1. Vladimir Putin is running this year for the last time. Sure, he will win but this means he needs to start looking for a...

  2. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=why+russia's+biggest+threat+is+china   Why Russia's Biggest Threat is Actually China           8.4M views6 months ago   RealLifeLore   Select video clips courtesy of Getty Images Select video clips courtesy of the AP Archive...

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8YbBiq_2yo The Problems with Russia's Gasoline Crisis Run Deeper Than It Seems

  4. Oil price must rebound to this because UAE strate homuz in a tense when USA ships present in preasian gulf 

  5. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/deutsche-bank-death-watch-has-taken-very-interesting-turn The Deutsche Bank Death Watch Has Taken A Very Interesting Turn So is this the end of the European Union, or will it continue on...

  6. We obviously want to prevent as many deaths as possible. That's a given.  This virus is extremely contagious. We know the virus has survived up...

  7. .    

  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1-K4HiKbBE&t=101s CHINA Economy IMPLODING - Fastest Price Fall in 14 Years & Stock Market Crashes to 5 Year Low This is a detailed report but you...

  9. What say you ? The recent Republican Party confab in Florida last week showed a split party.  This was represented by the speeches of two...

  10. Very interesting article here guys. Few snippets below.    *** Trump could not use a downed drone to start a war, that was not enough...

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdmkGOFXPFc           vehicle if the brand disappears you alsowon't be able to sell the car                         1:24 / 19:08 EV Prices Plummet, China Dumps Excess Production Globally; US, Japan, Korea Escalate...

  12. Video and photographic evidence is being released by Chinese dissidents that show the CCP has compromised and controls both Hunter and Joe Biden and...

  13. China did this while telling the world there was no person to person transmission, which they knew was false back during the second week...

  14. One of the popular rhetorical moves in the climate change debate is for advocates of aggressive government intervention to claim that “97% of scientists”...

  15. US President Donald Trump may have plans to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities as early as next month, senior Australian government sources said, according to...

  16. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-spain-science-idUSKBN23X2HQ Early samples indicate presence of CoVid virus in Spain, 9 months prior to China.  Other countries are investigating also their cases prior to 2020. Trump...

  17. https://www.businessinsider.com/wagner-kremlin-killing-prigozhin-putin-russia-global-crash-death-yevgeny-2023-8?utm_source=notification&utm_medium=referral   With Prigozhin dead, Putin has traded low-budget global reach for safety at home A portrait of Yevgeny Prigozhin at a memorial for the dead Wagner...

  18. Russia's economy is falling apart. The Ruble is rubble. They are losing Crimea and possibly all of Ukrainian land that it stole. Now its...

  19. "Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and told him about plans to scale up investments in India’s tech,...

  20. Let's focus on Seattle and the fact that as bad as it's gotten there, it could be much worse because of the Stupidity and intransigence of...

  21. .  

  22. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/11/09/trump-justice-department-pardon/ A president can pardon himself for all crimes?  Is this not bizarro?  What about accountability? Justice? Morality? Logic? Even to entertain such discussion shows...

  23.   https://www.cfact.org/2019/11/08/does-one-ten-thousandth-of-the-atmosphere-control-earths-thermostat/ Does one ten thousandth of the atmosphere control Earth’s thermostat? See both images.  The temperature is going down to 9 degrees tonight. We have about eight...

  24. Biden lied on national TV.  He explicitly stated ," I know nothing about the Flynn investigation" After Stephanopolis asks , " but you were at...

  25. An act of Congress becomes the law of the land when passed.  Giving political support to Hong Kong is one thing. Making that political...

  26. Topics discussed and panels at the 2022 meeting will include: Experience the future of cooperation: The Global Collaboration Village Staying on Course for Nature Action Future-proofing Health...

  27. The EU Commission has opened disciplinary procedures against Italy after the country refused to submit a budget proposal that squares with its rules. The warning, while not...

  28. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/emergency-physicians-group-calls-on-state-attorney-general-to-investigate-bellingham-doctors-firing/ In Washington state, a doctor is REMOVED for protesting his working conditions. Proving the USA local officials are no better than the local officials in...

  29. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-down-side-of-politica_b_11311066 Is political correctness freedom of speech? Mao Tse Tung coined the term, that should say enough. He also said that political power comes out...

  30. Iran’s foreign minister has again threatened the United States over what he describes as an “economic war” launched by Washington against Tehran. Mohammad Javad...