1. Last night I saw this Hungarian military plane being tracked as it was arriving in U.S. and wondered what was going on:   Then this morning...

  2. The big spheroids are oil separators and they are not common.  They are difficult to fabricate and they have a complex interior, i.e. the...

  3. Some outspoken and fiery views about Iran and its oil, posted on QuodVerum, a feisty Freedom of Speech 'Citizen Journalism' site.  Oil + global politics. I'll withhold...

  4. What is star method in oil and gas industry?

  5. Great News Comrades!  CCP is buying oil at fire sale prices!  Small, independent oil companies and service companies in the Western world will go bankrupt, but they...

  6. ... to Equinor of all words imaginable. They've also tweaked their logo and it now looks like the logo of a leftist party. Aim...

  7. `For the love of God' stop raising budget, oil drillers told “We’re struggling to comprehend why, when buy side, sell side, talking heads, and taxi...

  8. Two Questions: #1 How long will it take to fill the spare storage capacity ? #2 When capacity fills and serious competition starts how much lower...

  9. NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration plans to lease out space for energy companies to store oil in the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve,...

  10. Having worked part time for a Canadian pipeline services company, I was driving back from a project in Michigan enroute to the airport to catch...

  11. Strategic imperatives for the evolving refining and chemical sectors   Plastics problem about to be solved!!! _____________________________________________________________________________   Five major forces that have traditionally acted independently will converge over...

  12. Why is Saudi Arabia's Motiva buying up our SPR? Should we be worried? But more importantly, I'm not sure I understand the nature of...

  13. The high US dollar is hurting oil buyers and users all over the world. A stronger local currency is what the likes of India...

  14. "Thousands of schoolchildren across the UK have walked out of class as part of a coordinated strike to protest about the global lack of...

  15. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/exclusive-coronavirus-study-confirms-exception-new-york-new-jersey-overall-mortality-not-much-different-bad-flu-season/ EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Study Confirms, with Exception of New York and New Jersey, Overall Mortality Not Much Different Than a Bad Flu Season

  16. Study Finds GOM Offshore Industry at Risk   Potential leasing and drilling bans threaten the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) oil and natural gas industry’s contribution to...

  17. At the 3:42 minute mark of this video, a lady who runs personnel recruitment for the OIl and Gas Industry describes how some companies...

  18. https://radiotamazuj.org/en/news/article/west-kordofan-s-doctors-blame-oil-pollution-for-sharp-rise-in-diseases Anecdotal? Evidence? Is five cases sufficient data from which one can draw conclusions? Is the oil industry in Sudan known for pollution at the...

  19. So I was reading an article this morning about Sudan and its oil problems and its ex-President.  I about choked in disbelief at the whitewash gloss...

  20. Read recently that a bunch of companies have all piled into West Texas for the frac sand, and all combined they are planning to...

  21. As some may not know, I am just a lowly vac truck driver full of second hand hearsay and unconfirmed speculation. So as a(totally) reliable...

  22. This has got to be the best piece of news ever. Suncor taps winged thugs to scare off warmth-seeking ravens at oilsands plant I do resent...

  23. In squeezed oil industry, some rethink hunt for new barrels Sounds mutually beneficial.

  24. What do you think about supply crunch in next decade? A lot of oil analysts like Art Berman, Energy Aspects, Wood Mckenzie and also IEA...

  25. BP's Angolan oil sits on water for two months.  https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-china-bp-oil-independents/bp-offloads-oil-cargo-to-shandong-refiner-after-two-month-delay-on-water-sources-idUKKBN1KN0IV?rpc=401&

  26. Dr Tim Ball got legal costs awarded to him for previously dropped defamation lawsuit by Dr Michael Mann (of the hockey stick and ClimateGate...

  27. Low prices of crudes are an essential requirement for development. This is known to everybody. What is not know is the reason why prices...

  28. this whole ego feeding is producing a lot of unnecessary market volatility

  29. Today (Friday) Surgeon General said HCQ will not be generally available in U.S. until MIDDLE OF THE SUMMER. They claim they need to test. ...

  30. Oil Prices Rise After API Reports Surprise Crude Draw  March 20,2018 Oil Falls After API Reports Major Surprise Crude Inventory.   March 27, 2018 WTF, with all...