1. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/china-birth-rates-plunge-12272023160425.html The linked article points out that China's statistics agency (briefly) reported 7.88 million births in 2023. This is down from (presumably) 9.5 million births...

  2. / edit :  you can download a pdf of the interview at the bottom of this comment.  It was a 1 hour interview. Federal elections...

  3. Hackers backed by the Russian state are trying to steal COVID-19 vaccine and treatment research from academic and pharmaceutical institutions around the world, according...

  4. https://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/13560   OPINION: China Challenges Russia by Restoring Chinese Names of Cities on Their Border While proclaiming its support for Russia, is China capitalizing on Moscow’s weakness to...

  5. Since the moment the votes were totaled in the June 2016 Brexit referendum there has been nothing but handwringing about what it implied. The Brexit...

  6. I have a serious question for you guys and gals. Do you see a backlash against Chinese citizens, residents, tourists in the countries which you...

  7. Exclusive: China backtracked on nearly all aspects of U.S. trade deal - sources I'm sure everyone's shocked because this was so superunexpected.

  8. How many people has the coronavirus killed? https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02497-w These scientific data should be the last nail to the coffin of the ridiculous republican fake news conspiracy...

  9. From my favourite author on BRIC. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2018/12/31/on-new-years-day-a-right-wing-president-takes-over-a-greatly-weakened-brazil/#11d1428f157c

  10. Planned government funding for Germany’s military, which faces worsening equipment and personnel shortages, will not meet its needs after next year and should be...

  11. Turkey expects its allies to help set up a “safe zone” in Syria along the Turkish border within a few months, otherwise it will...

  12. Learn all the nitty-gritty details of the $130 trillion climate finance swindle in this extremely well-referenced article by James Corbett.  James Corbett produced those...

  13. Here's a prediction I made elsewhere in 2016, so I may as well put it up here.  It was after Trump won the election....

  14. Just one of Joe Joe's deals to enrich his family .   I'm not saying Hunters China deals completely paid for Hunter's $4 Million Hollywood Hills...

  15. Europe’s heavyweight economies took steps on Friday to safeguard their interests in Iran, seeking to keep the nuclear deal with Tehran alive after Washington...

  16. https://video.foxnews.com/v/6099854410001/#sp=show-clips Democratic Party tears U.S. apart. Democrats power grab destroying U.S. Institutions and Justice Systems. All but two Democrats in Congress House voted for this scam.  Power...

  17. Seems the China Flu panic dovetails nicely with the ongoing plan of the EU to issue vaccination card / passports to EU citizens. Totally not scary...

  18. The leader of the Opposition Conservative Party, Andres Scheer, just resigned, leaving the place in chaos.  It turns out that the Party used some...

  19. As far as I know, one of the assumptions of American geopolitics is that a new hegemon should not appear in Eurasia. Taking into account...

  20. PRELUDE:  There are no moral "White Knights" who rule any Nation with an advocacy for a peaceful foreign policy and the protection of civil...

  21. Good for a laugh, this one:  Recorded drunk outside a strip club, Netanyahu's son apparently talks about the gas deals Israeli closed, prostitutes and hits...

  22. A "Madagascarian?"  Also, how do you tell apart a person from Botswana from someone from Ghana? I mean, I can tell apart a Frenchmen from a...

  23. Greta is once again telling (not asking) the Prime Minister of Canada to cancel the Trans Mountain and Keystone XL pipelines. Here she is, bashing...

  24. Wow this is getting seriously desparate... Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez escalated her ongoing Twitter feud with President Trump on Saturday when she accused him of harboring anti-Semitic...

  25. Sometimes, if you open up a big enough gate and stand in the void, the gate will swing back and slap you on the...

  26. LOL        PayPal becomes first member to exit Facebook's Libra Association      https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-cryptocurrency-paypal/paypal-becomes-first-member-to-exit-facebooks-libra-association-idUKKBN1WJ2CY WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. payments processor PayPal Holdings Inc said on Friday...

  27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5iSmSbLa40 RUSSIA - Turkey & India Stop Buying Russian Oil as USA Increases Crackdown on Sanctions Summary and conclusion at 20:25 Russia has had to reduce production...

  28. The Canadian prime minister with his softly diplomacy is "most valuable person" for good deal with U.S. about tariffs for Canada and Mexico. Now,...