1. UPDATE. FIRST SUBPOENA ISSUED Senator Johnson opening Investigation into Hunter Biden Barisma. Should lead to other Joe Biden Hunter, Brother and daughter/son-in-law sweetheart federal handout...

  2. This is so good, I thought it deserved it's own post. It's all about time and exposure: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/coronavirus-covid19-exposure-risk-catching-virus-germs/   Dosage: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2020/4/24/21233226/coronavirus-runners-cyclists-airborne-infectious-dose Superspreader lessons: https://quillette.com/2020/04/23/covid-19-superspreader-events-in-28-countries-critical-patterns-and-lessons/

  3. http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/04/war-talk-against-china-is-crazy-and.html?m=1 Saturday, April 18, 2020 War "Talk" Against China is Crazy --- and Unjustified By Anna Von Reitz We have heard sabers rattling and all sorts of bombast...

  4. Those that think China will finally be called to account, that think China's hegemony will be held in check are sorely mistaken.  https://news.yahoo.com/eu-agreed-chinese-censorship-over-124350074.html

  5. Trump is Israel's best friend.  Members of Congress have dual passports.  Banking heads have dual passports.  2008 bail out benefited bankers too big to fail....

  6. Plenty of interesting stuff here, not sure how easy it will be for a layman to understand but if anyone wants any help understanding...

  7. Just thought I'd share this for anyone interested in WW2 history. The newsest ones are spliced longer versions, I'm not sure they are better...

  8. I’m watching the local Chinese news feed with my wife acting as translator. It seems like the free world has ‘lost’ Hong Kong and...

  9. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/931061 Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, with or without azithromycin or clarithromycin, offer no benefit in treating patients with COVID-10 and, instead, are associated with ventricular arrhythmias and higher rates of...

  10. Lots of problems arising in the European Union. I do not see any upside for Europe. Maybe others can share their opinions. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1278073/Germany-news-constitutional-court-European-Central-Bank-latest-euro-eurozone-update Germany issues 'declaration...

  11.  https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-52762291 Time for a real trade war with China. RCW NPC: China moves to impose controversial Hong Kong security law  

  12. Just one of Joe Joe's deals to enrich his family .   I'm not saying Hunters China deals completely paid for Hunter's $4 Million Hollywood Hills...

  13. Re Joe Biden using his public position to enrich his family OS SO MUCH MORE THAN HUNTER WITH BARISMA OR CHINA'S CCP BANK.  It's...

  14. Things hotting up in Libya over the last few months as Turkey and their 'Syrian' fighter backed GNA take the Al-Watiah airbase and destroy...


  16. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/20/chamber-of-commerce-u-s-must-not-reshore-all-production-to-the-u-s/ I expect we may have a lot of various opinions on this topic. Here is your chance to tell us your ideas. RCW Chamber of...

  17. Looks like : * 2/3 of U.S. agrees with Trump and Pompeo * 1/4 of U.S. agrees with  CCP, Communist Secretary General Xi Jinping  ,  Pelosi...

  18. 2 of WHO's Goodwill Ambassadors are:   1)  the wife of China's President Xi   2)  a news presenter and host for the English-language channel of the Chinese...

  19. 😂🤣 Macron loses absolute majority in French parliament as defectors push for more Left-wing policies Defecting MPs are unhappy with the President's tight grip on decision-making...

  20. Shots fired.  US DOJ issues 3 page warning letter to California governor.   “Simply put, there is no pandemic exception to the U.S. Constitution and its...

  21. 2 links.  The current version of USA Today's article from 2013, and then the actual version of the same article captured on the Wayback...

  22. Now that the industry has had time to let the dust settle a bit, just who will get the privilege of supplying the world's...

  23. Damn straight. The COVID Lockdown Ends When ‘We The People’ Withdraw Our Consent The power of government comes from the people; or as we say in...

  24. Both Sweden and Brazil kept their economy open and let it take its course. They didn't see unusually high infections or deaths as compared...

  25. THAT'S  2  PARTIES   vs.   120 NATIONS The solidarity of 120 nations demanding thorough and transparent Investigation speaks volumes.  It's not just the U.S. it's not...

  26. YouTube automatically deletes Chinese epithet 'communist bandit' YouTube bans term used during Taiwan's martial law era to describe communist Chinese [ Extra heavy bombardment of Mandarin spam...

  27. “Specifically, hydroxychloroquine use with or without co-administration of azithromycin did not improve mortality or reduce the need for mechanical ventilation in hospitalized patients,” they...

  28. Just released today (Sunday May 17, 2020), the third of a series by The Corbett Report.  The visuals are fantastic.  Hear Bill Gates tell...