1. Chinese buyers of Iranian oil are starting to shift their cargoes to vessels owned by National Iranian Tanker Co (NITC) for nearly all of...

  2. In the battle between Socialism and Capitalism, Socialism's inevitable defaults on debts will likely not be allowed to stand uncontested. Venezuela’s Key Refineries At Risk...

  3. China is one of the largest importer of oil. Imposition of 25 % tax by it on oil imports from US will create a...

  4. Shocker. Libya reaches 1 million bpd, and holds there for just days before new protests derailed it yet again. If you're looking for stable...

  5. The new U.S. special representative for Iran said the Trump administration is prepared to impose sanctions on all countries that buy oil from Iran...

  6. The embattled Keystone XL oil pipeline faces yet another delay after a federal judge ordered the Trump administration to conduct a new environmental review...

  7. Someone looked for gas, found oil. Like a fairy tale.

  8. So many good observations in this article yesterday from Nick Cunningham. It's wonderful to see that some people understand what is actually going on...

  9. Venezuela is about to experience its most critical situation since it started to be an oil producing and exporting country: to pay international prices...

  10. Good Mornig Group: Your´s opinions...?? RUSIA E IRÁN.pdf

  11. On 10th July 2018, OGA UK invited applications for licences in the 31th Offshore Licensing Round. Applications will be accepted up to 14.00 on...

  12. I came across this piece today and I wondered, will the U.S. ever become a net exporter? Anything is possible but what combination of...

  13. The latest musings from the unique voice of Mike Shellman. If you are in the oil & gas biz, and you haven't heard of Mike,...

  14. After reading  several analyses on crude oil price in near future I am leaning toward crude price touching down to $62.50. Unless any interruption in supply.

  15. Goal for an energy investor? To achieve a high IRR, (Internal Rate of Return), in excess of 25% with a properly structured transaction based...

  16. https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/oil/081418-far-east-russian-espo-blend-crude-premium-falls-to-one-year-low-on-weak-demand we were just talking about Saudi Arabia's oil production decline yesterday in a different thread. now it would appear that Russia is lowering prices...

  17. Some good news over here locally in Malaysia.  Petronas is going to rev up exploration activities, locally and internationally, and deepwater exploration is back...

  18. I have a thought question for the readership. Responses are requested. The headline from CNBC reads "Saudi Arabia cuts oil production in July". Does that...

  19. Been trying to investigate all the time frames to see if I could find any support for oil going above 70 to 80. Based...

  20. Sometimes I just want to dump a bucket of cold water on the rhetorical head of Wall Street Journal writers who obstinately refuse to report...

  21. Algeria is not an oil producer we hear a lot about but it seems set on boosting its oil (and gas) production. Could it...

  22. Oil markets stand at a very interesting junction. Prices can go anywhere from here. I believe that we might be overestimating the effect of...

  23. Does the large Oil and gas reserves found in egypt eradicate poverty of the nation?

  24. The Democrats are having fund raising issues.  So donations from Oil companies went from being banned to being welcomed.  Mental gymnastics in action. DNC Reverses Course; Will...

  25. As China made good on its threat to impose 25% tariffs on $16 billion worth of U.S. imports, one big-ticket item originally on its...

  26. The Trump administration forecasts that it will persuade countries to cut Iranian oil imports by as much as 1 million barrels a day when...

  27. According to news media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal and Reuters, a U.S. federal judge decided to move against CITGO and give...

  28. Ending a five-year moratorium, the Trump administration took a first step toward opening 1.6 million acres of California public land to fracking and conventional...

  29. India is planning to boost its use of biofuels to reduce its dependence on imported oil, the PM has said. Not sure how productive...