1. .    

  2.  U.S. space agency NASA said: “His theories unlocked a universe of possibilities that we and the world are exploring". Hawking’s formidable mind probed the...

  3. WASHINGTON (Reuters)  - The United States carried out a secret cyber operation against Iran in the wake of the Sept. 14 attacks on Saudi...

  4. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday hailed “significant progress” in talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the weekend and...

  5.   Quote: Sky News host Chris Smith says the Chinese communist regime has “disgraced themselves in front of the world” after posting a doctored picture of...

  6. Reuters' journalists are making a big and investigative report about China as a military superpower .... among other things ...  "Chinese leader Xi Jinping has...

  7. Hong Kong may soon feel the wrath of China, is this the tipping point? https://www.thestreet.com/amp/investing/stocks/dow-futures-slide-as-trade-concerns-hong-kong-protests-blunt-global-sentiment-15052938

  8. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/6869/text?r=1&s=1 As if Amurcuns were not already the most vile people on Earth, Biden adds to this by authorising and encouraging Amurcuns to engage in...

  9. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/13521/denmark-immigration-transformation   Interesting read. Another EU country in trouble. Denmark now filled with NO-GO-ZONES and hundreds of new Mosques.

  10. 2020-07-11 The story of a 5-year-old North Carolina boy - who reportedly was killed when a man ran up to him and shot him...

  11. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/04/what-covid-revealed-about-internet/610549/ The USA is 1984. Your govt, media, corporation control you totally. By focussing your attentions upon the enemy-du-jour, you are diverted from the enemy within. By...

  12. https://www.project-syndicate.or ; World Opinion Website - where big shot NGO, private and public advisers, executives, analysts, Nobel laureate university professors, central bankers, secretaries, minsters, ambassadors, prime...

  13. An Iranian who chairs a Maltese bank has been arrested on U.S. charges that he participated in a scheme to evade U.S. sanctions and...

  14. Hi Im a newb, so please keep that in mind before trolling.  I was wondering if you oil industry veterans think that it's plausible that...

  15. South Korean President Moon Jae-in is preparing for a third summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un amid growing public skepticism about his...

  16. IMO, Trump has to much riding on this "summit" to come out looking bad. And quite frankly so does Putin. The Russians have never...

  17. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will write a $4.5 million check to fund the United States’ annual commitment to the Paris climate deal...

  18.  European Council President Donald Tusk told U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday to stop berating NATO allies over military investment levels ahead of what...

  19. Puerto Rico's Department of Education announced Thursday that it will close 283 schools this summer following a sharp drop in enrollment amid the island's...

  20. I am quite surprised at the reaction and geopolitics of the 2019 attack on Saudi Facilities. The oil industry needs to revisit the 2019...

  21. Congressman Nunes files $435 million lawsuit against CNN last night. Nunes and Giuliani can't talk ? This impeachment is a Schiff Soviet Show Trial.  Now it's...

  22. The White House has been considering a plan to rejoin the Paris climate agreement by 2020, George David Banks, former top White House adviser on international...

  23. More than 40,000 people have been intercepted in the Mediterranean and taken to detention camps and torture houses under a European migration policy that...

  24. Short calculation below shows that impact of trade war on US-China bilateral trade is negligent (less than -1.6%). Trade war is not important.   Per Sunday, December...

  25. For a while it appeared the EU was ready to negotiate with Johnson. Perhaps appearances were deceiving...   Last Friday, Eurointelligence commented:  We would agree that the risk...

  26. South Korea has sent 1 billion won ($893,239.96) worth of sanctioned material to North Korea, customs data showed on Friday, raising concern ties with...

  27. According to latest report from AP, Pakistani terror cells are still biggest threat not just for that country, but also for the entire region....

  28. Iran’s influential Revolutionary Guard said Tuesday it doesn’t fear a possible war with the United States and claimed that America hasn’t grown in power...

  29. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife has been charged with allegedly misusing public funds to order meals from outside the prime minister’s residence. Sara...

  30. New U.S. sanctions against Iran took effect on Tuesday, and President Donald Trump, who defied Washington’s allies to impose them, pledged that firms doing...