1. https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-china-rareearth-ahome/column-rare-earths-trade-gun-is-loaded-will-china-pull-the-trigger-idUKKCN1ST1M2 The importance of raw materials.

  2. https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/Middle-East/A-New-Middle-East-Mega-War-Is-Unfolding-Right-Before-Our-Eyes.html Kind of surprised no one on this forum has commented on this Oil Price.com article yet. If the author of this article is correct...

  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-ex-husband-missing-chinese-141415271.html Why the Ex-Husband of a Missing Chinese Billionaire Is Risking All to Tell Their Story

  4.  attem his toughne    

  5. NOTE - The Speaker Of The House is meant to be politically impartial. This 'meeting' seems very very suspicious ... "Now we've seen Mr Sassoli...

  6.   If you would like to know how the fight against coronavirus is in Russia, I would like to recommend 3 studies abouth health and economic...

  7. A few articles on how to prevent coronavirus - the essence of these articles because they were a bit longer.Mostly they come from the...

  8. Does the launch of the petro-yuan represent the ultimate deathblow to the petrodollar – and the birth of a completely new set of rules? https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Petrodollar-Isnt-Dead-Yet.html

  9. We're about to see a new nuclear arms race like we've never seen before. This is the fallout from withdrawing from the Iran nuclear...

  10.       . 

  11. The Biden government, a first time government, relies on non-traditional allies while going against long standing traditional allies. The administration ignores the fact that...

  12. Then, unsurprisingly, Biden would win. Recent IPSOS poll: Here is how this compares to the 2016 figures. Eyeballing, it looks like foreign perceptions of Trump have actually improved...

  13. https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2022/04/state-department-official-belarus-president-vulnerable-due-putins-war/363956/ State Department Official: Belarus President Vulnerable Due to Putin’s War Russia’s close ally in his war against Ukraine is on wobbly footing. Analysts put low odds on a...

  14. I have mixed feelings about this article, but there are some good points made. Do High Oil Prices Mean More International Conflict? Jeff Colgan of Brown...

  15. Deutsche Bank agrees to pay $130 million in latest major US penalty To resolve an investigation into a foreign bribery scheme, the German lender entered...

  16. to paraphrase Mark Twain... history may not repeat exactly, but it rhymes precisely.  Consider Révolution française... a la video...  https://www.history.com/topics/france/french-revolution  

  17. On a rainy night in the basement lounge of a church, five people sat in a circle and nibbled on snacks as they talked...

  18. I was recently reading about "orphaned barrels" of light oil coming out of the Permian Basin and that there are no processing plants locally.  Would...

  19. Of course, this is not my work below, but I found this post interesting enough that I am posting it on the oilprice forum.  Because...

  20. "Oh, great.  New testing technology.  We would have authorized Big 10 football in August if we had this technology." Yea right.   That's OK. Bottom line we...

  21. If you’re in the mood for some depressing amusement, just type the words “Kremlin talking point” without quotation marks into Twitter’s search engine and...

  22. The article is here by Dr. Daniel Fine-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/business/2018/04/29/fine-oil-speculation-and-natural-gas-lng-new-england-and-russia/525510002/ American oil production is poised to reach upward to 11 million barrels of oil per day if...

  23. USS Boxer shoots down Iranian Drone in the Straights of Hormuz. Sorry for starting a new thread the last thread on this topic got well...

  24. Because of tariffs on Chinese goods imported to United States, goods are often transshipped through third countries and labelled as originating from these countries....

  25.                        .

  26. Whats going on with POTUS, it appears he is now has a very dovish attitude, Bolton was paramount in aborting the Taliban meeting, where is...

  27. Greenland's ice is melting faster now because of some chain reaction below the caps. This means it could become more attractive as a mining...

  28. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/16/exclusive-video-white-houses-peter-navarro-pushes-nancy-pelosi-to-pass-us-mexico-canada-agreement-more-important-than-any-china-deal/ Exclusive Video — White House’s Peter Navarro Pushes Nancy Pelosi to Pass US-Mexico-Canada Agreement: ‘More Important than Any China Deal’ Peter Navarro, a senior White...

  29. https://carnegieendowment.org/chinafinancialmarkets/77178 Now is the time to pressure China to change its hegemonic course or lose its trade partners. RCW   Beijing’s Three Options: Unemployment, Debt, or Wealth...