1. https://www.dw.com/en/covid-19-recovered-patients-have-partially-reduced-lung-function/a-52859671 "In some patients, lung function could decline by about 20 to 30% after recovery," says Dr. Owen Tsang Tak-yin, medical director of the Infectious Diseases Centre at...

  2. Readers will recall the huge mess started when the Canadian Mounted Police detained Meng Wanzhou pursuant to an arrest and extradition warrant request issued...

  3. https://tfipost.com/2020/05/our-survival-is-at-stake-now-chinese-telecom-giant-huawei-crumbles-after-us-ban-on-semiconductor-exports/ ‘Our survival is at stake now,’ Chinese Telecom giant Huawei crumbles after US ban on Semiconductor exports Will Democrats keep up pressure on China?

  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-46465768 So much for a trade war ceasefire.

  5. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-12-14/china-threatens-germany-with-retaliation-if-huawei-5g-is-banned China is Germany's largest market for Car Sales.  

  6. https://nltimes.nl/2020/11/16/us-spied-allies-including-netherlands-denmark Pompass (we lie, we steal, we cheat, we kill) claims the US strives for a clean internet. uh, clean for whom?  Spying on your...

  7. FOLLOW THE MONEY  (1) Burisma sent money to shell Company in Latvia (2) the money was then sent to Cyprus (3) then transfered to Hunter...

  8. " .  .  .  Biden (Joe) raised eyebrows when he shrugged off concerns over the China threat. “Come on, man,” Biden said. “I mean, you know, they’re...

  9. New Hunter Biden revelations  Seems Hunter and his business partners set up accounts for Ukraine gas company Burisma at Morgan Stanely.  Reportedly the accounts  opened had deposited over $150 Million. There is...

  10. The proposed U.S. Space Force, a new military service backed by President Donald Trump, could have an initial budget of less than $5 billion,...

  11. Dunno if he can win, but I don't like the other options.  

  12.     This article stating that repealing the "Carried Interest" tax loophole will cost 24 million jobs is such a bunch of bull.   Then it goes...

  13. The Iraq Parliament voted to expel the U.S from Iraq. Two points : (1) It's not the Parliament's  decision.  Parliament does not have the authority...

  14. Recently I noticed that while writing at this forum I often digress to critisize Donald Trump. It is often not justified by the subject of the...

  15. Gee.  What happened? 

  16. Americans in their 20s and 30s—no matter how healthy and invincible they feel—need to understand how dangerous this virus can be. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/young-people-are-not-immune-coronavirus/608794/ ..... Late in the night,...

  17. The Competitive Enterprise Institute has published a new paper, "Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions." Keep in mind that many of the grossly...

  18. Is it alright to assassinate him? Be careful of how you answer.  It may boomerang.  

  19. Or will you just become more stubborn? 

  20. Simple Question.  Democrat Mayor and Democrat Governors refuse to answer, studiously avoiding their overt hypocrisy like the plague. If protesters can march, why can’t businesses...

  21. Then, unsurprisingly, Biden would win. Recent IPSOS poll: Here is how this compares to the 2016 figures. Eyeballing, it looks like foreign perceptions of Trump have actually improved...

  22. The Biden government, a first time government, relies on non-traditional allies while going against long standing traditional allies. The administration ignores the fact that...

  23. https://www.projectveritas.com/news/ilhan-omar-connected-cash-for-ballots-voter-fraud-scheme-corrupts-elections/ September 27, 2020 Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Voter Fraud Scheme Corrupts Elections: 'These Here Are All Absentee Ballots...Look...My Car Is Full..." 'Money Is The King...

  24. IMF has just released a very upbeat World Economic Outlook but has warned recession can hit sooner than many expect.  "The next recession may be closer...

  25. The Middle East and north Africa must accelerate economic reforms and tackle an unemployment crisis among women and young people that risks fuelling wider...

  26. Political uncertainty and volatile oil prices are weighing heavily on economic growth in the Middle East this year, according to a new report released...

  27. Interesting article here regarding history and government. I don't agree with all of it but thought I'd share. I know you guys love a...