Abadan refinery hit in a long tit for tat between KSA and Iran
Now was the turn for Abadan refinery to be hit by what was alleged was a cyber attack... after recently ARAMCO was hit in...- geopolitics
- iran
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- jose chalhoub Replied
- 1 reply
American Troops Out of Syria is a Big Surprise?
Recently, in the so called news, Trump is being crucified for pulling the US troops out of Syria. My question is, why? First, let’s get...- Douglas Buckland Replied
- 3 replies
Civil Unrest Is Erupting All Over The World, But Just Wait Until America Joins The Party...
All over the globe, the mood is turning sour. Anger and frustration are bubbling over, and protests are becoming violent in major cities all across... -
The REAL Climate Debate
The real climate debate is not between "believers" and "deniers". And not between Republicans and Democrats. The real debate is certainly not over whether global warming, spurred...- trading is not journalism
- ignore user
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Peaceful demonstration in Hong Kong again thwarted by brutality of police
Another day, another peaceful demonstration, another horrible police brutality. It is a miracle that nobody was killed yet. Answer yourself 1 question: What would be the reaction...- Marcin Replied
- 35 replies
The Problem Is The Economy, Not The Climate
The Earth is about to get much cooler and so too is the Earth’s economy. DISCLAIMER - DT IS NOT A JOURNALIST. HE TRADES AND... -
One Big Reason Why America Is Driving Itself Bat$hit Crazy
Here’s one big reason that America is driving itself batshit crazy: the explosion of computerized records, emails, inter-office memos, Twitter trails, Facebook memorabilia, iPhone... -
Impeachment Poker - Trump v Pelosi
Trump and Pelosi play poker in the swamp ... but who holds what? It’s all about the bluff – or so it appears – as... -
EU Leaders ... United Over Brexit, Divided Over Much Else
BRUSSELS (Reuters) Summits are usually a chance for European Union leaders to discuss problems and try to strengthen their union. But after two days...- bye clowns
- leave means leave
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The Truth Is Now A ''Kremlin Talking Point''
If you’re in the mood for some depressing amusement, just type the words “Kremlin talking point” without quotation marks into Twitter’s search engine and... -
Why don't the other GOP candidates get mention?
The GOP used to be the party of the more educated. It started changing when GW Bush got elected. Oil prices are sinking and...- Steve Fischer Replied
- 13 replies
Diplomatic immunity
https://edition.cnn.com/2019/10/16/politics/harry-dunn-family-white-house-meeting-trump-intl-gbr/index.html thougths? I understand the reason for diplomatic immunity, but it does not really seem applicable here?- Rasmus Jorgensen Replied
- 68 replies
Disenfranchised people are angry people - map of global electoral systems
Find your country. A lot of problems come from people not allowed their voice to be heard. Apart from electoral system the second most important...- Marcin Replied
- 13 replies
Brexit agreement
Boris Johnson declares a Brexit agreement in place - 'We've got great new deal' The DUP has said it still cannot support the agreement, over...- Rob Plant Replied
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Navarro Pushes Pelosi to Pass USMCA Trade Deal
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/16/exclusive-video-white-houses-peter-navarro-pushes-nancy-pelosi-to-pass-us-mexico-canada-agreement-more-important-than-any-china-deal/ Exclusive Video — White House’s Peter Navarro Pushes Nancy Pelosi to Pass US-Mexico-Canada Agreement: ‘More Important than Any China Deal’ Peter Navarro, a senior White...- ronwagn Replied
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''Let Me Know When It's Over'' - The Boredom And / Or Hilarity Of Geopolitics (2 Articles)
This is an article, by a journalist. Note - I added the second half of the title as I find geopolitics funny and interesting and anything but boring,... -
USA Carried Out Secret Cyber Strike On Iran In Wake Of Saudi Oil Attack
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States carried out a secret cyber operation against Iran in the wake of the Sept. 14 attacks on Saudi... -
Spain Is On The Edge...Clashes Between Catalonia And "Madrid"
Spain’s government said Wednesday it would do whatever it takes to stamp out violence in Catalonia, where clashes between regional independence supporters and police...- rainman Replied
- 19 replies
Yesterday Angela Merkel stopped Trump technology war on China – the moral of the story is do not eavesdrop on ladies with high ethical standards
Of course we cannot be sure about ultimate outcome but probability of Huawei building 5G network in Germany just skyrocketed. No backdoors policy Angela Merkel is...- Marcin Replied
- 76 replies
ABC of Brexit, economy wise, where to find sites, links to articles ?
ABC of Brexit, economy wise, where to find sites, links to articles ? There is a lot of buzz in the media about Brexit, I...- Marcin Replied
- 86 replies
Tip US Customs if your competitor is curcimventing tariffs by illegal transshipping
Because of tariffs on Chinese goods imported to United States, goods are often transshipped through third countries and labelled as originating from these countries....- Marcin Replied
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Mr. Shooty Speaks Up
Former national security adviser John Bolton was 'so alarmed' by efforts to encourage Ukraine to investigate the Bidens and 2016 election meddling that he... -
South Korea Unveils Fighter Jet Mock-Up Amid Program Challenges
South Korea has displayed the first full-size mock-up of the KF-X fighter jet it is developing with Indonesia, after officials said the program passed...- south korea
- north korea
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- joze44 Replied
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Freedom of Speech for Dummies
Recently there have been several responses to a certain thread by some who appear to have a misunderstanding concerning the Freedom of Speech, and...- Douglas Buckland Replied
- 11 replies
The Mysterious Iranian Tanker
Is it just me, or do others find that the ‘attack’ on the Iranian tanker in the Red Sea was an exceedingly short news cycle...- Douglas Buckland Replied
- 7 replies
And The Prize For Most Transparently Disingenuous Media Agitprop Goes To...
This is gold ... https://www.zerohedge.com/political/and-prize-most-transparently-disingenuous-media-agitprop-goes An eerie silence cloaked the political landscape this lovely fall weekend as the soldiers in this (so far) administrative civil war scrambled... -
Erdogan Holds All The Cards ... 3.6 Million Of Them
If you've been paying attention you might have picked up on the irony that Turkey now appears the most powerful country in Europe thanks to the refugee... -
The power of propaganda has no boundaries: Which country has larger territory US od China
Test yourself give the answer, even better give arguments for your answer. question is by no matter political. if no right answers will provide the one...- Marcin Replied
- 25 replies
Conspiracy Theories: A ‘Must Read’
This is a ‘must read’ for all Oil Price posters (that is, those people who contribute to the Oil Price dialogues and rants, not things that...- Douglas Buckland Replied
- 1 reply
HK. Out. Now.
https://www.yahoo.com/news/attempts-split-china-risk-shattered-bodies-xi-023449007.html If you're a protester in HK, get out. Like, now.- Zhong Lu Replied
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