1. Anything to report ? 

  2. The Plandemic worked so well, it's time for the cyber version Long read but worth it. Everything is marching according to plan. Goose stepping to...

  3. The presidential election in Venezuela traditionally has been held late in the year, but  decision about set a date in April shouldn't surprise  anyone...

  4. REPUBLICANS OFFICIALLY OKAY VIOLENT DEATH THREATS AGAINST DEMOCRATS, PSYCHOTIC CONSPIRACY THEORIES ABOUT JEWISH LASER BEAMS https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/02/kevin-mccarthy-marjorie-taylor-greene-no-action?utm_source=nl&utm_brand=vf&utm_mailing=VF_Hive_020421&utm_medium=email&bxid=5bea15512ddf9c72dc912311&cndid=17768489&hasha=5a9f69fe1b66f2fb53c95925d88b6cc2&hashb=d9494cf78f9811846899547106258772f12f3a53&hashc=89a3d2964591281b25afc03928bd48192f0f4328071a64b8e9ff9715dfe90030&eAUTO_MERGE&utm_campaign=VF_Hive_020421&utm_term=VYF_Hive

  5. Dutch populists won the most votes in elections last Thursday.  They will hold the largest number of seats in the Senate along with the...

  6. Is the EU experiment coming to an end? Europe considers its options... FULL ARTICLE - https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/europe-cracks-are-beginning-show (Article contains writings on NATO, 'Revolutions', 'Macron', 'Panic of the Globalists', 'Broken...

  7. According to Reuters, the U.S. Senate voted on Wednesday to advance a resolution to end U.S. military support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen’s...

  8. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/01/08/wsj-gun-ownership-rise-europe-terror-attacks-sexual-assault/ So Oppressed European Citizens are finally coming around to the American view of things.   Good.

  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/election-2019-50765773 Britain's Boris Johnson will stay in power to assure a slow Brexit for the majority who voted for it years ago. The swindlers lose...

  10. Following Trump's positive speech extolling America and what has been achieved, will Pelosi's act of ripping up the speech send a negative message to...

  11. http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/04/war-talk-against-china-is-crazy-and.html?m=1 Saturday, April 18, 2020 War "Talk" Against China is Crazy --- and Unjustified By Anna Von Reitz We have heard sabers rattling and all sorts of bombast...

  12. Valentina Matvienko, the speaker of the Russian upper house of parliament, said on Wednesday that Moscow’s response to U.S. sanctions will be targeted and...

  13. Check out the clips in this link:   🤣🤣 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/former-ukraine-ambassador-testify-about-concerted-campaign-oust-her Fireworks Erupt As Schiff Shields Questions Over Biden And Burisma ''Once again, Adam Schiff flat out REFUSES to...

  14. Double hitter from ZeroHedge. The economy and subsequent energy demand in China is forcast to seriously decline. Not going to post long excerpts, just short snippets...

  15. My insider sources tell me the allegations of Biden's 'efforts' respecting Ukraine and China are true and his efforts did occur.  This means Biden...

  16. Recently I noticed that while writing at this forum I often digress to critisize Donald Trump. It is often not justified by the subject of the...

  17. Perhaps Trump and Fox is correct after all, and just let herd Immunity take is course.  It would be interesting to see what happens...

  18. US congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has rejected an offer from Israel to visit family in the occupied West Bank on the condition she does not...

  19. "COME ON MAN" A Biden Presidency would be compromised from the start.  Joe, the working class Irish Catholic boy from Scranton PA. sold his soul to...

  20. The return of conservatives to power in oil-rich Alberta adds another province to a growing bloc of opposition to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of...

  21. https://www.voanews.com/middle-east/bitterness-fear-syria-us-withdraws-troops It would be interesting to know the forums view on the USA leaving the Kurds to the will and the strength of the Russian...

  22. A few weeks ago, Sudan and Turkey signed a naval agreement. That angered Cairo and an ongoing dispute over a dam Ethiopia is building...

  23.   Boris Johnson declares a Brexit agreement in place - 'We've got great new deal' The DUP has said it still cannot support the agreement, over...

  24. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-joe-biden-technology-business-china-52acbd35f77084771ddeabbb2bfd0789 US intel warns China could dominate advanced technologies By NOMAAN MERCHANTOctober 22, 2021 Associated Press One of the main reasons we should not give up advanced technology...

  25. As a meeting last August in the Oval Office to discuss sanctions on Venezuela was concluding, President Donald Trump turned to his top aides...

  26. There has been a fair amount of discussion on the forums about this.  And also about government's and trader's motives.  What do you all...

  27. EXCERPTS   The G-20 members are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United...

  28. Definitive information FROM THE CDC that wearing a mask does not protect the person wearing the mask.  We've been saying this for months here...

  29. This alliance, called the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero...is essentially a creative way of marketing “corporatism,” the definition of fascism infamously supplied by Italian...