1. I guess they are in between a rock and a hard place, with being a major importer. https://www.rferl.org/a/india-top-iranian-oil-importer-says-will-not-honor-us-sanctions-swaraj/29256213.html

  2. how oil as well as other major energy sources influenced indias foreign policy....

  3. Here's an independent, serious analysis of U.S. Light Tight Oil economics in the Bakken.  Number crunching and financial modeling done by Rune Likvern. This is...

  4. Like i said in an earlier post, certain countries may circumvent OPEC and purchase oil directly from Iran, or others. Could oil hit $50...

  5. Read recently that a bunch of companies have all piled into West Texas for the frac sand, and all combined they are planning to...

  6. Several hundred oil workers in Norway have gone on strike after failing to reach an agreement on wages with their employers. It doesn't sound...

  7. I see alot of old wizards here and lots of good commentary.  This website is great. After driving season, oil is likely to retrace.  But...

  8. Aramco more resilient to oil slump than listed rivals: accounts Next in the series of ridiculous comparisons: Plastics vs Metals Fruit vs Vegetables Cars vs Bicycles and of course Oranges...

  9. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/suncor-syncrude-production-1.4738951

  10. according to a news release, Minister of Oil Manuel Quevedo called for a mass at a church in order to pray to God to...

  11. Here is a simple chart that shows the low made was made at about $72. It also shows the Trend line from the highs of...

  12. As i mentioned for a couple of days now that Crude would head toward the $60, here is some more evidence. The fact that...

  13. So much for those aggressive clean energy targets: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44738952 And it's not energy related..... but it IS crude oil related: polyurethane foam!  

  14. To me, it seems very apparent that various writers are consciously making blatant efforts to constantly boost oil price increase expectation. It seems quite...

  15. Dear all, I’m an HR professional and I’m preparing a thesis for my MBA in oil and gas management at Geneva Business School. I'm conducting...

  16. Scott Pruitt resign from his position leading the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Friday, following months of high-profile controversies regarding his spending, ethics and...

  17. Total s selling $1.5 billion worth of oil and gas field stakes in the North Sea. Good for them. Those renewable energy firms won't...

  18. Looking for some weekend hyperbolic reading to kerfluffle your feathers?  Here ya go.  Maybe try enjoying 4 cups of coffee before reading it if you want to...

  19. DRC is considering opening up its national parks to oil exploration. This is where I draw the line. Oil exploration is well and good...

  20. Have you seen this? Pretty impressive, this sucker is fast! Amazing technology. Watch the video a bit! Electric car sets Pikes Peak ascent record,...

  21. http://energymixreport.com/shell-md-says-oil-giant-pends-2bn-yearly-on-renewables-but-wont-set-carbon-targets/ Shell to spend $2 billion annually on renewables/clean fuel tech out of $25/30 billion annual budget 10% on renewables for an oil company seems like a...

  22. First of all a disclaimer, I'm not a professional advisor, or CPL, also you could lose more than your whole account in trading futures....

  23. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-06/billionaire-dangote-readies-refinery-for-2020-talks-with-vitol Pushed back multiple times, now into 2020. 

  24. Google search is not kind to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt. Is he the last to leave Big Brother house? Watchdog to probe EPA email...

  25. What is really amazing, there is so much positive news out there saying Crude will hit 80s, as so many top analysts and talking heads, are predicting,...

  26. I've alluded to this before: but it seems others have also been thinking similar thoughts.  Perhaps Trump is trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone... ...

  27. As electric cars begin eating into profit growth at oil companies, the war for electric-car drivers' pocketbooks has begun. Oil majors, who've sold fossil...

  28. The US has told its allies to cut all oil purchases from Iran to zero by November as it prepares to reinstate sanctions against...

  29. Not least because the driving ban is now gone and Aramco's IPO is yet to happen. But Bloomberg has estimated the removal of the...