1. .

  2. What's the end game here? Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has just arrived in Jeddah for talks with Saudi leaders over a response to the...

  3. President's top adviser for domestic energy and environment policy is heading out the door and leaving the Big Brother house. Michael Catanzaro plans to leave next...

  4. The reason is because over time it develops an entitled "us vs them" mentality.  You can see this reflected in police behavior in America. ...

  5. This could get interesting.  And Twitter strikes again with trying to control information. Twitter hides the video because "This media may contain sensitive material". Twitter... really?  <...

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1-K4HiKbBE&t=101s CHINA Economy IMPLODING - Fastest Price Fall in 14 Years & Stock Market Crashes to 5 Year Low This is a detailed report but you...

  7. .

  8. Ecuador has suspended Julian Assange’s citizenship and accused him and members of his WikiLeaks group of collaborating in attempts to destabilize the Andean nation’s...

  9. From Page 158, of Volume Two, of the Mueller Report:   "The President's effort to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely...

  10. "Now that Brazil has joined Latin America’s shift rightwards by electing far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro, US-backed war is looking increasingly likely. The reason? Colombia’s own hard-right government reportedly...

  11. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/20/chamber-of-commerce-u-s-must-not-reshore-all-production-to-the-u-s/ I expect we may have a lot of various opinions on this topic. Here is your chance to tell us your ideas. RCW Chamber of...

  12. Another day, another peaceful demonstration, another horrible police brutality. It is a miracle that nobody was killed yet.   Answer yourself 1 question: What would be the reaction...

  13. Venezuela was one of the founding members of the OPEC, led by the iconic Juan Pablo Perez Alfonso, a thing most known by oil...

  14. South Korea has displayed the first full-size mock-up of the KF-X fighter jet it is developing with Indonesia, after officials said the program passed...

  15. Those of us who watch geopolitics might be surprised to hear that a new Pew Research Center poll shows that Turkish leader Erdogan is the...

  16. Hackers backed by the Russian state are trying to steal COVID-19 vaccine and treatment research from academic and pharmaceutical institutions around the world, according...

  17. So I can't be accused of bias ... here's an article from the other side ... A lot of people out there don’t like when...

  18. Wyoming GOP  Rips Liz Cheney over impeachment vote. Maybe she will run as a Democrat in 2022. https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/1005694/1  Odds are Liz joins Christie and Kasich and...

  19. Election of Donald Trump is impersonification of American Dream. It tells us more about modern politics than we would like to acknowledge. My only...

  20. https://www.theepochtimes.com/britains-new-5g-club-d10-to-develop-own-5g-networks_3380571.html Britain’s New 5G Club ‘D10’ to Develop Own 5G Networks How did President Trump influence this change? Does he deserve any credit? RCW

  21. KSA insider indicates Iranian made cruise missile found intact in the desert!! https://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/military/fresh-doubts-about-what-caused-attack-on-saudi-arabia-oil-plant/news-story/cfe40dbcbaf19e4315990eff348ac8e4

  22. Interesting question: let's say a Dem wins the presidency and starts firing Republicans because they oppose his agenda.  His rationale? "Because it's in the...

  23. That is not what I would expect out of either 60 Minutes or Leslie Stahl.  She lowered herself to nothing more than a screaming...

  24. https://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/27951   OPINION: Putin’s Genocidal Myth Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin reveals much more than the foolishness of fascism. It offers us a view into the mechanism...

  25. This is getting ridiculous. Nobody's mentioned sanctions but the big boys in Riyadh are ready for them. "As the Riyadh stock market plunged on growing...

  26. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence sought on Monday to reassure Poland about Washington’s commitment to protecting it from Russia, saying allies should “remain vigilant”...

  27. Okay, I realize this is off the beaten path for this forum, but this is just too weird. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-17/koreas-to-march-under-one-flag-at-olympics-opening-ceremony-jcj37ai4?cmpid=socialflow-twitter-business&utm_content=business&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social What is going on here??  

  28. Mexico's president has demanded both Spain and the Vatican apologize to the indigenous people of Mexico for the Spanish conquest 500 years ago. It's unknown if...

  29. Relations between the UK and the EU are not at the highest level. The key question is what will be the cost of the...

  30. After statement of President Donald Trump that Washington would withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty because Russia was violating the pact, Russian Foreign...