden  and Chris Heinz established Rosemont Capital in 2008 while Joe Biden was VP and John Kerry was Secretary of State.  Over the years the Rosemont Capital has signed up lucrative...

  20. https://theintercept.com/2020/12/18/afghanistan-cia-militia-01-strike-force/ What can be said about a nation whose peoples support and condone the wilful slaughter of children?  This has continued since the Korean war...

  21. A CIA employee who lodged a whistleblower complaint over President Trump's request that Ukraine investigate former Vice President Joe Biden has a "professional relationship with...

  22. An interesting example how to deal with sudden outbreak in previously COVID-free City of Beijing. https://www.scmp.com/coronavirus/greater-china/article/3089964/coronavirus-beijing-reports-22-new-cases-23-million Coronavirus: Beijing doubles testing capacity as Pepsi plant closes due...

  23. All over the globe, the mood is turning sour. Anger and frustration are bubbling over, and protests are becoming violent in major cities all across...

  24. It turns out that the Chinese authorities are upset about the amount of capital now fleeing China, and seeking safe havens around the globe. ...

  25. Does anyone else feel that these attacks were are seeing on Saudi boats and infrastructure is really Saudi Arabia attacking its own infrastructure so...

  26. It would be interesting to debate the demerits of the great hoax of our day, Climate Alarmism.  CO2 can only raise global temperatures by...

  27. On a rainy night in the basement lounge of a church, five people sat in a circle and nibbled on snacks as they talked...

  28. Will Shell win this case?  What are the ramifications for oil companies worldwide if they lose? Climate Case Against Shell Begins In The Netherlands In civil...

  29. Researchers say so but at the same time warn drastic changes are still needed to meet warming goals.Climate change might not be as extreme...