1. Russia's state-run Rosneft throwing up another legal challenge to EU sanctions ... arguing that it's all politicized and entirely baseless.  https://www.ft.com/content/3702c408-fd7a-3ead-9250-50e933843888

  2. The Republican leader of the U.S. Senate offered legislation on Tuesday urging the United States to keep troops in Syria and Afghanistan, as President...

  3. Russia of gangster capitalism of the 90s, or why the Russians support Putin collectively. Quote   Paul Klebnikov (Russian: Павел Юрьевич Хлебников; August 6, 1964 – July 9, 2004) was...

  4. A new little ice age has started. Is it really spring? 4th nor'easter in 3 weeks closes schools, delays flights.... A day after the...

  5. Shit well I better listen now ... hold the front page guys!! You've had this for decades, random killings, but it's Trump's fault there...

  6. .

  7. Nigerian oil minister is saying the country lost over $20 billion in 20 years to foreign oil companies not holding up their commitments to...

  8. South Sudan now says it's aiming to produce 350,000 barrels per day and is toying with joining OPEC.  It's only producing 135,000 bpd right...

  9. McMaster seems to be apolitical, and his views of Geopolitics spot on.  Whether Australia or the rest of the world has to deal with...

  10. Opening a co-operation in this field raises the question of the economic reactions coming from Iran to India. Iran and India have worked hard...

  11. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/03/media/fauci-network-tv-appearances/index.html Americans will keep on dying, and more and more will be dying, but they will just have to do so quietly, not to jeopardize...

  12. https://www.dw.com/en/covid-19-recovered-patients-have-partially-reduced-lung-function/a-52859671 "In some patients, lung function could decline by about 20 to 30% after recovery," says Dr. Owen Tsang Tak-yin, medical director of the Infectious Diseases Centre at...

  13. This from one of my favourite journalists covering "sensitive" countries such as China and Russia. Last for today, I promise!

  14. 1st Type dealt well with the epidemic from the start, or nearly from the start. Relatively Low number of cases and death rates. High achievers in...

  15. Okay, over the past few days Trump has been vilified for supposedly throwing ‘the Kurds’ to the Turkish wolf by pulling out roughly 1000...

  16. Readers will recall the huge mess started when the Canadian Mounted Police detained Meng Wanzhou pursuant to an arrest and extradition warrant request issued...

  17. The date is close, just a week ahead, and venezuela the other worrying issue for global oil markets, will face a crucial presidential and...

  18. I really don't think the on-and-off fears of Libyan oil production further upsetting the oil supply glut are founded in any way. There's no...

  19.                                  .        

  20. I see the reforms are going well. Egyptian man was arrested because a colleague fed him some bread. In the office. She's almost completely covered...

  21. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-arabstates/chinas-xi-pledges-20-billion-in-loans-to-revive-middle-east-idUSKBN1K0072. And the contest for the conquering of Middle East just got much more interesting. Enter China.. 

  22. MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage said on Sunday he would run for a seat in Britain’s Westminster parliament in any upcoming...

  23. Economic growth in the eurozone cooled in the first quarter to the weakest pace since mid-2016, according to figures released on Thursday that confirm...

  24. This week's top global oil and gas news intersected with political risks worldwide: 1.) President Donald Trump announced U.S. decission to reimpose sanctions on...

  25. Russian President Vladimir Putin has just introduced a package of economic measures intended to retaliate against Western sanctions. The Cabinet of Ministers now has 10...

  26. Now that Doug Ford and the Conservatives demolished the Ontario Liberal Party, grinding it into the dust, from 57 seats down to 7, the...

  27. I think one of the most pressing geopolitical issues we should be considering right now is whether the Saudis will really try to go...

  28. The latest non-news that everybody suspected but was never confirmed has just been confirmed. I wonder how this would sit with the rest of...