1. WASHINGTON (WSJ) -  House committees will subpoena Gordon Sondland after the State Department directed the U.S. ambassador to the European Union to skip a...

  2. While it will mention all the criminal acts that took place with FISA warrant it might say they don't rise to the level of...

  3. Two UK Healthcare workers had serious reaction to the Pfizer vaccine on Tuesday.  The two experienced serious allergic reactions in the past and carry...

  4. A CIA employee who lodged a whistleblower complaint over President Trump's request that Ukraine investigate former Vice President Joe Biden has a "professional relationship with...

  5. Joe Biden is one of the Best giving his family, son Hunter, Brother, Son-in-Law millions in contracts at the taxpayers expense.  The swamp and...

  6. Recognize that socialism, communism and globalism, (per their manifestos) are deliberately spread through the infiltration of ideas and norms in a society – not...

  7. Remember how Obama used Carried Interest against against Republicans like Mitt Romney . . . but never ended the loophole. Wallstreet let Obama call them...

  8. I was recently reading about "orphaned barrels" of light oil coming out of the Permian Basin and that there are no processing plants locally.  Would...

  9. https://www.spiegel.de/international/world/geopolitics-in-the-corona-era-a-global-challenge-needs-a-global-response-a-4d46818c-3619-4f93-834c-29a19780fec3 Geopolitics in the Corona Era   A Global Challenge Needs a Global Response  We need redundant supply lines for all critical products that we rely on....

  10. "The Rise of Strategic Corruption How States Weaponize Graft" Foreign Affairs, July/August edition 2020https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-06-09/rise-strategic-corruption?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_posts&utm_campaign=tw_daily_soc Excerpts: Quote The plot’s political objectives and Firtash’s apparent involvement elevates this sordid tale from...

  11. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-19/report-militarization-north-australia-must-win-war-against-china Also see Australasia https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H6rUh_HB-e1FclQqbfMxTOr9yQlHInniZ3tr10n2PMs/edit Militarization Of North Australia Is A Must To Win A War Against China, Report

  12. The German government is warning that a number of indicators suggest Europe could be on the brink of witnessing a new refugee crisis explode...

  13. There appears to be a curious symmetry connecting both the blocking of Brexit, and the continued attempts to bring down a free and fair...

  14. Source: Jun 06, 2020 - Universal I have to preface this column with a disclaimer: I don’t know if this actually came from a cop...

  15. The complete article is here-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/opinion/columnists/2018/06/24/fine-oil-before-and-after-november-election/699460002/ "The Trump Administration is moving towards less royalty rates on Federal land leases, less Bureau of Land Management discretion...

  16. The five nations sharing the Caspian Sea have stuck a historical deal on how to share its riches. Now they can really get to...

  17. https://nltimes.nl/2020/11/16/us-spied-allies-including-netherlands-denmark Pompass (we lie, we steal, we cheat, we kill) claims the US strives for a clean internet. uh, clean for whom?  Spying on your...

  18. Antifa is being subdued finally it seems they have finally created enough outrage within the traditional liberal community. https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle-mayor-to-make-city-budget-changes-for-black-communities-in-response-to-chop-protests/281-de995e1b-27fc-4089-bb9e-e68b389901a6#:~:text=SEATTLE — Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan,that left...

  19. Nowhere is the trend of kicking the can down the road more prevalent than in government. Consider this a tribute to politicians and governments...

  20. Installations of industrial robots are good indicator of trends in advanced manufacturing development. The largest cluster of supply chains in advanced manufacturing is located in...

  21. .

  22. Organs of some who die after over a month in hospital sustain ‘complete disruption’, peers told Covid-19 can leave the lungs of people who died...

  23. https://news.yahoo.com/eu-cut-flow-funds-turkey-153120379.html

  24. If not for the Democrat Party faux impeachment U.S. would have had a trade deal with China last May. As restated in this CNBC Cramer...

  25. The report by an independent panel of experts monitoring U.N. sanctions said the countries, which it did not identify, believed North Korea’s past six...

  26. I very much agree with these 2 key proposed reforms for Malaysia's oil & gas industry.  (I'm a U.S. expat and also a Permanent Resident...

  27. The USATODAY article in the Farmington Daily Times is here-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2018/05/27/if-free-traders-saddle-up-higher-oil-prices-and-opec-run-cover/615999002/ Among some speakers at the 2018 Four Corners Oil and Gas Conference last month in Farmington...

  28. NOTE - The Speaker Of The House is meant to be politically impartial. This 'meeting' seems very very suspicious ... "Now we've seen Mr Sassoli...