1. https://www.dw.com/en/covid-19-recovered-patients-have-partially-reduced-lung-function/a-52859671 "In some patients, lung function could decline by about 20 to 30% after recovery," says Dr. Owen Tsang Tak-yin, medical director of the Infectious Diseases Centre at...

  2. Russia's economy is falling apart. The Ruble is rubble. They are losing Crimea and possibly all of Ukrainian land that it stole. Now its...

  3. Some TOPICS in article:  Carbon taxes. The Great Global Warming Swindle itself.  the stupid, artificial left/right split and other wedges   the climate change scam...

  4. USS Boxer shoots down Iranian Drone in the Straights of Hormuz. Sorry for starting a new thread the last thread on this topic got well...

  5. It was going so well for Iran and now the ayatollah has gone and tried to ruined it by threatening Iran will restart its...

  6. https://news.sky.com/story/donald-trump-process-of-impeachment-has-moved-to-next-stage-pelosi-says-11878824 Ms Pelosi argued that "no one is above the law" and Mr Trump's actions were a "violation of the public trust and constitution". Well this...

  7. Okay, over the past few days Trump has been vilified for supposedly throwing ‘the Kurds’ to the Turkish wolf by pulling out roughly 1000...

  8. As tensions remain high between Iran and the U.S., the Islamic Republic appears to have constructed a new mock-up of an aircraft carrier off...

  9. What influence on the world oil market can have the rise of the extreme right-wing policy in Brazil?

  10. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/08/15/poland-united-states-sign-deal-relocate-troops-germany This is exactly what I would have recommended. RCW  We have planted our flag closer to the threat. U.S. and Poland Sign Deal to Relocate Troops...

  11.   WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Financial conditions in the United States were “generally good” right now, with the potential for its economic growth to outpace China,...

  12. More sanctions coming to Russia if the "bill from hell"* gets signed but, apparently, the effect on Russia's oil industry will be more modest...

  13. MSM has anointed FAUCI as God.  He is the sole determinant of who, what and when the U.S. economy can open.   The recent increase in...

  14. This pic has gone viral. It should be here as well. Also, the media coverage is simply brilliant: "When the world leaders convened around a bonfire...

  15. Both Ivanka and Trump's sons are pretty ordinary and decent people, so that is to Trump's credit.  Though that could be because of Melania.  But...

  16. I'm not sure if we should be running to the underground bunker now or not. Is anyone else overly concerned about Trump meeting with...

  17. Trump and AOC can actually help each other. Trump wants a trade deal with China that is a level playing field for the US...

  18. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/m/082b9cfa-880b-316f-a607-632e9941423b/u.s.-manufacturers-experience.html   What happened: Production, employment and inventories all declined in September. The index for new orders actually rose a tick to 47.3%, but it’s still at...

  19. The Chinese dealings of the Bidens and Bloomberg should disqualify them as Presidential candidates. The NBA while disappointing could be tolerated as their dealings do...

  20. 2020-07-11 The story of a 5-year-old North Carolina boy - who reportedly was killed when a man ran up to him and shot him...

  21. Discuss. With factual backing of arguments, wherever possible.

  22. You're either an "insider"  or an "outsider".  The DC bureaucracies have built up over last 30 years.  They (Justice, State, FBI, Intelligence) have all been working together forever.  They...

  23. Title says it all.  LOL.   I'm telling ya: Trump is a disaster for his "allies."  He's going to fuck over the Republican party for a generation. Everything...

  24. Houthi rebels in Yemen attacked Saudi oil facillities using drones, causing fire. Although it was brought under control, the risk remains high for further...

  25. 198 mutations have been found so far. Some of the virus is very stable. None of the mutations are really enough to call it...

  26. PETROCARIBE, a mechanism created during Chavez's heydays and which seemed to be a geopolitical tool leveraging on the use of oil to the Caribbean...

  27. This from one of my favourite journalists covering "sensitive" countries such as China and Russia. Last for today, I promise!

  28. I have always said that things and issues in Sudan and also in South Sudan are far from being over, either between both states...

  29. Bloomberg is quoting Vitol as saying that no one will be able to get around the US sanctions on Iran, but I'm not entirely...