1. The Biden government, a first time government, relies on non-traditional allies while going against long standing traditional allies. The administration ignores the fact that...

  2. The Norwegians have been enjoying the increase in oil-price. Much of the activism stems from the Norwegian left forcing the increase in oil price...

  3. There's a new oil sheriff in town called the IP man of oil. The IP man of oil customizes your behavioral preferences to oil,...

  4. Kuwait an important oil producer with 90% of the economy dependent oil products has recently seen a downgraded rating to A+. According to recent 'big...

  5. I am quite surprised at the reaction and geopolitics of the 2019 attack on Saudi Facilities. The oil industry needs to revisit the 2019...

  6. Commemorary post from yesterday:   Wolfgang Ischinger Munich Conference Quote   "Ukraine lost Crimea & Donbass, Russia lost Ukraine, Europe lost Russia, and the world lost stability."      Dimitry Trenin Quote "Because seeing...

  7. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a long-time American environmental lawyer successfully winning many major cases against corrupt Federal agencies and corporations.  Kennedy has...

  8. Learn all the nitty-gritty details of the $130 trillion climate finance swindle in this extremely well-referenced article by James Corbett.  James Corbett produced those...

  9. This alliance, called the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero...is essentially a creative way of marketing “corporatism,” the definition of fascism infamously supplied by Italian...

  10. Cyril Widdershoven analyses the impact on the beleagured gas importers in Europe due to the brewing political crisis involving Algera, Morocco and Spain, something...

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOd634GEyp0 The Strait of Hormuz and other Global Choke Points of Oceanic Shipping Blocking any of these choke points would have many impacts but the Strait...

  12. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-joe-biden-technology-business-china-52acbd35f77084771ddeabbb2bfd0789 US intel warns China could dominate advanced technologies By NOMAAN MERCHANTOctober 22, 2021 Associated Press One of the main reasons we should not give up advanced technology...

  13. Quote   Russia and the United States have submitted to the UN General Assembly a joint resolution on the responsible behavior of states in cyberspace. The document...

  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-ex-husband-missing-chinese-141415271.html Why the Ex-Husband of a Missing Chinese Billionaire Is Risking All to Tell Their Story

  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IajwYGgqPP8 I find Indian news sources to be far better than any other sources for honest information about China. You might also find it useful....

  16. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/08/oecd-reaches-deal-on-corporate-tax-after-ireland-agrees.html More details in this article: https://taxfoundation.org/global-tax-agreement What do you think of this? How will it affect energy corporations worldwide? Does it require congressional approval?

  17. RSVP now-> http://www.nmt.edu/research/research_helium_conference.php Helium-Non-Government Source Conference: Albuquerque NM December 1Helium is essential to Space in NASA and Private Exploration/Development. But there will be no Government Source (Stockpile...

  18. https://www.theepochtimes.com/beijing-unleashes-sweeping-bid-to-remold-society_4008852.html

  19. https://tfiglobalnews.com/2021/09/09/from-toshiba-to-oki-japan-is-pulling-out-its-electronics-giants-out-of-china-at-breakneck-speed/  Our press doesn't seem to be following foreign affairs much anymore. We need to seek out the truth for ourselves.

  20. Quote Venezuela’s near-collapse and strict U.S. sanctions are creating an opportunity for Russia, Iran and China to strengthen their presence in Latin America, a region...

  21. I would say this article is extremely interesting and written by veteran Forbes contributor Kenneth Rapoza last week. Really good one I must say. Due...

  22. https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/06/stakeholder-capitalism-corporatism-by-another-name/ Stakeholder Capitalism: Corporatism by Another Name Also see: https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/bank-of-america-lowes-sponsored-crt-training and My Globalism Topic: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k8kNhtZJLuN66TpDuo67WBV1U2JhhZIvAefxeMNK0ls/edit

  23. Everyone should learn a lesson on Democrats running anything let alone a Country! Vietnam 2.0…..

  24. https://www.fsmb.org/advocacy/news-releases/fsmb-spreading-covid-19-vaccine-misinformation-may-put-medical-license-at-risk/ “Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of...

  25. well, well, the nordstream is 'resolved'. A series of coincidences?  The Bidet and Putin hold a summit. Within weeks, opposition to the Nordstream2 is...

  26. Quote The move is also intended to claw back control of China's crude refining sector from private refiners to state-owned refineries. And it's reminiscent of...

  27. The Director of National Intelligence releases a report, and the press rushes to kick the football again. https://taibbi.substack.com/p/aaugh-a-brief-list-of-official-russia?fbclid=IwAR1soLn2LDdfikO7he0p-RIYDdYkwfRs1DhouOk_ZOVfmfBtVVZ0Vq4wXGM

  28.   Quote   This is Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s assessment of global excess mortality from COVID-19 from the beginning until May 3, 2021. (h/t Ron Unz) You can...

  29. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xe0twpIdPM An excellent presentation by the esteemed Dr. Wolff.  May all Americans listen and learn from him. Then consider how relevant are Dr Wolff's words in...