1. I'd post Trump's response but can't.  Twitter deleted his response almost immediately.  IS FREE SPEECH (First Amendment) DEAD ? Trump's response talked about Twitter's abuse of...

  2. Alongside Brexit, the future of the U.K. Labour Party and whether moderate lawmakers choose to resign is the “big political question” over the next...

  3. https://tsarizm.com/opinion/2018/12/18/too-many-vested-interests-against-peace-with-russia/

  4. A top aide to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Friday that Iran would immediately withdraw its “military advisers” from Syria and...

  5. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/07/us/politics/charles-cooper-trump-impeachment.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage Excerpt: One of Washington’s leading conservative constitutional lawyers publicly broke on Sunday with the main Republican argument against convicting former President Donald J. Trump in...

  6. The on-going battle to get the bureaucracy under control: Top HHS official takes leave of absence after Facebook rant about CDC conspiracies (Excerpts) Some CDC scientists are...

  7. This week's top global oil and gas news intersected with political risks worldwide: 1.) President Donald Trump announced U.S. decission to reimpose sanctions on...

  8. This week's top global oil and gas news intersected with political risks worldwide: 1.) President Donald Trump announced U.S. decission to reimpose sanctions on...

  9. If true, this has enormous geopolitical implications, especially with regards to Iran / Saudi rivalry.  And OPEC. Top Saudi Diplomat to Israeli Paper: ‘Age of...

  10. Populists Lead Ranking of Most Influential EU Parliament Politicians 143 https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/04/11/populists-lead-ranking-of-most-influential-eu-parliament-politicians/ New European Union Party expected to garner one third of votes. 

  11. https://www.bbc.com/news/election-2019-50765773 Britain's Boris Johnson will stay in power to assure a slow Brexit for the majority who voted for it years ago. The swindlers lose...

  12. Three British lawmakers on Monday endorsed reports that women activists detained in Saudi Arabia have been tortured, and said responsibility for what is likely...

  13. What will happen to Total (FRA) Investments in venezuela? Petrocedeno is at all unemployed. 

  14. Toyota Motor Corp. has ended talks with the Environmental Protection Agency to overhaul internal management practices at the agency. The decision comes more than a month after EPA...

  15. Same status quo as before. Just like the new NAFTA deal. No major changes.  Trump will sell it as a big victory.  A good thing...

  16. Is it just knock on or natural domino effect that the US Trade War with China is conveniently causing serious economic problems with Cuba and...

  17. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said  that a trade war with China is “on hold.” Chinese state media also reported that Washington and Beijing have agreed to back off on...

  18. Everyone should learn a lesson on Democrats running anything let alone a Country! Vietnam 2.0…..

  19. Iran on Friday supported Syria’s right to defend itself against aggression from Israel, state TV reported, accusing others of remaining silent over the attacks...

  20. Going into 2019, Trinidad and Tobago is the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the Caribbean. In the early 1990s, the country’s...

  21. Russia is ready to mediate between India and Pakistan to try to calm tensions between the two nuclear powers, Russian government officials said on...

  22. An assassination attempt, protests, Islamist militant groups, the works. And Azerbaijan is a pretty solid oil producer...

  23. Lots of problems arising in the European Union. I do not see any upside for Europe. Maybe others can share their opinions. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1278073/Germany-news-constitutional-court-European-Central-Bank-latest-euro-eurozone-update Germany issues 'declaration...

  24. The return of conservatives to power in oil-rich Alberta adds another province to a growing bloc of opposition to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of...

  25. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shuffled his cabinet on Wednesday ahead of a challenging 2019 election, stressing the need to diversify trade away from...

  26. Trudeau's Rival Pledges Energy Independence by 2030 by  Bloomberg   (Bloomberg) -- Canada’s opposition Conservatives, leading in the polls ahead of October elections, will seek to make...

  27. Seems like U.S. stocks remained lower at midday Thursday focusing on this weekend meeting between U.S. President Dondald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping. The U.S.-China trade...

  28. ''Is the border wall a smart wall?'' During a three-day trip to the West, President Trump moments ago visited the Mexico–U.S. border region near San...

  29. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday Google’s search engine was hiding “fair media” coverage of him, without providing evidence, and said he would...