1. EIA is still going to publish weekly report this week despite gov shutdown. Nice to know oil markets will have another catalyst other than...

  2. Permian – update through February 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed here,...

  3. Oil major Total makes significant discovery offshore South Africa I gather it's the first major discovery in the country.

  4. The Lack Of Cap Ex in the Energy Sector Threatens Future for Next Generation of Engineers In the US... It will have long Lasting Effects...


  6. Bloomberg) -- BP Plc will make the biggest write down in a decade on the value of its business, as the British oil major...

  7. Despite the repeated attempts to unceremoniously dump it into the dustbin of history as the 'dirtiest of all', coal prices are skyrocketing, defying the...

  8. http://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/363613-history-shows-arctic-refuge-drilling-can-be-safe-and-responsible

  9. Red Mountain Energy was operator. No fatalities confirmed yet.

  10. I read this article https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/White-House-Proposes-Sale-Of-Federal-Power-Assets.html that talks about the government piecing out fed power assets. How would that even work? I'm not sure I get it.

  11. Oil prices are now touching the magical figure of $72. But is this sudden spike in oil prices are fundamental or it is just...

  12. I wii be happy to get your help were i can see the reffing margins all over the world  

  13. What the heck?  Article is frustratingly short on details.  Perhaps a harbinger of their increasing trade war (on the losing side) with the U.S. ? A...

  14. I just wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New year and to say I know I don't talk much I really...

  15. Russian Oil to Parts of Europe Suspended (Bloomberg) -- Russian oil flows to parts of Europe were halted after customers complained of unusual impurities in...

  16. .

  17. Jungle drums are beating and it looks like a few of the Contractors are preempting the inevitable. https://seekingalpha.com/amp/article/4331180-valaris-prepare-for-bankruptcy-after-recent-events Pacific and Noble sited to be in same...

  18. Oil bulls aren't going to like this one: Washington is now saying it will consider waivers for buyers of Iranian oil. That means India,...

  19. This is Norway playing with the greenies, considering the Trillion fund was built on and continues to be funded by Norway’s oil industry and...

  20. Oil & Gas aren't going away any time soon.  Maybe a reduction by 2100 or so.  Maybe. Hydrocarbons still offer the biggest energy bang for the...

  21. There is a clear deal between republicans and democratics but why earlier reuters showed more. That is unfair to oil prices . So prices...

  22.                              .

  23. So, the fed says it's doing a $2t direct stimulus and also a $4t fund for loans to "whomever." I hope somebody is up...

  24. Lets put our cards on the table.......the US is as much responsible as anyone for the plunge in oil prices. No country has added...

  25. According to news media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal and Reuters, a U.S. federal judge decided to move against CITGO and give...

  26. North Dakota – update through October 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post . To follow the...

  27. The scheduled OPEC+ meeting was cancelled at the eleventh hour and by coincidence, the Saudi crown prince gave a rare interview on Tuesday to...

  28. WIll be used for fuel for warships, as China has recently upped its military presence in the east china sea.  https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/927449/japan-first-oil-tanker-combat-chinese-influence-south-china-sea

  29. New Zealand will stop issuing permits for offshore oil and gas exploration as it moves to combat climate change.  “When it comes to climate change,...

  30. Trump did sign the energy bill despite saying he may veto it,. Missing from the bill: proposed cuts to DOE and EPA, renewable energy and...