1. Raise your hand if you link OPEC is going to lend a helping hand to Saudi Arabia's old chum, Iran. Iran has been a constant...

  2. https://www.ft.com/content/caca46c2-8e61-11e8-bb8f-a6a2f7bca546 Based on the report above where do we see Rig Utliziation and how will geopolitical events influence this?

  3. This CNBC interview with former Trump advisor Bannon presents the case.  Speaker Pelosi and  Senator Schumer need to quit the games, get on the program...

  4. Celebrate This: How An Industry Went Forth   On U.S. Independence Day, HartEnergy.com acknowledges the energy industry's most American of traits, persistence, in this infographic salute. Hart...

  5. .    

  6. If this article true this could be the First step for Trump to reduce presence in the Mideast. Think Trump tired of spending billions in...

  7. Still too high. Buying into Saudi Arabia not an Oil Company. THE GOVERNMENT CAN CHANGE ANYTHING AT ANYTIME. WHAT THE BANKERS ARE NOW SAYING: 1. They say Saudi...

  8. https://m.economictimes.com/markets/commodities/views/opec-deal-isnt-worth-the-paper-its-written-on/articleshow/72674088.cms " .   .  that appeared to indicate that OPEC+ output would be slashed by a very substantial 900,000 barrels a day .  ....

  9. Exxon has a few Joint ventures with ARAMCO including a refinery in Saudi Arabia. 

  10. *  China wants U.S. to meet them half way.  Does that mean (1) China only steals half US technology ? (2)  China forces only...

  11. China is the last major buyer and investor in Iranian oil, and this pullout by China is going to bite Iran hard.  Trump's sanctions against...

  12. https://www.rigzone.com/news/opec_price_spike_will_be_shortlived-13-dec-2019-160570-article/  "The price spike on last Friday’s OPEC+ news will be short-lived due to continuing questions about the group’s ongoing compliance, increased supply in the...

  13. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  14. WCS not looking pretty these days.   check out the comparison with WTI  

  15. Just when you think you've heard it all, in comes an oil major, focusing on the positive side of oil spills (more jobs!). If...

  16. As I have mentioned before, I focus on charts, showing signs of whats about to happen way before the fundamental news come out. But...

  17. North Dakota posts record gas and oil production numbers The country's second-largest oil producing state produced 1.42 million barrels of oil per day in June.        http://www.startribune.com/north-dakota-posts-record-gas-and-oil-production-numbers/545152332/?refresh=true  

  18. I want to inquire about the minimum oil production the US companies need to ensure for their survival and continuity in operations till the...

  19.         .

  20. India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corp. planning to sell off uts largest state-run refinery, and largest state-run utility to unburden itself from $5billion worth of...

  21. India is diversifying its sources of crude. Why this should bother OPEC: it is diversifying away from the Middle East and into Mexico and...

  22. What got me to looking was Murphy Oil had a new presentation come out today and I noted that they said something about LLS...

  23. Fracking’s Secret Problem—Oil Wells Aren’t Producing as Much as Forecast "current production levels may be hard to sustain without greater spending because operators will have...

  24. I'll start with the usual pic wishing Notley God speed 

  25. The race to build offshore oil export terminals     https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/energy/article/The-race-to-build-offshere-oil-export-terminals-14307770.php#photo-15766225    

  26. This might be the first time Energy Secretary Perry and the NewYork Times have agreed on something. What's bigger "Awash" or "FLOOD"  ? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/03/business/energy-environment/oil-supply.html

  27. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  28. US Bank Declares End to Oil and Gas Pipeline Loans—Then Quietly Joins $4B Deal with Dakota Access Owner

  29. I mean, more grim that it already has. Moody's says high oil prices cannot offset the drop in production, and inflation of 4,000% expected...

  30. Just saw this. "Criticizing the history of government interference in the company, Castello Branco says "fuel prices should be in line with international ones, with...